'calendarSignature'), array( 'id','calendar' ), array( 'filter' => array( '=' , 'user' , $this->_uidnumber ))); foreach($sigs as $sig) { $calendar = Controller::read( array( 'concept' => 'calendar' , 'id' => $sig['calendar'] )); if($calendar['type'] != 0 ) continue; //ecluir grupo de tarefas $tmpSig = array(); $tmpSig["id"] = 'calendar'.$sig['id']; $tmpSig["parent"] = 0; $tmpSig["mod"] = $calendar['name']; $return[] = $tmpSig; } return $return; } /** * Returns an actual SyncFolder object with all the properties set. Folders * are pretty simple, having only a type, a name, a parent and a server ID. * * @param string $id id of the folder * * @access public * @return object SyncFolder with information */ public function GetFolder($id) { $idNumber = (int)str_replace('calendar' , '' , $id); $calendarSignature = Controller::read( array( 'concept' => 'calendarSignature' , 'id' => $idNumber )); $calendar = Controller::read( array( 'concept' => 'calendar' , 'id' => $calendarSignature['calendar'] )); if(is_array($calendarSignature) && count($calendarSignature) > 0 ) { $folder = new SyncFolder(); $folder->serverid = $id; $folder->parentid = "0"; $folder->displayname = $calendar['name']; $folder->type = SYNC_FOLDER_TYPE_APPOINTMENT; return $folder; } return false; } /** * Returns folder stats. An associative array with properties is expected. * * @param string $id id of the folder * * @access public * @return array * Associative array( * string "id" The server ID that will be used to identify the folder. It must be unique, and not too long * How long exactly is not known, but try keeping it under 20 chars or so. It must be a string. * string "parent" The server ID of the parent of the folder. Same restrictions as 'id' apply. * long "mod" This is the modification signature. It is any arbitrary string which is constant as long as * the folder has not changed. In practice this means that 'mod' can be equal to the folder name * as this is the only thing that ever changes in folders. (the type is normally constant) * ) */ public function StatFolder($id) { $return = array(); $idNumber = (int)str_replace('calendar' , '' , $id); $calendarSignature = Controller::read( array( 'concept' => 'calendarSignature' , 'id' => $idNumber )); $calendar = Controller::read( array( 'concept' => 'calendar' , 'id' => $calendarSignature['calendar'] )); $return["id"] = $id; $return["parent"] = 0; $return["mod"] = $calendar['name']; return $return; } /** * Creates or modifies a folder * * @param string $folderid id of the parent folder * @param string $oldid if empty -> new folder created, else folder is to be renamed * @param string $displayname new folder name (to be created, or to be renamed to) * @param int $type folder type * * @access public * @return boolean status * @throws StatusException could throw specific SYNC_FSSTATUS_* exceptions * */ public function ChangeFolder($folderid, $oldid, $displayname, $type) { return false; } /** * Deletes a folder * * @param string $id * @param string $parent is normally false * * @access public * @return boolean status - false if e.g. does not exist * @throws StatusException could throw specific SYNC_FSSTATUS_* exceptions */ public function DeleteFolder($id, $parentid) { return false; } /** * Returns a list (array) of messages, each entry being an associative array * with the same entries as StatMessage(). This method should return stable information; ie * if nothing has changed, the items in the array must be exactly the same. The order of * the items within the array is not important though. * * The $cutoffdate is a date in the past, representing the date since which items should be shown. * This cutoffdate is determined by the user's setting of getting 'Last 3 days' of e-mail, etc. If * the cutoffdate is ignored, the user will not be able to select their own cutoffdate, but all * will work OK apart from that. * * @param string $folderid id of the parent folder * @param long $cutoffdate timestamp in the past from which on messages should be returned * * @access public * @return array/false array with messages or false if folder is not available */ public function GetMessageList($folderid, $cutoffdate) { $idNumber = (int)str_replace('calendar' , '' , $folderid); $cal_ids = null; $messages = array(); $sql = 'SELECT calendar_object.last_update , calendar_object.cal_uid FROM calendar_signature , calendar , calendar_to_calendar_object, calendar_object WHERE calendar_signature.id = '.$idNumber.' AND calendar_signature.calendar_id = calendar.id AND calendar_to_calendar_object.calendar_id = calendar.id AND calendar_to_calendar_object.calendar_object_id = calendar_object.id AND calendar_object.last_update > '.$cutoffdate; $rs = Controller::service('PostgreSQL')->execSql($sql); if(is_array($rs)) { foreach($rs as $v) { $message = array(); $message["id"] = $v['cal_uid']; $message["mod"] = substr($v['last_update'], 0, -3); $message["flags"] = 1; // always 'read' $messages[] = $message; } } return $messages; } /** * Returns the actual SyncXXX object type. The '$folderid' of parent folder can be used. * Mixing item types returned is illegal and will be blocked by the engine; ie returning an Email object in a * Tasks folder will not do anything. The SyncXXX objects should be filled with as much information as possible, * but at least the subject, body, to, from, etc. * * @param string $folderid id of the parent folder * @param string $id id of the message * @param ContentParameters $contentparameters parameters of the requested message (truncation, mimesupport etc) * * @access public * @return object/false false if the message could not be retrieved */ public function GetMessage($folderid, $id, $contentparameters) { $idNumber = (int)str_replace('calendar' , '' , $folderid); $calendarSignature = Controller::read( array( 'concept' => 'calendarSignature' , 'id' => $idNumber )); $schedulable = Controller::find(array('concept' => 'schedulable'), null , array('filter' => array( '=' , 'uid' , $id))); if( is_array($schedulable) && count($schedulable) > 0 ) $schedulable = $schedulable[0]; else return false; $message = new SyncAppointment(); $message->uid = $id; $message->dtstamp = (int) substr($schedulable['dtstamp'], 0, -3); $message->starttime = (int) substr($schedulable['startTime'], 0, -3); $message->endtime = (int) substr($schedulable['endTime'], 0, -3); $message->deleted = 0; $message->subject = $schedulable['summary']; // phpgw_cal.title $message->location = $schedulable['location']; // phpgw_cal.location if(isset($schedulable['description']) && $schedulable['description'] != "") { $message->body = $schedulable['description']; // phpgw_cal.description $message->bodysize = strlen($message->body); $message->bodytruncated = 0; } $message->sensitivity = 0; // 0 - Normal $message->alldayevent = (int)$schedulable['allDay']; // (0 - Não(default), 1- Sim) $message->busystatus = 2; // 2 - Ocupado $message->timezone = base64_encode($this->_getSyncBlobFromTZ($this->_getGMTTZ())); /* * Sincronização de participantes e organizador */ $participants = Controller::find(array('concept' => 'participant'), null , array('deepness' => 1 , 'filter' => array( '=' , 'schedulable' , $schedulable['id'] ))); if(is_array($participants) && count($participants) > 0) { $message->attendees = array(); foreach($participants as $participant) { if($participant['isOrganizer'] == 1) //organizador { $message->organizername = $participant['user']['name']; $message->organizeremail = $participant['user']['mail']; if(isset($participant['alarms'][0])) { switch($participant['alarms'][0]['unit']) { case 'h': $mult = 60; break; case 'd': $mult = 3600; break; default: $mult = 1; break; } $message->reminder = $participant['alarms'][0]['time'] * $mult; } } else { $attendee = new SyncAttendee(); $attendee->name = $participant['user']['name']; $attendee->email = $participant['user']['mail']; $message->attendees[] = $attendee; } //TODO: Verificar status dos convidados } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// /* * Sincronização de Recorrência */ $repeats = Controller::find(array('concept' => 'repeat'), null , array( 'filter' => array( 'and' , array( '=' , 'schedulable' , $schedulable['id'] ),array( '!=' , 'frequency' , 'none' ) ) )); if(is_array($repeats) && count($repeats) > 0) { $repeat = $repeats[0]; $recur = new SyncRecurrence(); switch($repeat['frequency']) { case 'daily': $recur->type = 0; break; case 'weekly': $recur->type = 1; break; case 'monthly': $recur->type = 2; break; case 'yearly': $recur->type = 5; break; } if($repeat['endTime']) $recur->until = (int) substr($repeat['endTime'], 0, -3); $recur->interval = $repeat['interval'] ? $repeat['interval'] : 1; if($repeat["count"]) $recur->occurrences = (int)$repeat["count"]; if($repeat["byweekno"]) $recur->weekofmonth = (int)$repeat["byweekno"]; if($repeat["bymonthday"]) $recur->dayofmonth = (int)$repeat["bymonthday"]; if($repeat["byday"]) $recur->dayofweek = $this->formatDoWeek($repeat["byday"]); //$recurrence->monthofyear ; //Não implementado no expresso $expetions = Controller::find(array('concept' => 'repeatOccurrence'), null , array( 'filter' => array( 'and' , array( '=' , 'exception' , '1' ),array( '=' , 'repeat' , $repeat['id'] ) ))); if(is_array($expetions) && count($expetions) > 0) { $message->exceptions = array(); foreach($expetions as $expetion) { $exception = new SyncAppointmentException(); $exception->exceptionstarttime = (int) substr($expetion['occurrence'], 0, -3); $exception->deleted = '1'; $message->exceptions[] = $exception; } } $message->recurrence = $recur; } return $message; } /** * Returns message stats, analogous to the folder stats from StatFolder(). * * @param string $folderid id of the folder * @param string $id id of the message * * @access public * @return array or boolean if fails * Associative array( * string "id" Server unique identifier for the message. Again, try to keep this short (under 20 chars) * int "flags" simply '0' for unread, '1' for read * long "mod" This is the modification signature. It is any arbitrary string which is constant as long as * the message has not changed. As soon as this signature changes, the item is assumed to be completely * changed, and will be sent to the PDA as a whole. Normally you can use something like the modification * time for this field, which will change as soon as the contents have changed. * ) */ public function StatMessage($folderid, $id) { $sql = 'SELECT last_update , cal_uid FROM calendar_object WHERE cal_uid = \''.pg_escape_string($id) .'\''; $message = array(); $rs = Controller::service('PostgreSQL')->execSql($sql); if(is_array($rs)) { $message["mod"] = substr($rs[0]['last_update'], 0, -3); $message["id"] = $id; $message["flags"] = 1; } return $message; } /** * Called when a message has been changed on the mobile. The new message must be saved to disk. * The return value must be whatever would be returned from StatMessage() after the message has been saved. * This way, the 'flags' and the 'mod' properties of the StatMessage() item may change via ChangeMessage(). * This method will never be called on E-mail items as it's not 'possible' to change e-mail items. It's only * possible to set them as 'read' or 'unread'. * * @param string $folderid id of the folder * @param string $id id of the message * @param SyncXXX $message the SyncObject containing a message * * @access public * @return array same return value as StatMessage() * @throws StatusException could throw specific SYNC_STATUS_* exceptions */ public function ChangeMessage($folderid, $idMessage, $message) { return $idMessage ? $this->updateEvent($folderid, $idMessage, $message) : $this->createEvent($folderid, $idMessage, $message); } private function updateEvent($folderid, $idMessage, $message) { $idNumber = (int)str_replace('calendar' , '' , $folderid); $calendarSignature = Controller::read( array( 'concept' => 'calendarSignature' , 'id' => $idNumber )); $calendar = Controller::read( array( 'concept' => 'calendar' , 'id' => $calendarSignature['calendar'] )); $schedulable = Controller::find(array('concept' => 'schedulable'), null , array('deepness'=> 2 , 'filter' => array( '=' , 'uid' , $idMessage))); $schedulable = $schedulable[0]; $tz_CEL = $this->_getTZFromSyncBlob(base64_decode($message->timezone)); $GMT_CEL = -(($tz_CEL["bias"] + $tz_CEL["dstbias"]) * 60); $interation = array(); $eventID = $schedulable['id']; $schedulable['uid'] = $message->uid; $schedulable['summary'] = $message->subject; $schedulable['location'] = $message->location; $schedulable['class'] = 1; /// Eliminana o timezone, enviado pelo ceulular e coloca no timezone do calendario. // o celular não manda o nome do timezone apenas o offset dele dae não tem como saber qual foi o timezone selecionado. $calendarSignatureTimezone = new DateTimeZone($calendar['timezone']) ; $schedulable['startTime'] = (($message->starttime + $GMT_CEL) + ($calendarSignatureTimezone->getOffset(new DateTime('@'.($message->starttime + $GMT_CEL), new DateTimeZone('UTC'))) * -1) ) *1000; //$message->starttime * 1000; $schedulable['endTime'] = (($message->endtime + $GMT_CEL) + ($calendarSignatureTimezone->getOffset(new DateTime('@'.($message->endtime + $GMT_CEL), new DateTimeZone('UTC')))* -1)) *1000;//$message->endtime * 1000; $schedulable['timezone'] = $calendar['timezone']; $schedulable['allDay'] = $message->alldayevent; $schedulable['description'] = $message->body; $schedulable['dtstamp'] = $message->dtstamp; $schedulable['lastUpdate'] = time() * 1000; $schedulable['type'] = '1'; if(isset($message->recurrence)) { $repeatID = isset($schedulable['repeat']) ? $schedulable['repeat']['id'] : mt_rand() . '3(Formatter)'; $repeat = array(); $repeat['schedulable'] = $eventID; switch( $message->recurrence->type ) { case 0: $repeat['frequency'] = 'daily'; break; case 1: $repeat['frequency'] = 'weekly'; break; case 2: $repeat['frequency'] = 'monthly'; break; case 5: $repeat['frequency'] = 'yearly'; break; } if(isset($message->recurrence->until)) $repeat['endTime'] = $message->recurrence->until * 1000 ; else $repeat['endTime'] = null; $repeat['startTime'] = $message->starttime * 1000 ; $repeat['interval'] = isset($message->recurrence->interval) ? $message->recurrence->interval : 1; if(isset($message->recurrence->occurrences) && $message->recurrence->occurrences > 0) $repeat["count"] = $message->recurrence->occurrences; else $repeat["count"] = 0; if(isset($message->recurrence->weekofmonth) && $message->recurrence->weekofmonth > 0) $repeat["byweekno"] = $message->recurrence->weekofmonth; else $repeat["byweekno"] = 0; if(isset($message->recurrence->dayofmonth) && $message->recurrence->dayofmonth > 0) $repeat["bymonthday"] = $message->recurrence->dayofmonth; else $repeat["bymonthday"] = 0; $day = $message->recurrence->dayofweek; $day_of_week_array = array(); if (($day & 1) > 0) $day_of_week_array[] = 'SU'; if (($day & 2) > 0) $day_of_week_array[] = 'MO'; if (($day & 4) > 0) $day_of_week_array[] = 'TU'; if (($day & 8) > 0) $day_of_week_array[] = 'WE'; if (($day & 16) > 0) $day_of_week_array[] = 'TH'; if (($day & 32) > 0) $day_of_week_array[] = 'FR'; if (($day & 64) > 0) $day_of_week_array[] = 'SA'; $repeat["byday"] = implode(',' ,$day_of_week_array); $interation['repeat://' . $repeatID] = $repeat; } else if (isset($schedulable['repeat']) ) { $interation['repeat://'.$schedulable['repeat']['id']] = null; } $partForDelete = $schedulable['participants']; foreach($partForDelete as $partForDeleteIndice => $partForDeleteValue) { if($partForDeleteValue['isOrganizer'] == '1') { if(isset($message->reminder) && $message->reminder > 0) { $alarm = array(); $alarmID = isset($partForDeleteValue['alarms'][0]['id']) ? $partForDeleteValue['alarms'][0]['id'] : mt_rand() . '6(Formatter)'; $alarm['type'] = 'alert'; $alarm['time'] = $message->reminder; $alarm['unit'] = 'm'; foreach ($interation as $iint => &$vint) { if(isset($vint['user']) && $vint['user'] == $this->_uidnumber) { $alarm['participant'] = str_replace('participant://', '', $iint); $vint['alarms'][] = $alarmID; } } $alarm['schedulable'] = $eventID; $interation['alarm://' . $alarmID ] = $alarm; } else if(isset($partForDeleteValue['alarms'][0]['id'])) $interation['alarm://' . $partForDeleteValue['alarms'][0]['id'] ] = false; unset($partForDelete[$partForDeleteIndice]); unset($schedulable['participants'][$partForDeleteIndice]['alarms']); } } if(isset($message->attendees) && count($message->attendees) > 0) { foreach($message->attendees as $attendee) { if($this->_getParticipantByMail($attendee->email, $schedulable['participants']) === false) { $participantID = mt_rand() . '2(Formatter)'; $participant = array(); $participant['schedulable'] = $eventID; $participant['isOrganizer'] = '0'; $participant['acl'] = 'r'; /* Verifica se este usuario é um usuario interno do ldap */ $intUser = Controller::find(array('concept' => 'user'), array('id', 'isExternal'), array('filter' => array('OR', array('=', 'mail', $attendee->email), array('=', 'mailAlternateAddress', $attendee->email)))); $user = null; if ($intUser && count($intUser) > 0) { $participant['isExternal'] = isset($intUser[0]['isExternal']) ? $intUser[0]['isExternal'] : 0; $participant['user'] = $intUser[0]['id']; } else { $participant['isExternal'] = 1; /* Gera um randon id para o contexto formater */ $userID = mt_rand() . '4(Formatter)'; $user['mail'] = $attendee->email; $user['name'] = ( isset($attendee->name) ) ? $attendee->name : ''; $user['participants'] = array($participantID); $user['isExternal'] = '1'; $participant['user'] = $userID; $interation['user://' . $userID] = $user; } $interation['participant://' . $participantID] = $participant; $schedulable['participants'][] = $participantID; } else unset($partForDelete[$this->_getParticipantByMail($attendee->email, $schedulable['participants'])]); } } foreach( $partForDelete as $toDelete) { $interation['participant://' . $toDelete['id']] = false; foreach ($schedulable['participants'] as $ipart => $part) { if($part['id'] == $toDelete['id']) { unset($schedulable['participants'][$ipart]); } } $schedulable['participants'] = array_merge($schedulable['participants'] , array()); } unset($schedulable['repeat']); $interation['schedulable://' . $eventID] = $schedulable; ob_start(); $args = $interation; include EXPRESSO_PATH.'/prototype/Sync.php'; ob_end_clean(); return $this->StatMessage($folderid, $message->uid); } private function createEvent($folderid, $idMessage, $message) { $idNumber = (int)str_replace('calendar' , '' , $folderid); $calendarSignature = Controller::read( array( 'concept' => 'calendarSignature' , 'id' => $idNumber )); $calendar = Controller::read( array( 'concept' => 'calendar' , 'id' => $calendarSignature['calendar'] )); $tz_CEL = $this->_getTZFromSyncBlob(base64_decode($message->timezone)); $GMT_CEL = -(($tz_CEL["bias"] + $tz_CEL["dstbias"]) * 60); $interation = array(); $schedulable = array(); $eventID = mt_rand() . '(Formatter)'; $schedulable['calendar'] = $calendarSignature['calendar']; $schedulable['uid'] = $message->uid; $schedulable['summary'] = $message->subject; $schedulable['location'] = $message->location; $schedulable['class'] = 1; /// Eliminana o timezone, enviado pelo ceulular e coloca no timezone do calendario. // o celular não manda o nome do timezone apenas o offset dele dae não tem como saber qual foi o timezone selecionado. $calendarSignatureTimezone = new DateTimeZone($calendar['timezone']) ; $schedulable['startTime'] = (($message->starttime + $GMT_CEL) + ($calendarSignatureTimezone->getOffset(new DateTime('@'.($message->starttime + $GMT_CEL), new DateTimeZone('UTC'))) * -1) ) *1000; //$message->starttime * 1000; $schedulable['endTime'] = (($message->endtime + $GMT_CEL) + ($calendarSignatureTimezone->getOffset(new DateTime('@'.($message->endtime + $GMT_CEL), new DateTimeZone('UTC')))* -1)) *1000;//$message->endtime * 1000; $schedulable['timezone'] = $calendar['timezone']; $schedulable['allDay'] = $message->alldayevent; $schedulable['description'] = $message->body; $schedulable['dtstamp'] = $message->dtstamp; // $schedulable['lastUpdate'] = 0; $schedulable['type'] = '1'; $participant = array(); $participantID = mt_rand() . '2(Formatter)'; $participant['schedulable'] = $eventID; $participant['isOrganizer'] = '1'; $participant['acl'] = 'rowi'; if($message->organizeremail) { /* Verifica se este usuario é um usuario interno do ldap */ $intUser = Controller::find(array('concept' => 'user'), array('id', 'isExternal'), array('filter' => array('OR', array('=', 'mail', $message->organizeremail), array('=', 'mailAlternateAddress', $message->organizeremail)))); $user = null; if ($intUser && count($intUser) > 0) { $participant['isExternal'] = isset($intUser[0]['isExternal']) ? $intUser[0]['isExternal'] : 0; $participant['user'] = $intUser[0]['id']; } else { $participant['isExternal'] = 1; /* Gera um randon id para o contexto formater */ $userID = mt_rand() . '4(Formatter)'; $user['mail'] = $message->organizeremail; $user['name'] = ( isset($message->organizername) ) ? $message->organizername : ''; $user['participants'] = array($participantID); $user['isExternal'] = '1'; $participant['user'] = $userID; $interation['user://' . $userID] = $user; } } else { $participant['isExternal'] = 0; $participant['user'] = $this->_uidnumber; } //Caso exista recorrencias if(isset($message->recurrence)) { /* Gera um randon id para o contexto formater */ $repeatID = mt_rand() . '3(Formatter)'; $repeat = array(); $repeat['schedulable'] = $eventID; switch( $message->recurrence->type ) { case 0: $repeat['frequency'] = 'daily'; break; case 1: $repeat['frequency'] = 'weekly'; break; case 2: $repeat['frequency'] = 'monthly'; break; case 5: $repeat['frequency'] = 'yearly'; break; } if(isset($message->recurrence->until)) $repeat['endTime'] = $message->recurrence->until * 1000 ; $repeat['startTime'] = $message->starttime * 1000 ; $repeat['interval'] = isset($message->recurrence->interval) ? $message->recurrence->interval : 1; if(isset($message->recurrence->occurrences) && $message->recurrence->occurrences > 0) $repeat["count"] = $message->recurrence->occurrences; if(isset($message->recurrence->weekofmonth) && $message->recurrence->weekofmonth > 0) $repeat["byweekno"] = $message->recurrence->weekofmonth; if(isset($message->recurrence->dayofmonth) && $message->recurrence->dayofmonth > 0) $repeat["bymonthday"] = $message->recurrence->dayofmonth; $day = $message->recurrence->dayofweek; $day_of_week_array = array(); if (($day & 1) > 0) $day_of_week_array[] = 'SU'; if (($day & 2) > 0) $day_of_week_array[] = 'MO'; if (($day & 4) > 0) $day_of_week_array[] = 'TU'; if (($day & 8) > 0) $day_of_week_array[] = 'WE'; if (($day & 16) > 0) $day_of_week_array[] = 'TH'; if (($day & 32) > 0) $day_of_week_array[] = 'FR'; if (($day & 64) > 0) $day_of_week_array[] = 'SA'; $repeat["byday"] = implode(',' ,$day_of_week_array); $interation['repeat://' . $repeatID] = $repeat; } $interation['participant://' . $participantID] = $participant; $schedulable['participants'][] = $participantID; if(isset($message->attendees) && count($message->attendees) > 0) { foreach($message->attendees as $attendee) { $participantID = mt_rand() . '2(Formatter)'; $participant = array(); $participant['schedulable'] = $eventID; $participant['isOrganizer'] = '0'; $participant['acl'] = 'r'; /* Verifica se este usuario é um usuario interno do ldap */ $intUser = Controller::find(array('concept' => 'user'), array('id', 'isExternal'), array('filter' => array('OR', array('=', 'mail', $attendee->email), array('=', 'mailAlternateAddress', $attendee->email)))); $user = null; if ($intUser && count($intUser) > 0) { $participant['isExternal'] = isset($intUser[0]['isExternal']) ? $intUser[0]['isExternal'] : 0; $participant['user'] = $intUser[0]['id']; } else { $participant['isExternal'] = 1; /* Gera um randon id para o contexto formater */ $userID = mt_rand() . '4(Formatter)'; $user['mail'] = $attendee->email; $user['name'] = ( isset($attendee->name) ) ? $attendee->name : ''; $user['participants'] = array($participantID); $user['isExternal'] = '1'; $participant['user'] = $userID; $interation['user://' . $userID] = $user; } $interation['participant://' . $participantID] = $participant; $schedulable['participants'][] = $participantID; } } if(isset($message->reminder) && $message->reminder > 0) { $alarm = array(); $alarmID = mt_rand() . '6(Formatter)'; $alarm['type'] = 'alert'; $alarm['time'] = $message->reminder; $alarm['unit'] = 'm'; foreach ($interation as $iint => &$vint) { if(isset($vint['user']) && $vint['user'] == $this->_uidnumber) { $alarm['participant'] = str_replace('participant://', '', $iint); $vint['alarms'][] = $alarmID; } } $alarm['schedulable'] = $eventID; $interation['alarm://' . $alarmID ] = $alarm; } $interation['schedulable://' . $eventID] = $schedulable; ob_start(); $args = $interation; include EXPRESSO_PATH.'/prototype/Sync.php'; ob_end_clean(); return $this->StatMessage($folderid, $message->uid); } /** * Changes the 'read' flag of a message on disk. The $flags * parameter can only be '1' (read) or '0' (unread). After a call to * SetReadFlag(), GetMessageList() should return the message with the * new 'flags' but should not modify the 'mod' parameter. If you do * change 'mod', simply setting the message to 'read' on the mobile will trigger * a full resync of the item from the server. * * @param string $folderid id of the folder * @param string $id id of the message * @param int $flags read flag of the message * * @access public * @return boolean status of the operation * @throws StatusException could throw specific SYNC_STATUS_* exceptions */ public function SetReadFlag($folderid, $id, $flags) { return true; } /** * Called when the user has requested to delete (really delete) a message. Usually * this means just unlinking the file its in or somesuch. After this call has succeeded, a call to * GetMessageList() should no longer list the message. If it does, the message will be re-sent to the mobile * as it will be seen as a 'new' item. This means that if this method is not implemented, it's possible to * delete messages on the PDA, but as soon as a sync is done, the item will be resynched to the mobile * * @param string $folderid id of the folder * @param string $id id of the message * * @access public * @return boolean status of the operation * @throws StatusException could throw specific SYNC_STATUS_* exceptions */ public function DeleteMessage($folderid, $id) { $even = Controller::find(array('concept' => 'schedulable') , false , array ( 'filter' => array('=' , 'uid' , $id ) ) ); if(is_array($even) && count($even) > 0 ) Controller::delete(array('concept' => 'schedulable' , 'id' => $even[0]['id'])); return true; } /** * Called when the user moves an item on the PDA from one folder to another. Whatever is needed * to move the message on disk has to be done here. After this call, StatMessage() and GetMessageList() * should show the items to have a new parent. This means that it will disappear from GetMessageList() * of the sourcefolder and the destination folder will show the new message * * @param string $folderid id of the source folder * @param string $id id of the message * @param string $newfolderid id of the destination folder * * @access public * @return boolean status of the operation * @throws StatusException could throw specific SYNC_MOVEITEMSSTATUS_* exceptions */ public function MoveMessage($folderid, $id, $newfolderid) { return false; } /** * Authenticates the user * * @param string $username * @param string $domain * @param string $password * * @access public * @return boolean * @throws FatalException e.g. some required libraries are unavailable */ public function Logon($username, $domain, $password) { $ldapConfig = parse_ini_file(EXPRESSO_PATH . '/prototype/config/OpenLDAP.srv' , true ); $ldapConfig = $ldapConfig['config']; $sr = ldap_search( $GLOBALS['connections']['ldap'] , $ldapConfig['context'] , "(uid=$username)" , array('uidNumber','uid','mail'), 0 , 1 ); if(!$sr) return false; $entries = ldap_get_entries( $GLOBALS['connections']['ldap'] , $sr ); $this->_uidnumber = $entries[0]['uidnumber'][0]; //Inicia Variaveis de para API expresso if(!isset($_SESSION)) session_start(); $userWallet = array(); $userWallet['uidNumber'] = $entries[0]['uidnumber'][0]; $userWallet['uid'] = $entries[0]['uid'][0]; $userWallet['mail'] = $entries[0]['mail'][0]; $_SESSION['wallet'] = array(); $_SESSION['wallet']['user'] = $userWallet; $_SESSION['flags']['currentapp'] = 'expressoCalendar'; Config::regSet( 'noAlarm' , true ); //Evita envio de alertas pelo expresso isto é responsabilidade do cliente celular //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// return true; } /** * Logs off * non critical operations closing the session should be done here * * @access public * @return boolean */ public function Logoff() { } /** * Sends an e-mail * This messages needs to be saved into the 'sent items' folder * * Basically two things can be done * 1) Send the message to an SMTP server as-is * 2) Parse the message, and send it some other way * * @param SyncSendMail $sm SyncSendMail object * * @access public * @return boolean * @throws StatusException */ public function SendMail($sm) { return false; } /** * Returns the waste basket * * The waste basked is used when deleting items; if this function returns a valid folder ID, * then all deletes are handled as moves and are sent to the backend as a move. * If it returns FALSE, then deletes are handled as real deletes * * @access public * @return string */ public function GetWasteBasket() { return false; } /** * Returns the content of the named attachment as stream. The passed attachment identifier is * the exact string that is returned in the 'AttName' property of an SyncAttachment. * Any information necessary to locate the attachment must be encoded in that 'attname' property. * Data is written directly - 'print $data;' * * @param string $attname * * @access public * @return SyncItemOperationsAttachment * @throws StatusException */ public function GetAttachmentData($attname) { return false; } function _getGMTTZ() { //$tz = array("bias" => 0, "stdbias" => 0, "dstbias" => 0, "dstendyear" => 0, "dstendmonth" => 2, "dstendday" => 0, "dstendweek" => 2, "dstendhour" => 2, "dstendminute" => 0, "dstendsecond" => 0, "dstendmillis" => 0, //"dststartyear" => 0, "dststartmonth" =>10, "dststartday" =>0, "dststartweek" => 3, "dststarthour" => 2, "dststartminute" => 0, "dststartsecond" => 0, "dststartmillis" => 0); $tz = array("bias" => 120, "stdbias" => 0, "dstbias" => -60, "dstendyear" => 0, "dstendmonth" => 2, "dstendday" => 0, "dstendweek" => 2, "dstendhour" => 2, "dstendminute" => 0, "dstendsecond" => 0, "dstendmillis" => 0, "dststartyear" => 0, "dststartmonth" =>10, "dststartday" =>0, "dststartweek" => 3, "dststarthour" => 2, "dststartminute" => 0, "dststartsecond" => 0, "dststartmillis" => 0); return $tz; } function _getSyncBlobFromTZ($tz) { $packed = pack("la64vvvvvvvv" . "la64vvvvvvvv" . "l", $tz["bias"], "", 0, $tz["dstendmonth"], $tz["dstendday"], $tz["dstendweek"], $tz["dstendhour"], $tz["dstendminute"], $tz["dstendsecond"], $tz["dstendmillis"], $tz["stdbias"], "", 0, $tz["dststartmonth"], $tz["dststartday"], $tz["dststartweek"], $tz["dststarthour"], $tz["dststartminute"], $tz["dststartsecond"], $tz["dststartmillis"], $tz["dstbias"]); return $packed; } function _getTZFromSyncBlob($data) { $tz = unpack( "lbias/a64name/vdstendyear/vdstendmonth/vdstendday/vdstendweek/vdstendhour/vdstendminute/vdstendsecond/vdstendmillis/" . "lstdbias/a64name/vdststartyear/vdststartmonth/vdststartday/vdststartweek/vdststarthour/vdststartminute/vdststartsecond/vdststartmillis/" . "ldstbias", $data); // Make the structure compatible with class.recurrence.php $tz["timezone"] = $tz["bias"]; $tz["timezonedst"] = $tz["dstbias"]; return $tz; } private function formatDoWeek($week) { $recday = explode(',' , $week); $nday = 0; foreach ($recday as $day) { switch($day) { case 'SU': $nday=$nday +1; break; case 'MO': $nday=$nday +2; break; case 'TU': $nday=$nday +4; break; case 'WE': $nday=$nday +8; break; case 'TH': $nday=$nday +16; break; case 'FR': $nday=$nday +32; break; case 'SA': $nday=$nday +64; break; } } return $nday; } private function _getParticipantByMail($mail, &$participants, $isFull = false) { if ($participants && $participants != '') foreach ($participants as $i => $v) if ((is_array($v) && isset($v['user'])) && ($v['user']['mail'] == $mail || (isset($v['user']['mailAlternateAddress']) && in_array($mail, $v['user']['mailAlternateAddress'])))) return $i; return false; } private function _getParticipantIDByMail($mail, &$participants, $isFull = false) { if ($participants && $participants != '') foreach ($participants as $i => $v) if ((is_array($v) && isset($v['user'])) && ($v['user']['mail'] == $mail || (isset($v['user']['mailAlternateAddress']) && in_array($mail, $v['user']['mailAlternateAddress'])))) return !!$isFull ? $v : $v['id']; return false; } }