/** * Show / Hide all employees */ function toggleEmployeesVisibility() { if ($('#employeesVisibility').attr('checked')) $('tr.employees').show(); else $('tr.employees').hide(); } /** * Highlight supervisor names? */ function toggleHighlightSupervisor() { if ($('#highlightSupervisor').attr('checked')) $('span.employeesupervisor').css('font-weight', 'bold'); else $('span.employeesupervisor').css('font-weight', 'normal'); } /** * Show / Hide orgchart area path visibility */ function toggleOrgchartPathVisibility() { if ($('#orgchartPathVisibility').attr('checked')) $('span.orgchartPath').css('visibility', 'visible').show(); else { if ($('#orgchartPathIndentation').attr('checked')) $('span.orgchartPath').show().css('visibility', 'hidden'); else $('span.orgchartPath').hide(); } } /** * Group by area or show a single list alphabetically ordered * For large sets of data this function may be potencially slow */ function toggleGroupByArea() { /* remove the table and compute it again */ $('#employee_table').remove(); if ($('#groupByArea').attr('checked')) showGroupedByArea(); else showUngrouped(); /* updating supervisor highlight and orgchart path visibility */ toggleHighlightSupervisor(); toggleOrgchartPathVisibility(); } /** * Centralize the creation of table rows for employees. * 'showAreaColumn' specifies whether the second column will be shown */ function createEmployeeRow(area_id, user_id, showAreaColumn) { /* set a special 'class' if the employee is a supervisor one */ class_name = 'employee'; if (areas[area_id].titular_funcionario_id == areas[area_id].employees[user_id].funcionario_id) class_name += 'supervisor'; /* creating the row. */ element = $('') /* name: first column */ .append( $('') .append( $('') .addClass(class_name) .append(areas[area_id].employees[user_id].cn) ) .css('width', '60%') ); /* area: second (optional) column */ if (showAreaColumn) element.append( $('' + areas[area_id].sigla + '') .css('width', '15%') ); /* login: show uid attribute */ element.append( $('' + areas[area_id].employees[user_id].uid + '') .css('width', '10%') ) /* telephone: last column */ element.append( $('' + areas[area_id].employees[user_id].telephoneNumber + '') .css('width', '20%') ) .addClass('employees'); return element; } /** * Creating a employee table grouped by area */ function showGroupedByArea() { var table = $('
').css('width', '90%').attr('id', 'employee_table'); var i, j; /* iterating over areas */ for (i=0; i < areas.length; i++) { /* inserting area header */ table.append( $('') .append( $('') .css('text-align', 'left') .css('height', '30') .append( $('') .addClass('orgchartPath') .append(areas[i].orgchartPath) ) .append(areas[i].sigla) ) ); /* creating employee rows */ for (j=0; j < areas[i].employees.length; j++) table.append(createEmployeeRow(i, j)); } $('#areas_content').append(table); } /** * Creating employess ordered alphabetically and ungrouped. In this * function we implemented a 'merge' of all area's employee arrays. * * Be careful if you are going to update this code... =) */ function showUngrouped() { var table = $('
').css('width', '90%').attr('id', 'employee_table'); var i, less, end; /* creating and reseting indexes */ for (i=0; i < areas.length; i++) areas[i].index = 0; /* */ while (true) { less = -1; end = true; /* searching the area with smallest employee name */ for (i=0; i < areas.length; i++) { /* if this area have employees left */ if (areas[i].employees.length > areas[i].index) { /* if it's the first area reached in this iteration */ if (less == -1) less = i; /* updating less */ if (areas[i].employees[areas[i].index].cn < areas[less].employees[areas[less].index].cn) less = i; /* so, we are not done */ end = false; } } /* if we are done */ if (end) break; /* inserting the row */ table.append(createEmployeeRow(less, areas[less].index, true)); areas[less].index++; } $('#areas_content').append(table); } /** * Print me! */ function printAction() { window.print(); } /** * Binding events to HTML elements */ function bindEvents() { $('#employeesVisibility').click(toggleEmployeesVisibility); $('#groupByArea').click(toggleGroupByArea); $('#highlightSupervisor').click(toggleHighlightSupervisor); $('#orgchartPathVisibility').click(toggleOrgchartPathVisibility); $('#printButton').click(printAction); } function initialSetup() { toggleGroupByArea(); toggleEmployeesVisibility(); toggleHighlightSupervisor(); toggleOrgchartPathVisibility(); } /** * Call setup functions on body onload. */ function pageLoad() { bindEvents(); initialSetup(); } $(window).load(pageLoad);