true, 'graph' => true ); /** * @var array $workflow_acl * @access public */ var $workflow_acl; /** * Construtor * @access public */ function ui_orgchart() { } /** * Draw the orgchart admin interface * @return void * @access public */ function draw($tab_index = "") { $this->workflow_acl = Factory::getInstance('workflow_acl'); $isAdmin = $this->workflow_acl->checkWorkflowAdmin($GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['user']['account_id']); $isOrgchartManager = $this->workflow_acl->checkUserGroupAccessToType('ORG', $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['user']['account_id'],0); if (!($isAdmin || $isOrgchartManager)) { $GLOBALS['phpgw']->common->phpgw_header(); echo parse_navbar(); echo lang('access not permitted'); $GLOBALS['phpgw']->log->message('F-Abort, Unauthorized access to workflow.ui_orgchart'); $GLOBALS['phpgw']->log->commit(); $GLOBALS['phpgw']->common->phpgw_exit(); } $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['flags'] = array('noheader' => false, 'nonavbar' => false, 'currentapp' => 'workflow'); $smarty = Factory::getInstance('workflow_smarty'); $this->set_wf_session(); $javaScripts = $this->get_common_js(); $javaScripts .= $this->get_js_link('workflow','scriptaculous', 'prototype'); $javaScripts .= $this->get_js_link('workflow','orgchart', 'main'); $javaScripts .= $this->get_js_link('workflow','orgchart', 'utils'); $javaScripts .= $this->get_js_link('workflow','orgchart', 'organization'); $javaScripts .= $this->get_js_link('workflow','orgchart', 'organizations'); $javaScripts .= $this->get_js_link('workflow','scriptaculous', 'lightbox'); $javaScripts .= $this->get_js_link('workflow','jscode', 'participants'); $css = $this->get_common_css(); $css .= $this->get_css_link('orgchart'); $css .= $this->get_css_link('lightbox'); $smarty->assign('header', $smarty->expressoHeader); $smarty->assign('footer', $smarty->expressoFooter); $smarty->assign('txt_loading', lang('loading')); $smarty->assign('javaScripts', $javaScripts); $smarty->assign('tabIndex', $tab_index); $smarty->assign('css', $css); $smarty->display('orgchart.tpl'); } /** * Show the graph * @access public * @return void */ function graph() { if (!isset($_GET['organizationID'])) die(); $organizationID = $_GET['organizationID']; if (is_numeric($organizationID)) $organizationID = (int) $organizationID; else die(); $config_values = Factory::getInstance('config', 'workflow'); $config_values->read_repository(); $conf_db = $config_values->config_data; $db = Factory::getInstance('db'); $db->connect( $conf_db['database_name'], $conf_db['database_host'], $conf_db['database_port'], $conf_db['database_admin_user'], $conf_db['database_admin_password'], $conf_db['database_type'] ); $db = $db->Link_ID; $attributes = array(); $attributes['ranksep'] = '1.5 equally'; $attributes['rankdir'] = 'LR'; $graph = &Factory::getInstance('Process_GraphViz', true, $attributes); /** * Get Hierarchical Area * @param organizationID * @param $parent * @param $depth * @param $db * @param $graph * @return */ function getHierarchicalArea($organizationID, $parent, $depth, $db, $graph) { /* orgchart graph configuration */ $color='black'; $fillcolor='lightblue2'; //blue TLS values $fontsize = '10'; $color = '0.25,1,0.28'; #dark green in TLS values $arrowsize = 0.8; if (is_null($parent)) $result = $db->query("SELECT area_id, sigla, titular_funcionario_id FROM area WHERE (superior_area_id IS NULL) AND (organizacao_id = ?) AND (ativa = 'S') ORDER BY sigla", array($organizationID)); else $result = $db->query("SELECT area_id, sigla, titular_funcionario_id FROM area WHERE (superior_area_id = ?) AND (ativa = 'S') ORDER BY sigla", array($parent)); $output = $result->GetArray(-1); if (is_null($parent) && (count($output) == 0)) return false; $ldap = &Factory::getInstance('WorkflowLDAP'); for ($i = 0; $i < count($output); ++$i) { for ($j = 0; $j < $result->_numOfFields; ++$j) unset($output[$i][$j]); if ($output[$i]['titular_funcionario_id'] != '') { $supervisor = $ldap->getName($output[$i]['titular_funcionario_id']); $supervisor = str_replace(array(" da ", " de ", " do ", " das ", " dos "), " ", $supervisor); $supervisorArray = explode(' ', $supervisor); $supervisorName = ''; for ($j = 0; $j < count($supervisorArray); ++$j) $supervisorName .= (($j == 0) || ($j == count($supervisorArray) - 1)) ? $supervisorArray[$j] . ' ' : $supervisorArray[$j][0] . '. '; $supervisorName = trim(str_replace("Junior", "Jr", $supervisorName)); } else $supervisorName = ''; /* add the area box */ $graph->addNode($output[$i]['area_id'],array( 'URL' => $output[$i]['area_id'], 'label' => $output[$i]['sigla'] . '\n' . $supervisorName, 'shape' => 'box', 'color' => $color, 'fillcolor' => $fillcolor, 'style' => 'filled', 'fontsize' => $fontsize, 'fontname' => 'serif' ) ); /* add the conection between areas */ if (!is_null($parent)) $graph->addEdge(array($parent => $output[$i]['area_id']), array('color'=>$color,arrowsize=>$arrowsize)); $output[$i]['children'] = getHierarchicalArea($organizationID, $output[$i]['area_id'], $depth + 1, $db, $graph); $output[$i]['depth'] = $depth; } return $output; } $result = getHierarchicalArea($organizationID, null, 0, $db, $graph); if ($result !== false) $graph->image('png', '/tmp/grafico'); else die(); } } ?>