authorized= false; $this->userID = $_SESSION['phpgw_info']['workflow']['account_id']; $this->isAdmin = $_SESSION['phpgw_info']['workflow']['user_is_admin']; $this->acl = Factory::getInstance('workflow_acl'); $this->db =& Factory::getInstance('WorkflowObjects')->getDBWorkflow()->Link_ID; $this->db->SetFetchMode(ADODB_FETCH_ASSOC); } /** * Obtain the subnet of an IP Address based on the numer of bits of the subnet * @param string $ip The IP Address * @param int $bits Number of bits of the subnet * @return string The subnet of the IP * @access private */ private function getSubnet($ip, $bits) { $octets = explode('.', $ip); $output = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < 4; ++$i) { if ($bits >= 8) { $output[] = $octets[$i]; $bits -= 8; continue; } $output[] = $octets[$i] & bindec(str_repeat('1', $bits) . str_repeat('0',8 - $bits)); $bits = 0; } return implode('.', $output); } /** * Get External Applications * @access public * @return array list of external applications */ function getExternalApplications() { /* load the intranet subnetworks */ $oldDB = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->db; $GLOBALS['phpgw']->db = $GLOBALS['ajax']->db; $config = &Factory::getInstance('config', 'workflow'); $configValues = $config->read_repository(); $submasksString = $configValues['intranet_subnetworks']; $GLOBALS['phpgw']->db = $oldDB; $userIP = getenv('REMOTE_ADDR'); if (getenv('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR')) { $tmpIP = explode(',', getenv('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR')); $userIP = $tmpIP[0]; } /* check if the user has access to intranet applications, i.e., is in the intranet */ $showIntranetApplications = false; $submasks = explode(';', $submasksString); foreach ($submasks as $submask) { list($ip,$bits) = explode('/', trim($submask) . '/32', 2); if ($this->getSubnet($ip, $bits) == $this->getSubnet($userIP, $bits)) { $showIntranetApplications = true; break; } } $preOutput = array(); $output = array(); /* select the sites that the user can access */ $externalApplicationsID = $GLOBALS['ajax']->acl->getUserGroupPermissions('APX', $_SESSION['phpgw_info']['workflow']['account_id']); if (!empty($externalApplicationsID)) { $result = Factory::getInstance('WorkflowObjects')->getDBGalaxia()->Link_ID->query("SELECT DISTINCT external_application_id, name, address, image, authentication, intranet_only FROM egw_wf_external_application WHERE (external_application_id IN (" . implode(', ', $externalApplicationsID) . ")) ORDER BY name"); $preOutput = $result->GetArray(-1); /* keep only associative elments and check if the user can access an intranet application */ $preOutput_count = count($preOutput); for ($i = 0; $i < $preOutput_count; ++$i) { if (($preOutput[$i]['intranet_only'] == '1') && (!$showIntranetApplications)) continue; for ($j = 0; $j < $result->_numOfFields; ++$j) unset($preOutput[$i][$j]); $output[] = $preOutput[$i]; } } return $output; } /** * Get User Organization ID * @param int $userID User identifier * @return mixed Informações sobre a organização ou false em caso de erro. * @access public */ function getUserOrganization($userID) { $query = "SELECT o.organizacao_id, o.nome, o.descricao, o.url_imagem, o.ativa FROM funcionario f, organizacao o WHERE (o.organizacao_id = f.organizacao_id) AND (f.funcionario_id = ?)"; $result = $this->db->query($query, array((int) $userID)); $output = $result->fetchRow(DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC); if (!$output) return false; for ($i = 0; $i < $result->_numOfFields; ++$i) unset($output[$i]); return $output; } /** * Get cost center list * @param int $organizationID The organization ID * @return array Lista de centros de custo * @access public */ function getCostCenters($organizationID) { $result = $this->db->query("SELECT nm_centro_custo, grupo, descricao FROM centro_custo WHERE (organizacao_id = ?) ORDER BY descricao", array($organizationID)); $output = $result->GetArray(-1); $output_count = count($output); for ($i = 0; $i < $output_count; ++$i) for ($j = 0; $j < $result->_numOfFields; ++$j) unset($output[$i][$j]); return $output; } /** * Get hierarchical Area * @return array * @access public */ function getHierarchicalArea($organizationID, $parent = null, $depth = 0) { if (is_null($parent)){ $query = "SELECT a.area_id, a.sigla, a.titular_funcionario_id FROM area a"; $query .=" INNER JOIN area_status a_s ON (a_s.area_status_id = a.area_status_id)"; $query .=" WHERE (a.superior_area_id IS NULL) AND (a.organizacao_id = ?) AND (a.ativa = 'S') ORDER BY a_s.nivel, a.sigla"; $result = $this->db->query($query, array($organizationID)); } else { $query = "SELECT a.area_id, a.sigla, a.titular_funcionario_id FROM area a"; $query .=" INNER JOIN area_status a_s ON (a_s.area_status_id = a.area_status_id)"; $query .=" WHERE (a.superior_area_id = ?) AND (a.ativa = 'S') ORDER BY a_s.nivel, a.sigla"; $result = $this->db->query($query, array($parent)); } $output = $result->GetArray(-1); $output_count = count($output); for ($i = 0; $i < $output_count; ++$i) { for ($j = 0; $j < $result->_numOfFields; ++$j) unset($output[$i][$j]); $output[$i]['children'] = $this->getHierarchicalArea($organizationID, $output[$i]['area_id'], $depth + 1); $output[$i]['depth'] = $depth; } return $output; } /** * Get organization area list * @return array * @access public */ function getAreaList($organizationID) { $result = $this->db->query("SELECT area_id, sigla FROM area WHERE (organizacao_id = ?) AND (ativa = 'S') ORDER BY sigla", array($organizationID)); $output = $result->GetArray(-1); $output_count = count($output); for ($i = 0; $i < $output_count; ++$i) for ($j = 0; $j < $result->_numOfFields; ++$j) unset($output[$i][$j]); return $output; } /** * Get organization categories list * @param int $organizationID The organization ID * @return array The categories list * @access public */ function getCategoriesList($organizationID) { $output = $this->db->query('SELECT funcionario_categoria_id, descricao FROM funcionario_categoria WHERE (organizacao_id = ?)', array($organizationID))->GetArray(); $numerOfEmployees = $this->db->GetAssoc('SELECT COALESCE(f.funcionario_categoria_id, 0) AS funcionario_categoria_id, COUNT(*) FROM funcionario f, funcionario_status fs WHERE (f.organizacao_id = ?) AND (f.funcionario_status_id = fs.funcionario_status_id) AND (fs.exibir = \'S\') GROUP BY funcionario_categoria_id', array($organizationID)); $output[] = array( 'funcionario_categoria_id' => 0, 'descricao' => 'Sem Vínculo' ); foreach ($output as &$row) $row['contagem'] .= (isset($numerOfEmployees[$row['funcionario_categoria_id']]) ? $numerOfEmployees[$row['funcionario_categoria_id']] : 0); return $output; } /** * Checa se o usuário possui permissão para visualizar informações restritas. * @param int $organizationID O ID da organização do Orgranograma. * @return void * @access public */ public function _checkAccess($organizationID = null) { /* the user is an administrator */ if ($this->isAdmin) $this->authorized=true; if (!is_numeric($organizationID)) $this->authorized = false; else $this->authorized = $this->acl->checkUserAccessToResource('ORG', $this->userID, (int) $organizationID, 1); } /** * Get Area Employees * @param int $areaID * @param int $organizationID * @return array * @access public */ function getAreaEmployees($areaID, $organizationID) { $organizationID = (int) $organizationID; $areaID = (int) $areaID; require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/local/classes/class.wf_orgchart.php'; $orgchart = new wf_orgchart(); /* gather some info from the area */ $areaInfo = $this->db->query('SELECT COALESCE(a.titular_funcionario_id, -1) AS titular_funcionario_id, COALESCE(s.funcionario_id, -1) AS substituto_funcionario_id FROM area a LEFT OUTER JOIN substituicao s ON ((a.area_id = s.area_id) AND (CURRENT_DATE BETWEEN s.data_inicio AND s.data_fim)) WHERE (a.organizacao_id = ?) AND (a.area_id = ?)', array($organizationID, $areaID))->GetArray(-1); if (empty($areaInfo)) return false; $areaInfo = $areaInfo[0]; $supervisors = '{' . implode(', ', $areaInfo) . '}'; /* load the employees from the area */ $query = "SELECT f.funcionario_id, f.organizacao_id, f.area_id, f.funcao, to_char(f.data_admissao,'DD/MM/YYYY') as data_admissao, COALESCE(f.funcionario_categoria_id, 0) AS funcionario_categoria_id FROM funcionario f, funcionario_status s WHERE ((f.area_id = ?) OR (f.funcionario_id = ANY (?))) AND (f.funcionario_status_id = s.funcionario_status_id) AND (s.exibir = ?)"; $result = $this->db->query($query, array($areaID, $supervisors, 'S')); $employees = $result->GetArray(-1); $cachedLDAP = Factory::newInstance('CachedLDAP'); $cachedLDAP->setOperationMode($cachedLDAP->OPERATION_MODE_NORMAL); $categoriesCount = array(); $employees_count = count($employees); for ($i = 0; $i < $employees_count; ++$i) { /* remove numeric fields */ for ($j = 0; $j < $result->_numOfFields; ++$j) unset($employees[$i][$j]); if (!$this->authorized || !isset($employees[$i]['funcao'])) $employees[$i]['funcao'] = ''; else $employees[$i]['funcao'] = utf8_encode($employees[$i]['funcao']); if (!$this->authorized || !isset($employees[$i]['data_admissao'])) $employees[$i]['data_admissao'] = ''; $employees[$i]['cn'] = ''; $employees[$i]['telephoneNumber'] = ''; if (in_array($employees[$i]['funcionario_id'], $areaInfo)) $employees[$i]['chief'] = ($employees[$i]['funcionario_id'] == $areaInfo['titular_funcionario_id']) ? 1 : 2; /* try to find the telephone number */ $entry = $cachedLDAP->getEntryByID($employees[$i]['funcionario_id']); if ($entry) { $employees[$i]['telephoneNumber'] = is_null($entry['telephonenumber']) ? '' : $entry['telephonenumber']; $employees[$i]['cn'] = is_null($entry['cn']) ? '' : $entry['cn']; $employees[$i]['uid'] = is_null($entry['uid']) ? '' : $entry['uid']; $employees[$i]['uidnumber'] = is_null($entry['uidnumber']) ? '' : $entry['uidnumber']; $employees[$i]['removed'] = is_null($entry['last_update']); } /*busca o cargo do funcionario*/ $employeeInfo = $orgchart->getEmployee($employees[$i]['funcionario_id']); $cargo = ''; if ($this->authorized && !empty($employeeInfo['cargo_id'])) { $jobTitleInfo = $orgchart->getJobTitle($employeeInfo['cargo_id']); $cargo = $jobTitleInfo['descricao']; } $employees[$i]['cargo'] = utf8_encode($cargo); /*busca o vínculo do funcionario*/ $vinculo = ''; if ($this->authorized && !empty($employeeInfo['funcionario_categoria_id'])) { $categoryInfo = $orgchart->getEmployeeCategory($employeeInfo['funcionario_categoria_id']); $vinculo=$categoryInfo['descricao']; } $employees[$i]['vinculo'] = utf8_encode($vinculo); /* count the number of employees in each category */ $categoryID = $employees[$i]['funcionario_categoria_id']; if (isset($categoriesCount[$categoryID])) $categoriesCount[$categoryID]++; else $categoriesCount[$categoryID] = 1; } $usedCategories = array_keys($categoriesCount); $availableCategories = $this->getCategoriesList($organizationID); $output = array(); $output['employees'] = $employees; $output['categories'] = array(); foreach ($availableCategories as $category) { if (!in_array($category['funcionario_categoria_id'], $usedCategories)) continue; $category['contagem'] = $categoriesCount[$category['funcionario_categoria_id']]; $output['categories'][] = $category; } usort($output['employees'], create_function('$a,$b', 'return strcasecmp($a[\'cn\'],$b[\'cn\']);')); return $output; } /** * Get employees from a specific category * @param int $categoryID The category ID * @param int $organizationID The organization ID * @return array The list o employees of that category * @access public */ function getCategoryEmployees($categoryID, $organizationID) { $organizationID = (int) $organizationID; /* load the employees from the area */ if ($categoryID == 0) { $query = "SELECT f.funcionario_id, f.organizacao_id, a.area_id, a.sigla AS area FROM funcionario f, funcionario_status s, area a WHERE (f.funcionario_status_id = s.funcionario_status_id) AND (f.area_id = a.area_id) AND (f.funcionario_categoria_id IS NULL) AND (s.exibir = ?) AND (f.organizacao_id = ?)"; $result = $this->db->query($query, array('S', $organizationID)); } else { $query = "SELECT f.funcionario_id, f.organizacao_id, a.area_id, a.sigla AS area FROM funcionario f, funcionario_status s, area a WHERE (f.funcionario_status_id = s.funcionario_status_id) AND (f.area_id = a.area_id) AND (f.funcionario_categoria_id = ?) AND (s.exibir = ?) AND (f.organizacao_id = ?)"; $result = $this->db->query($query, array((int)$categoryID, 'S', $organizationID)); } $employees = $result->GetArray(-1); $cachedLDAP = Factory::newInstance('CachedLDAP'); $cachedLDAP->setOperationMode($cachedLDAP->OPERATION_MODE_NORMAL); $employees_count = count($employees); for ($i = 0; $i < $employees_count; ++$i) { /* remove numeric fields */ for ($j = 0; $j < $result->_numOfFields; ++$j) unset($employees[$i][$j]); $employees[$i]['cn'] = ''; $employees[$i]['telephoneNumber'] = ''; /* try to find the telephone number */ $entry = $cachedLDAP->getEntryByID($employees[$i]['funcionario_id']); if ($entry) { $employees[$i]['telephoneNumber'] = is_null($entry['telephonenumber']) ? '' : $entry['telephonenumber']; $employees[$i]['cn'] = is_null($entry['cn']) ? '' : $entry['cn'] . (is_null($entry['last_update']) ? ' (inativo)' : ''); } } $output = array('employees' => $employees); return $output; } /** * Search Employee by Name * @param int $searchTerm term to search * @param int $organizationID Id of organization * @return array employee data information * @access public */ function searchEmployeeByName($searchTerm, $organizationID) { /* get ldap connection */ $ldap = &Factory::getInstance('WorkflowObjects')->getLDAP(); $searchTermExploded = explode(" ", $searchTerm); $fullSearch = false; if (count($searchTermExploded) > 0){ $searchTermExploded_count = count($searchTermExploded); for ($i=1; $i<$searchTermExploded_count; ++$i) { if (strlen($searchTermExploded[$i]) > 2) { $fullSearch = true; } } if ($fullSearch){ $searchTerm = implode("*", $searchTermExploded); } } /* searching employees by name in the ldap server */ $list = @ldap_search($ldap, Factory::getInstance('WorkflowLDAP')->getLDAPContext(), ('(&(cn=*' . $searchTerm . '*)(phpgwaccounttype=u))'), array('uidNumber', 'cn', 'telephoneNumber')); if ($list === false) return false; /* parsing ldap result */ $entries = ldap_get_entries($ldap, $list); $ldapResult = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < $entries['count']; ++$i) $ldapResult[$entries[$i]['uidnumber'][0]] = array('cn' => $entries[$i]['cn'][0], 'telephoneNumber' => $entries[$i]['telephonenumber'][0]); /* no records found. bye. */ if (count($ldapResult) == 0) return array(); $uids = implode( ',', array_keys( $ldapResult ) ); /* searching for aditional employee information */ $query = "SELECT "; $query .= " f.funcionario_id AS funcionario_id, f.area_id AS area_id, a.sigla AS area "; $query .= " FROM "; $query .= " funcionario f "; $query .= " INNER JOIN "; $query .= " area a USING (area_id) "; $query .= " INNER JOIN "; $query .= " funcionario_status s ON ((f.funcionario_status_id = s.funcionario_status_id) AND (s.exibir = 'S')) "; $query .= " WHERE "; $query .= " (f.organizacao_id = ?) "; $query .= " AND "; $query .= " (f.funcionario_id IN ({$uids})) "; $result = $this->db->query($query, array($organizationID))->GetArray(-1); $employees = array(); /* filling return array with employee's information */ $result_count = count($result); for ($i = 0; $i < $result_count; ++$i) { $employees []= array( 'area' => $result[$i]['area'], 'area_id' => $result[$i]['area_id'], 'funcionario_id' => $result[$i]['funcionario_id'], 'cn' => $ldapResult[$result[$i]['funcionario_id']]['cn'], 'telephoneNumber' => empty($ldapResult[$result[$i]['funcionario_id']]['telephoneNumber']) ? '': $ldapResult[$result[$i]['funcionario_id']]['telephoneNumber'] ); } /* sorting by name (cn) */ $sort_function = create_function('$a, $b', 'return strcasecmp($a[\'cn\'],$b[\'cn\']);'); usort($employees, $sort_function ); return $employees; } /** * Search Employee by Area * @param int $searchTerm term to search * @param int $organizationID Id of organization * @return array employee data information * @access public */ function searchEmployeeByArea($searchTerm, $organizationID) { /* get ldap connection */ $ldap = &Factory::getInstance('WorkflowObjects')->getLDAP(); /* makes no sense search for an area if the string has more than one word */ if (count(explode(" ", $searchTerm)) > 1) return array(); /* searching for employees in areas that match 'searchTerm' */ $query = "SELECT "; $query .= " f.funcionario_id AS funcionario_id, f.area_id AS area_id, a.sigla AS area "; $query .= " FROM "; $query .= " funcionario f "; $query .= " INNER JOIN "; $query .= " area a USING (area_id) "; $query .= " INNER JOIN "; $query .= " funcionario_status s ON ((f.funcionario_status_id = s.funcionario_status_id) AND (s.exibir = 'S')) "; $query .= " WHERE "; $query .= " (f.organizacao_id = ?) "; $query .= " AND "; $query .= " (UPPER(a.sigla) LIKE UPPER(?)) "; $result = $this->db->query($query, array($organizationID, '%'.$searchTerm.'%'))->GetArray(-1); /* no records found. bye */ if (count($result) == 0) return array(); /* creating the ldap query */ $ldap_query = '(&(|'; $result_count = count($result); for ($i = 0; $i < $result_count; ++$i) { $ldap_query .= '(uidNumber=' . $result[$i]['funcionario_id'] . ')'; } $ldap_query .= ')(phpgwAccountType=u))'; /* executing it */ $list = @ldap_search($ldap, Factory::getInstance('WorkflowLDAP')->getLDAPContext(), $ldap_query, array('uidNumber', 'cn', 'telephoneNumber')); $entries = ldap_get_entries($ldap, $list); /* parsing result */ $ldapResult = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < $entries['count']; ++$i) $ldapResult[$entries[$i]['uidnumber'][0]] = array('cn' => $entries[$i]['cn'][0], 'telephoneNumber' => $entries[$i]['telephonenumber'][0]); /* we will need to search into database 'cache' for users deleted in ldap */ $cachedLDAP = Factory::newInstance( 'CachedLDAP' ); $cachedLDAP -> setOperationMode( $cachedLDAP -> OPERATION_MODE_DATABASE ); /* filling return array with employee's information */ $employees = array(); $result_count = count($result); for ($i = 0; $i < $result_count; ++$i) { $employee = array(); /* user deleted in ldap. Let's try to find him into database 'cache' */ if (empty($ldapResult[$result[$i]['funcionario_id']]['cn'])) { $entry = $cachedLDAP->getEntryByID($result[$i]['funcionario_id']); $employee['removed'] = is_null($entry['last_update']); if ($entry && !empty($entry['cn'])) $employee['cn'] = $entry['cn']; /* we cant find it anywhere */ else $employee['cn'] = $result[$i]['funcionario_id']; } else $employee['cn'] = $ldapResult[$result[$i]['funcionario_id']]['cn']; $employee['area'] = $result[$i]['area']; $employee['area_id'] = $result[$i]['area_id']; $employee['funcionario_id'] = $result[$i]['funcionario_id']; $employee['telephoneNumber'] = empty($ldapResult[$result[$i]['funcionario_id']]['telephoneNumber']) ? '': $ldapResult[$result[$i]['funcionario_id']]['telephoneNumber']; $employees []= $employee; } /* sorting by name (cn) */ $sort_function = create_function('$a, $b', 'return strcasecmp($a[\'cn\'],$b[\'cn\']);'); usort($employees, $sort_function ); return $employees; } /** * Search Employee by Telephone * @param int $searchTerm term to search * @param int $organizationID Id of organization * @return array employee data information * @access public */ function searchEmployeeByTelephone($searchTerm, $organizationID) { /* we will just excute it if we just get numbers and '-' */ if (!preg_match('/^[0-9-]+$/', $searchTerm)) return array(); /* get ldap connection */ $ldap = &Factory::getInstance('WorkflowObjects')->getLDAP(); /* searching employees by telephoneNumber in the ldap server */ $list = @ldap_search($ldap, Factory::getInstance('WorkflowLDAP')->getLDAPContext(), ('(&(telephoneNumber=*' . $searchTerm . '*)(phpgwaccounttype=u))'), array('uidNumber', 'cn', 'telephoneNumber')); if (!$list) return false; /* parsing ldap result */ $entries = ldap_get_entries($ldap, $list); $ldapResult = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < $entries['count']; ++$i) $ldapResult[$entries[$i]['uidnumber'][0]] = array('cn' => $entries[$i]['cn'][0], 'telephoneNumber' => $entries[$i]['telephonenumber'][0]); /* no records found. bye. */ if (count($ldapResult) == 0) return array(); $uids = implode( ',', array_keys( $ldapResult ) ); /* searching for aditional employee information */ $query = "SELECT "; $query .= " f.funcionario_id AS funcionario_id, f.area_id AS area_id, a.sigla AS area "; $query .= " FROM "; $query .= " funcionario f "; $query .= " INNER JOIN "; $query .= " area a USING (area_id) "; $query .= " INNER JOIN "; $query .= " funcionario_status s ON ((f.funcionario_status_id = s.funcionario_status_id) AND (s.exibir = 'S')) "; $query .= " WHERE "; $query .= " (f.organizacao_id = ?) "; $query .= " AND "; $query .= " (f.funcionario_id IN ({$uids})) "; $result = $this->db->query($query, array($organizationID))->GetArray(-1); $employees = array(); /* filling return array with employee's information */ $result_count = count($result); for ($i = 0; $i < $result_count; ++$i) { $employees []= array( 'area' => $result[$i]['area'], 'area_id' => $result[$i]['area_id'], 'funcionario_id' => $result[$i]['funcionario_id'], 'cn' => $ldapResult[$result[$i]['funcionario_id']]['cn'], 'telephoneNumber' => empty($ldapResult[$result[$i]['funcionario_id']]['telephoneNumber']) ? '': $ldapResult[$result[$i]['funcionario_id']]['telephoneNumber'] ); } /* sorting by name (cn) */ $sort_function = create_function('$a, $b', 'return strcasecmp($a[\'cn\'],$b[\'cn\']);'); usort($employees, $sort_function ); return $employees; } /** * Busca informações sobre um funcionário. * @param array $params Uma array contendo o ID do funcionário cujas informações serão extraídas e de sua organização (Ajax). * @param int $employeeID O ID do funcionário. * @param int $organizationID O ID da organização. * @return array Informações sobre o funcionário. * @access public */ function getEmployeeInfo($employeeID, $organizationID) { $SOOrgchart = &Factory::getInstance('so_orgchart'); $SOOrgchart->setExternalCalls(true); $output = $SOOrgchart->getEmployeeInfo($employeeID, $organizationID); $SOOrgchart->setExternalCalls(false); return $output; } /** * Busca informações sobre uma área. * @param array $params Uma array contendo o ID da área cujas informações serão extraídas e de sua organização (Ajax). * @param int $areaID O ID da área. * @param int $organizationID O ID da organização. * @return array Informações sobre a área. * @access public */ function getAreaInfo($areaID, $organizationID) { $SOOrgchart = &Factory::getInstance('so_orgchart'); $SOOrgchart->setExternalCalls(true); $output = $SOOrgchart->getAreaInfo($areaID, $organizationID); $SOOrgchart->setExternalCalls(false); return $output; } /** * Get useful phones list * @param int $organizationID The organization ID * @return array Useful phones list * @access public */ function getUsefulPhones( $organizationID ) { $result = $this -> db -> query( "SELECT descricao, numero FROM telefone WHERE (organizacao_id = ?) ORDER BY descricao", array( $organizationID ) ); $output = $result->GetArray(-1); $output_count = count($output); for ($i = 0; $i < $output_count; ++$i) for ($j = 0; $j < $result->_numOfFields; ++$j) unset($output[$i][$j]); return $output; } /** * Get areas with substitute boss * @param int $organizationID The organization ID * @return array areas with substitute boss * @access public */ function getAreaWithSubtituteBoss( $organizationID ) { $result = $this -> db -> query( "SELECT a.sigla as area, a.titular_funcionario_id as titular, s.funcionario_id as substituto, s.data_inicio, s.data_fim FROM area a INNER JOIN substituicao s ON ((a.area_id = s.area_id) AND (CURRENT_DATE BETWEEN s.data_inicio AND s.data_fim)) WHERE (organizacao_id = ?) ORDER BY area", array( $organizationID ) ); $cachedLDAP = Factory::newInstance( 'CachedLDAP' ); $cachedLDAP -> setOperationMode( $cachedLDAP -> OPERATION_MODE_LDAP_DATABASE ); $output = $result->GetArray(-1); $output_count = count($output); for ( $i = 0; $i < $output_count; ++$i ) { for ($j = 0; $j < $result->_numOfFields; ++$j) unset($output[$i][$j]); $entry = $cachedLDAP -> getEntryByID( $output[ $i ][ 'titular' ] ); if ( $entry && ( ! is_null( $entry[ 'cn' ] ) ) ) $output[ $i ][ 'titular' ] = $entry[ 'cn' ]; $entry = $cachedLDAP -> getEntryByID( $output[ $i ][ 'substituto' ] ); if ( $entry && ( ! is_null( $entry[ 'cn' ] ) ) ) $output[ $i ][ 'substituto' ] = $entry[ 'cn' ]; $output[$i]['data_inicio'] = implode('/', array_reverse(explode('-', $output[$i]['data_inicio']))); $output[$i]['data_fim'] = implode('/', array_reverse(explode('-', $output[$i]['data_fim']))); } return $output; } /** * Get manning list * @param int $organizationID The organization ID * @return array The manning list * @access public */ function getManning( $organizationID ) { $result = $this -> db -> query( 'SELECT localidade_id, descricao FROM localidade WHERE (organizacao_id = ?) ORDER BY descricao', array( $organizationID ) ); $output = $result->GetArray( -1 ); $output_count = count($output); for ( $i = 0; $i < $output_count; ++$i ) for ($j = 0; $j < $result->_numOfFields; ++$j) unset($output[$i][$j]); return $output; } /** * Get employees from a specific location * @param int $categoryID The category ID * @param int $organizationID The organization ID * @return array The list o employees of that location * @access public */ function getManningEmployees( $locationID, $organizationID ) { $organizationID = ( int ) $organizationID; $locationID = ( int ) $locationID; // load the employees from the location $query = "SELECT f.funcionario_id, f.organizacao_id, f.area_id, a.sigla AS area," . " COALESCE(f.funcionario_categoria_id, 0) AS funcionario_categoria_id" . " FROM funcionario f, funcionario_status s, area a" . " WHERE (f.area_id = a.area_id)" . " AND (f.funcionario_status_id = s.funcionario_status_id)" . " AND (f.organizacao_id = ?)" . " AND (f.localidade_id = ?)" . " AND (s.exibir = ?)"; $result = $this -> db -> query( $query, array( $organizationID, $locationID, 'S' ) ); $employees = $result -> GetArray( -1 ); $cachedLDAP = Factory::newInstance( 'CachedLDAP' ); $cachedLDAP -> setOperationMode( $cachedLDAP -> OPERATION_MODE_NORMAL ); $categoriesCount = array( ); $employees_count = count( $employees ); for ( $i = 0; $i < $employees_count; ++$i ) { // remove numeric fields for ( $j = 0; $j < $result -> _numOfFields; ++$j ) unset( $employees[ $i ][ $j ] ); $employees[ $i ][ 'cn' ] = ''; $employees[ $i ][ 'telephoneNumber' ] = ''; // try to find the telephone number $entry = $cachedLDAP -> getEntryByID( $employees[ $i ][ 'funcionario_id' ] ); if ( $entry ) { $employees[ $i ][ 'telephoneNumber' ] = is_null( $entry[ 'telephonenumber' ] ) ? '' : $entry[ 'telephonenumber' ]; $employees[ $i ][ 'cn' ] = is_null( $entry[ 'cn' ] ) ? '' : $entry[ 'cn' ]; $employees[ $i ][ 'removed' ] = is_null( $entry[ 'last_update' ] ); } // count the number of employees in each category $categoryID = $employees[ $i ][ 'funcionario_categoria_id' ]; if ( isset( $categoriesCount[ $categoryID ] ) ) $categoriesCount[ $categoryID ]++; else $categoriesCount[ $categoryID ] = 1; } $usedCategories = array_keys( $categoriesCount ); $availableCategories = $this -> getCategoriesList( $organizationID ); $output = array( ); $output[ 'employees' ] = $employees; $output[ 'categories' ] = array( ); foreach ( $availableCategories as $category ) { if ( ! in_array( $category[ 'funcionario_categoria_id' ], $usedCategories ) ) continue; $category[ 'contagem' ] = $categoriesCount[ $category[ 'funcionario_categoria_id' ] ]; $output[ 'categories' ][ ] = $category; } usort( $output[ 'employees' ], create_function( '$a,$b', 'return strcasecmp($a[\'cn\'],$b[\'cn\']);' ) ); return $output; } /** * Return the list of employees in alphabetical order * @param int $organizationID The organization ID * @return array The list o employees * @access public */ function getAlphabeticalEmployees( $organizationID ) { $organizationID = ( int ) $organizationID; // load the employees from the location $query = "SELECT f.funcionario_id, f.organizacao_id, f.area_id, a.sigla AS area," . " COALESCE(f.funcionario_categoria_id, 0) AS funcionario_categoria_id" . " FROM funcionario f, funcionario_status s, area a" . " WHERE (f.area_id = a.area_id)" . " AND (f.funcionario_status_id = s.funcionario_status_id)" . " AND (f.organizacao_id = ?)" . " AND (s.exibir = ?)"; $result = $this -> db -> query( $query, array( $organizationID, 'S' ) ); $employees = $result -> GetArray( -1 ); $cachedLDAP = Factory::newInstance( 'CachedLDAP' ); $cachedLDAP -> setOperationMode( $cachedLDAP -> OPERATION_MODE_NORMAL ); $categoriesCount = array( ); $employees_count = count( $employees ); for ( $i = 0; $i < $employees_count; ++$i ) { // remove numeric fields for ( $j = 0; $j < $result -> _numOfFields; ++$j ) unset( $employees[ $i ][ $j ] ); $employees[ $i ][ 'cn' ] = ''; $employees[ $i ][ 'telephoneNumber' ] = ''; // try to find the telephone number $entry = $cachedLDAP -> getEntryByID( $employees[ $i ][ 'funcionario_id' ] ); if ( $entry ) { $employees[ $i ][ 'telephoneNumber' ] = is_null( $entry[ 'telephonenumber' ] ) ? '' : $entry[ 'telephonenumber' ]; $employees[ $i ][ 'cn' ] = is_null( $entry[ 'cn' ] ) ? '' : $entry[ 'cn' ]; $employees[ $i ][ 'removed' ] = is_null( $entry[ 'last_update' ] ); } } usort( $employees, create_function( '$a,$b', 'return strcasecmp($a[\'cn\'],$b[\'cn\']);' ) ); $paging = Factory::newInstance('Paging', 50, $_POST); $employees = $paging->restrictItems( $employees ); // count the number of employees in each category $employees_count = count( $employees ); for ( $i = 0; $i < $employees_count; ++$i ) { $categoryID = $employees[ $i ][ 'funcionario_categoria_id' ]; if ( isset( $categoriesCount[ $categoryID ] ) ) $categoriesCount[ $categoryID ]++; else $categoriesCount[ $categoryID ] = 1; } $usedCategories = array_keys( $categoriesCount ); $availableCategories = $this -> getCategoriesList( $organizationID ); $output = array( ); $output['employees'] = $employees; $output['categories'] = array( ); $output['paging_links'] = $paging -> commonLinks(); foreach ( $availableCategories as $category ) { if ( ! in_array( $category[ 'funcionario_categoria_id' ], $usedCategories ) ) continue; $category[ 'contagem' ] = $categoriesCount[ $category[ 'funcionario_categoria_id' ] ]; $output[ 'categories' ][ ] = $category; } return $output; } } ?>