true ); /** * @var object $process_manager Process manager object * @access public */ var $process_manager; /** * @var object $activity_manager Activity manager object * @access public */ var $activity_manager; /** * @var array $workflow_acl * @access public */ var $workflow_acl; /** * Constructor * @access public * @return object */ function ui_adminroles() { parent::WorkflowUtils(); $this->workflow_acl = Factory::getInstance('workflow_acl'); $denyAccess = true; if ($this->workflow_acl->checkWorkflowAdmin($GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['user']['account_id'])) { /* the user is an Expresso/Workflow admin */ $denyAccess = false; } else { if ($GLOBALS['phpgw']->acl->check('admin_workflow', 1, 'workflow')) { /* check if the user can admin the informed process */ if ($this->wf_p_id != 0) $denyAccess = !$this->workflow_acl->check_process_access($GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['user']['account_id'], $this->wf_p_id); else $denyAccess = false; } } if ($denyAccess) { $GLOBALS['phpgw']->common->phpgw_header(); echo parse_navbar(); echo lang('access not permitted'); $GLOBALS['phpgw']->log->message('F-Abort, Unauthorized access to workflow.ui_adminprocesses'); $GLOBALS['phpgw']->log->commit(); $GLOBALS['phpgw']->common->phpgw_exit(); } $this->process_manager = Factory::getInstance('workflow_processmanager'); $this->activity_manager = Factory::getInstance('workflow_activitymanager'); $this->role_manager = Factory::getInstance('workflow_rolemanager'); $this->form_action = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->link('/index.php', 'menuaction=workflow.ui_adminroles.form'); } /** * Show the adminroles form * @access public * @return void */ function form() { $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['flags']['app_header'] = $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['apps']['workflow']['title'] . ' - ' . lang('Admin Process Roles'); $GLOBALS['phpgw']->common->phpgw_header(); echo parse_navbar(); $this->t->set_file('admin_roles', 'admin_roles.tpl'); $this->order = get_var('order', 'GET', 'wf_name'); $this->sort = get_var('sort', 'GET', 'asc'); $this->sort_mode = $this->order . '__'. $this->sort; $sort_mode2 = get_var('sort_mode2', 'any', 'wf_name__asc'); $role_id = (int)get_var('role_id', 'any', 0); if (!$this->wf_p_id) die(lang('No process indicated')); //do we need to check validity, warning high load on database $checkvalidity=false; // save new role if (isset($_POST['save'])) { $this->save_role($role_id, $_POST['name'], $_POST['description']); $checkvalidity = true; } // save new mapping if (isset($_POST['save_map'])) { $this->save_mapping($_POST['user'], $_POST['role']); $this->message[] = lang('New mapping added'); $checkvalidity = true; } // delete roles if (isset($_POST['delete_roles'])) { $this->delete_roles(array_keys($_POST['role'])); $checkvalidity = true; } // delete mappings if (isset($_POST['delete_map'])) { $this->delete_maps(array_keys($_POST['map'])); } // retrieve process info $proc_info = $this->process_manager->get_process($this->wf_p_id); // check process validity and show errors if necessary if ($checkvalidity) $proc_info['isValid'] = $this->show_errors($this->activity_manager, $error_str); // fill proc_bar $this->t->set_var('proc_bar', $this->fill_proc_bar($proc_info)); // retrieve role info if ($role_id || isset($_POST['new_role'])) { $role_info = $this->role_manager->get_role($this->wf_p_id, $_GET['role_id']); } else { $role_info = array( 'name' => '', 'description' => '', 'role_id' => 0 ); } // retrieve all roles info $all_roles = $this->role_manager->list_roles($this->wf_p_id, 0, -1, 'wf_name__asc', ''); //echo "all_roles:
";print_r($all_roles);echo "
"; //collect some messages from used objects $this->message[] = $this->activity_manager->get_error(false, _DEBUG); $this->message[] = $this->process_manager->get_error(false, _DEBUG); $this->message[] = $this->role_manager->get_error(false, _DEBUG); // fill the general varibles of the template $this->t->set_var(array( 'message' => implode('
', array_filter($this->message)), 'errors' => $error_str, 'form_action_adminroles' => $GLOBALS['phpgw']->link('/index.php', 'menuaction=workflow.ui_adminroles.form'), 'role_info_role_id' => $role_info['wf_role_id'], 'role_info_name' => $role_info['wf_name'], 'role_info_description' => $role_info['wf_description'], 'p_id' => $this->wf_p_id, 'start' => $this->start, )); $this->show_process_roles_list($all_roles['data']); // build users and roles multiple select boxes $this->show_users_roles_selects($all_roles['data']); // retrieve and show mappings $this->show_mappings(); $this->translate_template('admin_roles'); $this->t->pparse('output', 'admin_roles'); $GLOBALS['phpgw']->common->phpgw_footer(); } /** * Save role * @param int $role_id role identifier * @param string $name role name * @param string $description role description * @access public * @return void */ function save_role($role_id, $name, $description) { $vars = array( 'wf_name' => $name, 'wf_description' => $description, ); if ($this->role_manager->replace_role($this->wf_p_id, $role_id, $vars)) { $this->message[] = lang('Role saved'); } else { $this->message[] = lang('Role not saved (maybe a name collision)'); } } /** * Delet selected roles * @param array $roles_ids * @access public * @return void */ function delete_roles($roles_ids) { foreach ($roles_ids as $role_id) { $this->role_manager->remove_role($this->wf_p_id, $role_id); } $this->message[] = lang('Roles deleted'); } /** * Delete mappings * @param array $mappings * @return void * @access public */ function delete_maps($mappings) { foreach($mappings as $map) { $pos = strpos($map,":::"); $user=substr($map,0,$pos); $role_id=substr($map,$pos+3); $this->role_manager->remove_mapping($user,$role_id); } $this->message[] = lang('Mappings deleted'); } /** * Show mappings * @return void * @access public */ function show_mappings() { $this->t->set_block('admin_roles', 'block_list_mappings', 'list_mappings'); $mappings = $this->role_manager->list_mappings($this->wf_p_id, $this->start, -1, $this->sort_mode, ''); //echo "mappings:
";print_r($mappings);echo "
"; if (!count($mappings['data'])) { $this->t->set_var('list_mappings', ''. lang('There are no mappings defined for this process') .''); } else { /* load the LDAP information */ $cachedLDAP = Factory::getInstance('CachedLDAP'); $tmpLDAP = &Factory::getInstance('WorkflowLDAP'); $userContext = $tmpLDAP->getUserContext(); $groupContext = $tmpLDAP->getGroupContext(); foreach ($mappings['data'] as $mapping) { if ($mapping['wf_account_type'] == 'g') { $sri = ldap_search(Factory::getInstance('WorkflowObjects')->getLDAP(), $groupContext, '(&(gidnumber=' . (int)$mapping['wf_user'] . ')(phpgwAccountType=g))'); $allValues = ldap_get_entries(Factory::getInstance('WorkflowObjects')->getLDAP(), $sri); $cname = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->translation->convert($allValues[0]['cn'][0],'utf-8'); $glabel = '[' . lang('Group') . ']'; } else { $entry = $cachedLDAP->getEntryByID($mapping['wf_user']); $cname = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->translation->convert($entry['cn'],'utf-8'); $glabel = ""; if (is_null($entry['last_update'])) $glabel = '(inativo)'; } $this->t->set_var(array( 'map_user_id' => $mapping['wf_user'], 'map_role_id' => $mapping['wf_role_id'], 'map_role_name' => $mapping['wf_name'], 'map_user_name' => $cname . ' ' . $glabel, )); $this->t->parse('list_mappings', 'block_list_mappings', true); } } } /** * Save mapping * @param array users list of users * @param array $roles list of roles * @access public * @return void */ function save_mapping($users, $roles) { foreach ($users as $user) { $account_type = $user{0}; $user = substr($user, 1); foreach ($roles as $role) { $this->role_manager->map_user_to_role($this->wf_p_id, $user, $role, $account_type); } } } /** * Show users roles selects * @param string $all_roles_data * @return */ function show_users_roles_selects($all_roles_data) { $templateServer = &Factory::getInstance('TemplateServer'); $imgaddusers = $templateServer->generateImageLink('add_group.png'); $imgdelusers = $templateServer->generateImageLink('delete_group.png'); $this->t->set_var(array( 'src_img_add_users' => $imgaddusers, 'src_img_del_users' => $imgdelusers )); $this->t->set_block('admin_roles', 'block_select_roles', 'select_roles'); foreach ($all_roles_data as $role) { $this->t->set_var(array( 'select_role_id' => $role['wf_role_id'], 'select_role_name' => $role['wf_name'] )); $this->t->parse('select_roles', 'block_select_roles', true); } } /** * Show process roles list * @param array $all_roles_data * @return void */ function show_process_roles_list($all_roles_data) { $this->t->set_block('admin_roles', 'block_process_roles_list', 'process_roles_list'); $this->translate_template('block_process_roles_list'); foreach ($all_roles_data as $role) { $this->t->set_var(array( 'all_roles_role_id' => $role['wf_role_id'], 'all_roles_href' => $GLOBALS['phpgw']->link('/index.php', 'menuaction=workflow.ui_adminroles.form&sort_mode='. $this->sort_mode .'&start='. $this->start .'&find='. $find .'&p_id='. $this->wf_p_id .'&sort_mode2='. $sort_mode2 .'&role_id='. $role['wf_role_id']), 'all_roles_name' => $role['wf_name'], 'all_roles_description' => $role['wf_description'], 'color_line' => $this->nextmatchs->alternate_row_color($tr_color), )); $this->t->parse('process_roles_list', 'block_process_roles_list', true); } if (!count($all_roles_data)) $this->t->set_var('process_roles_list', ''. lang('There are no roles defined for this process') .''); } } ?>