db = &Factory::getInstance('WorkflowObjects')->getDBExpresso()->Link_ID; $this->db->setFetchMode(ADODB_FETCH_ASSOC); $this->cityInfo = array(); $this->stateInfo = array(); $this->citiesFromState = array(); } /** * Construtor da classe * return object * @access public */ function wf_location() { $this->initialize(); } /** * Busca as informações da cidade pelo numero id passado * @param int $city_id Numero ID da cidade * @return mixed (array ou boolean) * @access public */ function getCityById($city_id) { if (!is_numeric($city_id)) return false; $city_id = (int) $city_id; if (isset($this->cityInfo[$city_id])) return $this->cityInfo[$city_id]; $sql = "SELECT c.id_city AS id_city, c.city_name AS city_name, c.is_district, s.id_state AS id_state, s.state_name AS state_name, s.state_symbol AS state_symbol FROM phpgw_cc_state s, phpgw_cc_city c WHERE c.id_state = s.id_state AND s.id_country = 'BR' AND c.id_city = ?"; $result = $this->db->query($sql, array($city_id)); $output = $result->fetchRow(); $this->cityInfo[$city_id] = $output; return $output; } /** * Busca as informações do estado pelo id passado * @param int $state_id Numero ID do estado * @return mixed (array ou boolean) * @access public */ function getStateById($state_id) { if (!is_numeric($state_id)) return false; $state_id = (int) $state_id; if (isset($this->stateInfo[$state_id])) return $this->stateInfo[$state_id]; $sql = "SELECT id_state, state_name, state_symbol FROM phpgw_cc_state WHERE id_country = 'BR' AND id_state = ?"; $result = $this->db->query($sql, array($state_id)); $output = $result->fetchRow(); $this->stateInfo[$city_id] = $output; return $output; } /** * Busca as cidades de um estado * @param int $state_id Numero ID do estado * @param bool $include_districts True, busca cidades e distritos. False, busca apenas cidades. * @return mixed (array ou boolean) * @access public */ function getCitiesFromState($state_id, $include_districts = true) { if (!is_numeric($state_id) || !is_bool($include_districts)) return false; $state_id = (int) $state_id; if (isset($this->citiesFromState[$state_id])) return $this->citiesFromState[$state_id]; $where = ""; if(!$include_districts){ $where = " AND c.is_district = 'F' "; } $sql = "SELECT c.id_city AS id_city, c.city_name AS city_name, c.is_district FROM phpgw_cc_state s, phpgw_cc_city c WHERE c.id_state = s.id_state AND s.id_country = 'BR' AND c.id_state = ? " . $where . " ORDER BY city_name"; $result = $this->db->query($sql, array($state_id)); $output = array(); if (is_object($result)) { while ($row = $result->fetchRow()) $output[] = $row; $this->citiesFromState[$state_id] = $output; } return $output; } /** * Busca as cidades por parte do nome, sem considerar maiúsculas e/ou minúsculas e nem acentuação (retorna 10 resultados) * @param string Parte do nome da cidade * @param int $state_id Numero ID do estado * @param bool $include_districts True, busca cidades e distritos. False, busca apenas cidades. * @return mixed (array ou boolean) * @access public */ function getCitiesByKey($key, $state_id = 0, $include_districts = true, $hasAccent = true) { if (!is_string($key) || !is_numeric($state_id) || !is_bool($include_districts)) return false; $where = ""; if($state_id > 0){ $where = " AND c.id_state = " . $state_id; } if(!$include_districts){ $where = " AND c.is_district = 'F' "; } $city_name = 'c.city_name AS city_name,'; if(!$hasAccent) { $city_name = 'TO_ASCII(c.city_name) AS city_name,'; } $sql = "SELECT c.id_city AS id_city, $city_name s.id_state AS id_state, s.state_name AS state_name, s.state_symbol AS state_symbol FROM phpgw_cc_state s, phpgw_cc_city c WHERE c.id_state = s.id_state AND s.id_country = 'BR' AND TO_ASCII(c.city_name) ILIKE TO_ASCII('" . pg_escape_string($key) . "%') " . $where . " ORDER BY city_name LIMIT 10"; $result = $this->db->query($sql); $output = array(); while ($row = $result->fetchRow()) $output[] = $row; return $output; } /** * Busca os estados brasileiros * @return mixed (array ou boolean) * @access public */ function getStates() { $sql = "SELECT id_state, state_name FROM phpgw_cc_state WHERE id_country = 'BR' ORDER BY state_name"; $result = $this->db->query($sql); $output = array(); while ($row = $result->fetchRow()) $output[] = $row; return $output; } } ?>