child_name = 'WfSecurity'; parent::Base(); } /** * Loads config values for a given process. * Config values for a given process are cached while this WfSecurity object stay alive * * @param int $pId Process id * @access private * @return void */ function loadConfigValues($pId) { //check if we already have the config values for this processId if (!(isset($this->processesConfig[$pId]))) { //define conf values we need $arrayConf=array( 'ownership_give_abort_right' =>1, 'ownership_give_exception_right' =>1, 'ownership_give_release_right' =>1, 'role_give_abort_right' =>0, 'role_give_release_right' =>0, 'role_give_exception_right' =>0, 'disable_advanced_actions' =>0, 'iframe_view_height' =>-1, 'execute_activities_using_secure_connection' =>0 ); //check theses values for this process and store the result for this object life duration $myProcess = &Factory::newInstance('Process'); $myProcess->getProcess($pId); $this->processesConfig[$pId] = $myProcess->getConfigValues($arrayConf); unset($myProcess); } } /** * Checks if a user has a access to an activity, use it at runtime. * To do so it checks if the user is in the users having the roles associated with the activity * or if he is in the groups having roles associated with the activity * * @access public * @param int $user User id * @param int $activityId Activity id * @param bool $readonly False by default. If true we only check read-only access level for the user on this activity * @return bool True if access is granted false in other case. Errors are stored in the object */ function checkUserAccess($user, $activity_id, $readonly=false) { /* if activity is non-interactive is not necessary checking user access */ $activity = &Factory::getInstance('BaseActivity')->getActivity($activity_id); if (!$activity->isInteractive()) return true; //group mapping, warning groups and user can have the same id if ($user[0] != 'p') $groups = galaxia_retrieve_user_groups($user); else $groups = false; $query = 'select count(*) from '.GALAXIA_TABLE_PREFIX.'activity_roles gar INNER JOIN '.GALAXIA_TABLE_PREFIX.'roles gr ON gar.wf_role_id=gr.wf_role_id INNER JOIN '.GALAXIA_TABLE_PREFIX.'user_roles gur ON gur.wf_role_id=gr.wf_role_id where gar.wf_activity_id=? and ( (gur.wf_user=? and gur.wf_account_type=?)'; if (is_array($groups)) { foreach ($groups as &$group) $group = "'{$group}'"; $query .= ' or (gur.wf_user in ('.implode(',',$groups).") and gur.wf_account_type='g')"; } $query .= " or ('p'||gur.wf_role_id = '$user')"; $query .= ')'; if (!($readonly)) { $query.= 'and NOT(gar.wf_readonly=1)'; } $result= $this->getOne($query ,array($activity_id, $user, 'u')); if ($result) { //echo "
Access granted for ".$user; return true; } else { $this->error[]= tra('Access denied for user %1 on activity %2, no role', $user, $activity_id); return false; } } /** * Checks at RUNTIME whether running user is authorized for a given action on some activity/instance. * This function will check the given action for the current running user, lock the table rows if necessary to ensure * nothing will move from another process between the check and the later action. * loacked tables can be instances and instance-activities. * NOTA BENE: there is no lock on activity/processes table, we assume the admin is not changing the activity data * on a running/production process, this is why there is versioning and activation on processes * Encapsulate this function call in a transaction, locks will be removed at the end of the transaction, whent COMMIT * or ROLLBACK will be launched * * @param int $activityId Activity id, it may be 0 * @param int $instanceId InstanceId, it may be 0 * @param string $action ONE action asked, it must be one of: 'grab', 'release', 'exception', 'resume', 'abort', 'run', 'send', 'view', 'viewrun', 'complete' (internal action before completing), 'restart' admin function, restarting a failed automatic activity * be carefull, View can be done in 2 ways: viewrun : by the view activity if the process has a view activity, and only by this way in such case, view: by a general view form with access to everybody if the process has no view activity * @return bool True if action access is granted false in other case. Errors are stored in the object * @access public */ function checkUserAction($activityId, $instanceId,$action) { //Warning: //start and standalone activities have no instances associated //aborted and completed instances have no activities associated //$this->error[] = 'DEBUG: action:'.$action; if ($action!='run' && $action!='send' && $action!='view' && $action!='viewrun' && $action!='complete' && $action!='grab' && $action!='release' && $action!='exception' && $action!='resume' && $action!='abort' && $action!='restart') { $this->error[] = tra('Security check: Cannot understand asked action'); return false; } $user = galaxia_retrieve_running_user(); //$this->error[] = 'DEBUG: running user:'.$user; if ( (!(isset($user))) || (empty($user)) ) { $this->error[] = tra('Cannot retrieve the user running the security check'); return false; } //0 - prepare RowLocks ---------------------------------------------------------- $lock_instance_activities = false; $lock_instances = false; switch($action) { case 'view': case 'viewrun': //no impact on write mode, no lock break; case 'grab': //impacted tables is instance_activities $lock_instance_activities = true; break; case 'release' : //impacted tables is instance_activities $lock_instance_activities = true; break; case 'exception': //impacted tables is instances $lock_instances = true; break; case 'resume': //impacted tables is instances $lock_instances = true; break; case 'abort': //impacted tables are instances and instance_activities (deleting rows) $lock_instance_activities = true; $lock_instances = true; break; case 'run': //impacted tables is instance_activities (new running user) $lock_instance_activities = true; break; case 'send': //impacted tables is instance_activities (deleting/adding row) $lock_instance_activities = true; break; case 'complete': //impacted tables are instances and instance_activities $lock_instance_activities = true; $lock_instances = true; break; case 'restart': //nothing to do, it will be done by the run part. break; } // no lock on instance_activities without a lock on instances // to avoid changing status of an instance or deletion of an instance while impacting instance_activities if ($lock_instance_activities) $lock_instances = true; //1 - load data ----------------------------------------------------------------- $_no_activity=false; $_no_instance=false; //retrieve some activity datas and process data if ($activityId==0) { $_no_activity = true; } else { $query = 'select ga.wf_activity_id, ga.wf_type, ga.wf_is_interactive, ga.wf_is_autorouted, gp.wf_name as wf_procname, gp.wf_is_active, gp.wf_version, gp.wf_p_id from '.GALAXIA_TABLE_PREFIX.'activities ga INNER JOIN '.GALAXIA_TABLE_PREFIX.'processes gp ON gp.wf_p_id=ga.wf_p_id where ga.wf_activity_id = ?'; $result = $this->query($query, array($activityId)); $resactivity = Array(); if (!!$result) { $resactivity = $result->fetchRow(); $pId = $resactivity['wf_p_id']; //DEBUG //$debugactivity = implode(",",$resactivity); //$this->error[] = 'DEBUG: '. date("[d/m/Y h:i:s]").'activity:'.$debugactivity; } if (count($resactivity)==0) { $_no_activity = true; } } //retrieve some instance and process data (need process data here as well if there is no activity) if ($instanceId==0) { $_no_instance = true; } else { if ($lock_instances) { //we need to make a row lock now, before any read action $where = 'wf_instance_id='.(int)$instanceId; //$this->error[]= '
Debug:locking instances '.$where; if (!($this->db->RowLock(GALAXIA_TABLE_PREFIX.'instances', $where))) { $this->error[] = tra('failed to obtain lock on %1 table', 'instances'); return false; } } $query = 'select gi.wf_instance_id, gi.wf_owner, gi.wf_status, gp.wf_name as wf_procname, gp.wf_is_active, gp.wf_version, gp.wf_p_id from '.GALAXIA_TABLE_PREFIX.'instances gi INNER JOIN '.GALAXIA_TABLE_PREFIX.'processes gp ON gp.wf_p_id=gi.wf_p_id where gi.wf_instance_id=?'; $result = $this->query($query,array($instanceId)); if (!!$result) { $resinstance = $result->fetchRow(); $pId = $resinstance['wf_p_id']; //DEBUG //$debuginstance = implode(",",$resinstance); //$this->error[] = 'DEBUG: '. date("[d/m/Y h:i:s]").'instance:'.$debuginstance; } if (count($resinstance)==0) { $_no_instance = true; } } if ($_no_activity && $_no_instance) { $this->error[] = tra('Action %1 is impossible if we have no activity and no instance designated for it!',$action); return false; } //retrieve some instance/activity data //if no_activity or no_instance we are with out-flow/without instances activities or with instances terminated //we would not obtain anything there if (!($_no_activity || $_no_instance)) { if ($lock_instance_activities) { //we need to lock this row now, before any read action $where = 'wf_instance_id='.(int)$instanceId.' and wf_activity_id='.(int)$activityId; //$this->error[] = '
Debug:locking instance_activities '.$where; if (!($this->db->RowLock(GALAXIA_TABLE_PREFIX.'instance_activities', $where))) { if ($this->db->getOne('SELECT 1 FROM ' . GALAXIA_TABLE_PREFIX . 'instance_activities WHERE ' . $where)) { $this->error[] = tra('failed to obtain lock on %1 table','instances_activities'); return false; } else { $this->error[] = tra("This instance doesn't exist in this activity. Probably, this instance has already been executed"); return false; } } } $query = 'select gia.wf_instance_id, gia.wf_user, gia.wf_status from '.GALAXIA_TABLE_PREFIX.'instance_activities gia where gia.wf_activity_id = ? and gia.wf_instance_id = ?'; $result = $this->query($query, array($activityId, $instanceId)); $res_inst_act = Array(); if (!!$result) { $res_inst_act = $result->fetchRow(); //DEBUG //$debuginstact = implode(",",$res_inst_act); //$this->error[] = 'DEBUG: '. date("[d/m/Y h:i:s]").'instance/activity:'.$debuginstact; } } //Now that we have the process we can load config values //$this->error[] = 'DEBUG: load config values for process:'.$pId; $this->loadConfigValues($pId); //$debuconfig = '';foreach ($this->processesConfig[$pId] as $label => $value){$debugconfig .= ':'.$label.'=>'.$value;} $this->error[] = 'DEBUG: config:'.$debugconfig; //2 - decide which tests must be done ------------------------------------------------ //init tests $_check_active_process = false; // is the process is valid? $_check_instance = false; //have we got an instance? $_check_instance_status = array(); //use to test some status between 'active','exception','aborted','completed' $_fail_on_exception = false; //no comment $_check_activity = false; //have we got an activity? //is there a relationship between instance and activity? this one can be decided already $_check_instance_activity = !(($_no_instance) || ($_no_activity)); $_bypass_user_role_if_owner = false; //if our user is the owner we ignore user tests $_bypass_user_on_non_interactive = false; //if activty is not interactive we do not perform user tests $_bypass_user_if_admin = false; //is our user a special rights user? $_bypass_instance_on_pseudo = false; //should we jump the instance check when in 'start' activity? $_check_is_user = false; //is the actual_user our user? $_check_is_not_star = false; //is the actual <>*? $_check_is_star = false; // is the actual user *? $_check_is_in_role = false; //is our user in associated roles with readonly=false? $_check_is_in_role_in_readonly = false; //is our user in associated roles? $_check_no_view_activity = false; //is the process having no view activities? $_check_is_admin_only = false; //is the action vaible only for admins? //first have a look at the action asked switch($action) { case 'restart': // we need an activity 'in_flow' ie: not start or standalone that means we need an instance // we need an instance not completed or aborted that means we need an activity // but if we have an instance it musn't be in 'exception' as well // authorization is given to admin only $_check_active_process = true; $_check_activity = true; $_check_instance = true; $_fail_on_exception = true; $_check_is_admin_only = true; break; case 'view': //process can be inactive //we need an existing instance //no activity needed $_check_instance = true; $_bypass_user_if_admin = true; //but be carefull the view function is forbidden on process having the viewrun action with activities $_check_no_view_activity = true; break; case 'viewrun': //process can be inactive //we need an existing instance //we need an activity //need a read-only role at least on this activity $_check_instance = true; $_bypass_user_if_admin = true; $_check_activity = true; $_check_is_in_role_in_readonly = true; //The view type is a special activity related to all instances $_check_instance_activity = false; break; case 'complete': // we need an activity 'in_flow' ie: not start or standalone that means we need an instance // (the 'view' activity is not 'in_flow' and has instance, but no relashionship, no need to // test it here or later for grab or others actions). // warning we can complete a start activity, in this case it is the contrary, we musn't have an instance // we need an instance not completed or aborted that means we need an activity // but if we have an instance it musn't be in 'exception' as well // authorization is given to currentuser only, // for interactive activities (except start), instance user need to be the actual user // 'view' cannot be completed $_check_active_process = true; $_check_instance = true; $_bypass_instance_on_pseudo = true; $_fail_on_exception = true; $_check_activity = true; $_bypass_user_on_non_interactive = true; $_check_is_user = true; $_check_is_not_star = true; break; case 'grab': // we need an activity 'in_flow' ie: not start or standalone that means we need an instance // we need an instance not completed or aborted that means we need an activity // authorization are given to currentuser, role, never owner actually // TODO: add conf setting to give grab access to owner (that mean run access as well maybe) // current user MUST be '*' or user (no matter to grab something we already have) // check is star is done after check_is_user which can be false $_check_active_process = true; $_check_activity = true; $_check_instance = true; $_check_is_user = true; $_check_is_star = true; $_bypass_user_if_admin = true; $_check_is_in_role = true; break; case 'release' : // we need an activity 'in_flow' ie: not start or standalone that means we need an instance // we need an instance not completed or aborted that means we need an activity // authorization are given to currentuser, maybe role, maybe owner, // current must not be '*' $_check_active_process = true; $_check_activity = true; $_check_instance = true; $_check_is_user = true; $_check_is_not_star = true; $_bypass_user_if_admin = true; if ($this->processesConfig[$pId]['role_give_release_right']) $_check_is_in_role = true; if ($this->processesConfig[$pId]['ownership_give_release_right']) $_bypass_user_role_if_owner = true; break; case 'exception': // we need an activity 'in_flow' ie: not start or standalone that means we need an instance // we need an instance not completed or aborted that means we need an activity // authorization are given to currentuser, maybe role, maybe owner, $_check_active_process = true; $_check_activity = true; $_check_instance = true; $_check_instance_status = array('active'); $_bypass_user_if_admin = true; $_check_is_user = true; if ($this->processesConfig[$pId]['role_give_exception_right']) $_check_is_in_role = true; if ($this->processesConfig[$pId]['ownership_give_exception_right']) $_bypass_user_role_if_owner = true; break; case 'resume': // like exception but inversed activity status $_check_active_process = true; $_check_activity = true; $_check_instance = true; $_check_instance_status = array('exception'); $_bypass_user_if_admin = true; $_check_is_user = true; if ($this->processesConfig[$pId]['role_give_exception_right']) $_check_is_in_role = true; if ($this->processesConfig[$pId]['ownership_give_exception_right']) $_bypass_user_role_if_owner = true; break; case 'abort': // process can be inactive // we do not need an activity // we need an instance // authorization are given to currentuser, maybe role, maybe owner, // TODO: add conf setting to refuse abort by user $_check_instance = true; $_check_instance_status = array('active','exception','completed'); $_bypass_user_if_admin = true; $_check_is_user = true; if ($this->processesConfig[$pId]['role_give_abort_right']) $_check_is_in_role = true; if ($this->processesConfig[$pId]['ownership_give_abort_right']) $_bypass_user_role_if_owner = true; break; case 'run': // the hell door: // all activities can be runned, even without instance, even if non interactive // if we have one we need an instance not completed or aborted that means we need an activity // but if we have an instance it musn't be in 'exception' as well // for interactive activities (except start and standalone), instance user need to be the actual user // run is ok if user is in role and actual user is '*', no rights for owner actually // no user bypassing on admin user, admin must grab (release if needed) the instance before $_check_active_process = true; $_check_activity = true; $_fail_on_exception = true; $_bypass_user_on_non_interactive = true; $_check_is_user = true; $_check_is_star = true; $_check_is_in_role = true; break; case 'send': // we need an instance not completed or aborted that means we need an activity // but if we have an instance it musn't be in 'exception' as well // authorization are given to currentuser, maybe role, no rights for owner actually // run is ok if user is in role and actual user is '*' // no user bypassing on admin user, admin must grab (release if needed) the instance before $_check_active_process = true; $_check_activity = true; $_fail_on_exception = true; $_bypass_user_if_admin = true; $_check_is_user = true; $_check_is_star = true; $_check_is_in_role = true; break; } //3- now perform asked tests --------------------------------------------------------------------- if ($_check_active_process) // require an active process? { //$this->error[] = 'DEBUG: check active process'; if ($_no_instance) //we need an instance or an activity to perfom the check { //we cannot be there without instance and without activity, we now we have one activity at least if (!($resactivity['wf_is_active']=='y')) { $this->error[] = tra('Process %1 %2 is not active, action %3 is impossible', $resactivity['wf_procname'], $resactivity['wf_version'], $action); return false; } } else { if (!($resinstance['wf_is_active']=='y')) { $this->error[] = tra('Process %1 %2 is not active, action %3 is impossible', $resinstance['wf_procname'], $resactivity['wf_version'], $action); return false; } } } if ($_check_instance) { //$this->error[] = 'DEBUG: check instance'; if ( (!($_bypass_instance_on_pseudo)) && ($_no_instance)) { $this->error[] = tra('Action %1 needs an instance and instance %2 does not exists', $action, $instanceId); return false; } } if ($_check_activity) { //$this->error[] = 'DEBUG: check activity'; if ($_no_activity) { $this->error[] = tra('Action %1 needs an activity and activity %2 does not exists', $action, $activityId); return false; } } if ($_check_instance_activity) //is there a realtionship between instance and activity { //$this->error[] = 'DEBUG: check activity-instance relationship'.count($res_inst_act); if ( (!isset($res_inst_act)) || empty($res_inst_act) || (count($res_inst_act)==0) ) { $this->error[] = tra('Instance %1 is not associated with activity %2, action %3 is impossible.', $instanceId, $activityId, $action); return false; } } if (!(count($_check_instance_status) == 0)) //use to test some status between 'active','exception','aborted','completed' { //DEBUG //$debug_status = implode(",",$_check_instance_status); //$this->error[] = 'DEBUG: check instance status, actually :'.$resinstance['wf_status'].' need:'.$debug_status; if (!(in_array($resinstance['wf_status'],$_check_instance_status))) { $this->error[] = tra('Instance %1 is in %2 state, action %3 is impossible.', $instanceId, $resinstance['wf_status'], $action); return false; } } if (($_fail_on_exception) && ($resinstance['wf_status']=='exception')) { $this->error[] = tra('Instance %1 is in exception, action %2 is not possible.', $instanceId, $action); return false; } // Test on the process to see if he has a view activity if ($_check_no_view_activity) { if (!(isset($this->pm))) { $this->pm = &Factory::newInstance('ProcessManager'); } //$this->error[] = 'DEBUG: checking to see if there is no view activities on process :'.$pId.':'.$this->pm->get_process_view_activity($pId); /** whithout this check we can see the instance data if any view activity exists */ /*if ($this->pm->get_process_view_activity($pId)) { $this->error[] = tra('This process has a view activity. Access in view mode is granted only for this view activty.'); return false; }*/ } // user tests --------------- $checks = true; //is our actual workflow user a special rights user? // TODO test actual workflow user diff of $user //$this->error[] = 'DEBUG: user can admin instance :'.galaxia_user_can_admin_instance().' bypass?:'.$_bypass_user_if_admin; $is_admin = galaxia_user_can_admin_instance(); if (! ( (($_bypass_user_if_admin) && ($is_admin)) || (($_check_is_admin_only) && ($is_admin))) ) { //if our user is the owner we ignore user tests //$this->error[] = 'DEBUG: user is owner :'.$resinstance['wf_owner'].' bypass?:'.$_bypass_user_role_if_owner; if (!( ($_bypass_user_role_if_owner) && ((int)$resinstance['wf_owner']==(int)$user) )) { //$this->error[] = 'DEBUG: no_activity:'.$_no_activity.' interactive? :'.$resactivity['wf_is_interactive'].' bypass?:'.$_bypass_user_on_non_interactive; //if activity is not interactive we do not perform user tests if (!( (!($_no_activity)) && ($_bypass_user_on_non_interactive) && ($resactivity['wf_is_interactive']=='n') )) { //$this->error[] = 'DEBUG: no bypassing done:'; //is the actual_user our user? if ( (!($_no_instance)) && $_check_is_user) { //$this->error[] = 'DEBUG: check user is actual instance user:'.$user.':'.$res_inst_act['wf_user']; if (!((int)$res_inst_act['wf_user']==(int)$user)) { //user test was false, but maybe we'll have better chance later $checks = false; } } // special '*' user if ($res_inst_act['wf_user']=='*') { //$this->error[] = 'DEBUG: we have the special * user:'; //is the actual *? if ($_check_is_star) { // redemption here //$this->error[] = 'DEBUG Ok, we have a star'; $checks = true; } //is the actual <>*? if ($_check_is_not_star) { //no redemption here $this->error[] = tra('Action %1 is impossible, there are no user assigned to this activity for this instance', $action); return false; } //perform the role test if actual user is '*' //$this->error[] = 'DEBUG: role checking?:'.$_check_is_in_role; if ($_check_is_in_role) { //$this->error[] = 'DEBUG: we have *, checking role of user:'.$user; $checks=$this->checkUserAccess($user, $activityId); } //$this->error[] = 'DEBUG: role checking in read-only at least?:'.$_check_is_in_role_in_readonly; if ($_check_is_in_role_in_readonly) { //$this->error[] = 'DEBUG: we have *, checking readonly role of user:'.$user; $checks=$this->checkUserAccess($user, $activityId, true); } } else { if (substr($res_inst_act['wf_user'], 0, 1) == 'p') { $role_id = substr($res_inst_act['wf_user'], 1); $groups = galaxia_retrieve_user_groups($user); $sql = "SELECT 1 "; $sql .= "FROM " . GALAXIA_TABLE_PREFIX . "user_roles WHERE ("; if (is_array($groups)) { foreach ($groups as &$group) $group = "'{$group}'"; $sql .= "(wf_user IN (" . implode(',',$groups) . ") AND wf_account_type = 'g') OR "; } $sql .= "(wf_user = '$user' AND wf_account_type = 'u')) AND "; $sql .= "(wf_role_id = $role_id)"; $result = $this->getOne($sql); if (is_null($result)) $checks = false; else $checks = true; } else { //we have not *, do we need * as the actual? (done only if check_is_user is false) //notice that if check_user was false and we have not the '*' user and if you do not want //the check_is_star it means the user can bypass the actual user if you have a check_is_in_role ok! if ( (!($checks)) && ($_check_is_star)) { // that was necessary $this->error[] = tra('Action %1 is impossible, another user is already in place', $action); return false; } //is our user in associated roles (done even if check_is_user was true) //$this->error[] = 'DEBUG: role checking?:'.$_check_is_in_role; if ($_check_is_in_role) { //$this->error[] = 'DEBUG: we have not *, checking role for user:'.$user; $checks=$this->checkUserAccess($user, $activityId); } //$this->error[] = 'DEBUG: role checking in read-only at least?:'.$_check_is_in_role_in_readonly; if ($_check_is_in_role_in_readonly) { //$this->error[] = 'DEBUG: we have not *, checking role in read-only for user:'.$user; $checks=$this->checkUserAccess($user, $activityId, true); } } } } } } //$this->error[] = 'DEBUG: final check:'.$checks; return $checks; } /** * Gets avaible actions for a given user on some activity and instance assuming he already have access to it. * To be able to decide this function needs all the parameters, use the GUI object equivalent function if you want less parameters. * * @access public * @param int $user User id * @param int $instanceId Instance id * @param int $activityId Activity id * @param bool $readonly It has to be true if the user has only read-only level access with his role mappings * @param int $pId Process id * @param string $actType Activity type * @param string $actInteractive 'y' or 'n' and is the activity interactivity * @param string $actAutorouted 'y' or 'n' and is the activity routage * @param string $actStatus Activity status ('running' or 'completed') * @param int $instanceOwner Instance owner id * @param string $instanceStatus Instance status ('running', 'completed', 'aborted' or 'exception') * @param mixed $currentUser Current instance/activity user id or '*'. * @param bool $viewactivity False if the process has no view activity, else it's the id of the view activity * @return array An array of this form: * array('action name' => 'action description') * 'actions names' are: 'grab', 'release', 'run', 'send', 'view', 'viewrun', 'exception', 'resume', 'monitor' * note that for the 'viewrun' key value is an array with a 'lang' key for the translation and a 'link' key for the view activity id * Some config values can change theses rules but basically here they are: * * 'grab' : be the user of this activity. User has access to it and instance status is ok. * * 'release' : let * be the user of this activity. Must be the actual user or the owner of the instance. * * 'run' : run an associated form. This activity is interactive, user has access, instance status is ok. * * 'send' : send this instance, activity was non-autorouted and he has access and status is ok. * * 'view' : view the instance, activity ok, always avaible if no view activity on the process except for start or standalone act. * * 'viewrun' : view the instance in a view activity, need role on view activity, always avaible except for start or standalone act. * * 'abort' : abort an instance, ok when we are the user * * 'exception' : set the instance status to exception, need to be the user * * 'resume' : back to running when instance status was exception, need to be the user * * 'monitor' : admin the instance, for special rights users * 'actions description' are translated explanations like 'release access to this activity' * This function will as well load process configuration which could have some impact on the rights. * Theses config data will be cached during the existence of this WfSecurity object. * WARNING: this is a snapshot, the engine give you a snaphsot of the rights a user have on an instance-activity * at a given time, this is not meaning theses rights will still be there when the user launch the action. * You should absolutely use the GUI Object or runtime to execute theses actions (except monitor) and they could be rejected. * WARNING: we do not check the user access rights. If you launch this function for a list of instances obtained via a * GUI object theses access rights are allready checked (for example we do not check your readonly parameter is true). * In fact this function is GUI oriented, it is not granting rights */ function getUserActions($user, $instanceId, $activityId, $readonly, $pId, $actType, $actInteractive, $actAutorouted, $actStatus, $instanceOwner, $instanceStatus, $currentUser, $view_activity) { $result= array();//returned array $stopflow=false;//true when the instance is in a state where the flow musn't advance //ie: we can't send or run it $deathflow=false;//true when the instance is in a state where the flow will never advance anymore //ie: we can't send, run, grab, release, exception or resume it $associated_instance=true;//false when no instance is associated with the activity // ie: we cannot send, grab, release, exception, resume or view the instance but we can run // it covers standalone activities and start activities not completed $_run = false; $_send = false; $_grab = false; $_release = false; $_abort = false; $_view = false; $_viewrun = false; $_resume = false; $_exception = false; // this can be decided right now, it depends only on user rights $_monitor = galaxia_user_can_admin_instance($user); $this->loadConfigValues($pId); // check the instance status // 'completed' => no action except 'view'/'viewrun' or 'abort' or 'monitor' // 'aborted' => no action except 'view'/'viewrun' or 'monitor' // 'active' => ok first add 'exception' // 'exception' => first add 'resume', no 'run' or 'send' after $_view = true; if ($view_activity) { //we should have a 'viewrun' instead of a 'view' action, but maybe we do not have access on this view activity //this access right will be checked by gui_get_process_view_activity $_viewrun = true; $_iframe_height = $this->processesConfig[$pId]['iframe_view_height']; } //on readonly mode things are simplier, no more rights if (!($readonly)) { if ($instanceStatus == 'aborted') { $deathflow=true; } else { // first check ABORT if ( ($user==$currentUser) || (($user==$instanceOwner)&&($this->processesConfig[$pId]['ownership_give_abort_right'])) || ($this->processesConfig[$pId]['role_give_abort_right'])) {// we are the assigned user //OR we are the owner and it gives rights //OR we have the role and it gives rights $_abort =true; } // now handle resume and exception but before detect completed instances if ($instanceStatus == 'completed') { $deathflow=true; } else { if ($instanceStatus == 'exception') { $stopflow = true; if ( ($user==$currentUser) || (($user==$instanceOwner)&&($this->processesConfig[$pId]['ownership_give_exception_right'])) || ($this->processesConfig[$pId]['role_give_exception_right'])) {// we are the assigned user OR we are the owner and it gives rights $_resume = true; } } elseif ($instanceStatus == 'active') { //handle rules about ownership if ( ($user==$currentUser) || (($user==$instanceOwner)&&($this->processesConfig[$pId]['ownership_give_exception_right'])) || ($this->processesConfig[$pId]['role_give_exception_right'])) {// we are the assigned user OR we are the owner and it gives rights $_exception = true; } } } } //now we check the activity // start (only uncompleted) and standalone activities have no instance associated. // If we are not in a 'stop' or 'death' flow we can check interactivity // interactive -> run // not interactive -> send (except for 'standalone') // if we are not in a 'death flow' we can add grab and release actions if ( ($actType=='standalone') || (($actType=='start') && (!($actStatus=='completed'))) ) { $associated_instance=false; // there's no instance to view in fact $_view = false; $_viewrun = false; } if (($actInteractive=='y') && (!($deathflow))) { if ($associated_instance) { if ($currentUser=='*') { $_grab = true; } else { if ( ($user==$currentUser) || (($user==$instanceOwner)&&($this->processesConfig[$pId]['ownership_give_release_right'])) || ($this->processesConfig[$pId]['role_give_release_right'])) {// we are the assigned user //OR we are the owner and it gives rights //OR we have the role and it gives rights $_release = true; } } } if (($actStatus=='running') && !($stopflow) && !($deathflow)) { if (($currentUser=='*') || ($currentUser==$user)) { $_run = true; } } } //for non autorouted activities we'll have to send, useless on standalone but usefull for start //activities which can be sended if completed and of course for all other activities if ($actAutorouted=='n') { if ($associated_instance) { if (($actStatus=='completed') && !($stopflow) && !($deathflow)) { $_send = true; } } } }//end if !$readonly //build final array if ($_run) $result['run']=tra('Execute this activity'); if ($_send) $result['send']=tra('Send this instance to the next activity'); if ($_grab) $result['grab']=tra('Assign me this activity'); if ($_release) $result['release']=tra('Release access to this activity'); if ($_abort) $result['abort']=tra('Abort this instance'); if ($_view) $result['view']=tra('View this instance'); if ($_viewrun) $result['viewrun']= array('lang' => tra('View this instance'), 'link' => $view_activity); if ($_iframe_height) $result['viewrun']['iframe_height'] = $_iframe_height; if ($_resume) $result['resume']=tra('Resume this exception instance'); if ($_exception) $result['exception']=tra('Exception this instance'); if ($_monitor) $result['monitor']=tra('Monitor this instance'); return $result; } } ?>