. * * Consult LICENSE file for details ************************************************/ class ZPush { const UNAUTHENTICATED = 1; const UNPROVISIONED = 2; const NOACTIVESYNCCOMMAND = 3; const WEBSERVICECOMMAND = 4; const HIERARCHYCOMMAND = 5; const PLAININPUT = 6; const REQUESTHANDLER = 7; const CLASS_NAME = 1; const CLASS_REQUIRESPROTOCOLVERSION = 2; const CLASS_DEFAULTTYPE = 3; const CLASS_OTHERTYPES = 4; // AS versions const ASV_1 = "1.0"; const ASV_2 = "2.0"; const ASV_21 = "2.1"; const ASV_25 = "2.5"; const ASV_12 = "12.0"; const ASV_121 = "12.1"; const ASV_14 = "14.0"; /** * Command codes for base64 encoded requests (AS >= 12.1) */ const COMMAND_SYNC = 0; const COMMAND_SENDMAIL = 1; const COMMAND_SMARTFORWARD = 2; const COMMAND_SMARTREPLY = 3; const COMMAND_GETATTACHMENT = 4; const COMMAND_FOLDERSYNC = 9; const COMMAND_FOLDERCREATE = 10; const COMMAND_FOLDERDELETE = 11; const COMMAND_FOLDERUPDATE = 12; const COMMAND_MOVEITEMS = 13; const COMMAND_GETITEMESTIMATE = 14; const COMMAND_MEETINGRESPONSE = 15; const COMMAND_SEARCH = 16; const COMMAND_SETTINGS = 17; const COMMAND_PING = 18; const COMMAND_ITEMOPERATIONS = 19; const COMMAND_PROVISION = 20; const COMMAND_RESOLVERECIPIENTS = 21; const COMMAND_VALIDATECERT = 22; // Deprecated commands const COMMAND_GETHIERARCHY = -1; const COMMAND_CREATECOLLECTION = -2; const COMMAND_DELETECOLLECTION = -3; const COMMAND_MOVECOLLECTION = -4; const COMMAND_NOTIFY = -5; // Webservice commands const COMMAND_WEBSERVICE_DEVICE = -100; static private $supportedASVersions = array( self::ASV_1, self::ASV_2, self::ASV_21, self::ASV_25, self::ASV_12, self::ASV_121, self::ASV_14 ); static private $supportedCommands = array( // COMMAND // AS VERSION // REQUESTHANDLER // OTHER SETTINGS self::COMMAND_SYNC => array(self::ASV_1, self::REQUESTHANDLER => "Sync"), self::COMMAND_SENDMAIL => array(self::ASV_1, self::REQUESTHANDLER => "SendMail"), self::COMMAND_SMARTFORWARD => array(self::ASV_1, self::REQUESTHANDLER => "SendMail"), self::COMMAND_SMARTREPLY => array(self::ASV_1, self::REQUESTHANDLER => "SendMail"), self::COMMAND_GETATTACHMENT => array(self::ASV_1, self::REQUESTHANDLER => "GetAttachment"), self::COMMAND_GETHIERARCHY => array(self::ASV_1, self::REQUESTHANDLER => "GetHierarchy", self::HIERARCHYCOMMAND), // deprecated but implemented self::COMMAND_CREATECOLLECTION => array(self::ASV_1), // deprecated & not implemented self::COMMAND_DELETECOLLECTION => array(self::ASV_1), // deprecated & not implemented self::COMMAND_MOVECOLLECTION => array(self::ASV_1), // deprecated & not implemented self::COMMAND_FOLDERSYNC => array(self::ASV_2, self::REQUESTHANDLER => "FolderSync", self::HIERARCHYCOMMAND), self::COMMAND_FOLDERCREATE => array(self::ASV_2, self::REQUESTHANDLER => "FolderChange", self::HIERARCHYCOMMAND), self::COMMAND_FOLDERDELETE => array(self::ASV_2, self::REQUESTHANDLER => "FolderChange", self::HIERARCHYCOMMAND), self::COMMAND_FOLDERUPDATE => array(self::ASV_2, self::REQUESTHANDLER => "FolderChange", self::HIERARCHYCOMMAND), self::COMMAND_MOVEITEMS => array(self::ASV_1, self::REQUESTHANDLER => "MoveItems"), self::COMMAND_GETITEMESTIMATE => array(self::ASV_1, self::REQUESTHANDLER => "GetItemEstimate"), self::COMMAND_MEETINGRESPONSE => array(self::ASV_1, self::REQUESTHANDLER => "MeetingResponse"), self::COMMAND_RESOLVERECIPIENTS => array(self::ASV_1, self::REQUESTHANDLER => false), self::COMMAND_VALIDATECERT => array(self::ASV_1, self::REQUESTHANDLER => false), self::COMMAND_PROVISION => array(self::ASV_25, self::REQUESTHANDLER => "Provisioning", self::UNAUTHENTICATED, self::UNPROVISIONED), self::COMMAND_SEARCH => array(self::ASV_1, self::REQUESTHANDLER => "Search"), self::COMMAND_PING => array(self::ASV_2, self::REQUESTHANDLER => "Ping", self::UNPROVISIONED), self::COMMAND_NOTIFY => array(self::ASV_1, self::REQUESTHANDLER => "Notify"), // deprecated & not implemented self::COMMAND_ITEMOPERATIONS => array(self::ASV_12, self::REQUESTHANDLER => "ItemOperations"), self::COMMAND_SETTINGS => array(self::ASV_12, self::REQUESTHANDLER => "Settings"), self::COMMAND_WEBSERVICE_DEVICE => array(self::REQUESTHANDLER => "Webservice", self::PLAININPUT, self::NOACTIVESYNCCOMMAND, self::WEBSERVICECOMMAND), ); static private $classes = array( "Email" => array( self::CLASS_NAME => "SyncMail", self::CLASS_REQUIRESPROTOCOLVERSION => false, self::CLASS_DEFAULTTYPE => SYNC_FOLDER_TYPE_INBOX, self::CLASS_OTHERTYPES => array(SYNC_FOLDER_TYPE_OTHER, SYNC_FOLDER_TYPE_DRAFTS, SYNC_FOLDER_TYPE_WASTEBASKET, SYNC_FOLDER_TYPE_SENTMAIL, SYNC_FOLDER_TYPE_OUTBOX, SYNC_FOLDER_TYPE_USER_MAIL, SYNC_FOLDER_TYPE_JOURNAL, SYNC_FOLDER_TYPE_USER_JOURNAL), ), "Contacts" => array( self::CLASS_NAME => "SyncContact", self::CLASS_REQUIRESPROTOCOLVERSION => true, self::CLASS_DEFAULTTYPE => SYNC_FOLDER_TYPE_CONTACT, self::CLASS_OTHERTYPES => array(SYNC_FOLDER_TYPE_USER_CONTACT), ), "Calendar" => array( self::CLASS_NAME => "SyncAppointment", self::CLASS_REQUIRESPROTOCOLVERSION => false, self::CLASS_DEFAULTTYPE => SYNC_FOLDER_TYPE_APPOINTMENT, self::CLASS_OTHERTYPES => array(SYNC_FOLDER_TYPE_USER_APPOINTMENT), ), "Tasks" => array( self::CLASS_NAME => "SyncTask", self::CLASS_REQUIRESPROTOCOLVERSION => false, self::CLASS_DEFAULTTYPE => SYNC_FOLDER_TYPE_TASK, self::CLASS_OTHERTYPES => array(SYNC_FOLDER_TYPE_USER_TASK), ), "Notes" => array( self::CLASS_NAME => "SyncNote", self::CLASS_REQUIRESPROTOCOLVERSION => false, self::CLASS_DEFAULTTYPE => SYNC_FOLDER_TYPE_NOTE, self::CLASS_OTHERTYPES => array(SYNC_FOLDER_TYPE_USER_NOTE), ), ); static private $stateMachine; static private $searchProvider; static private $deviceManager; static private $topCollector; static private $backend; static private $addSyncFolders; /** * Verifies configuration * * @access public * @return boolean * @throws FatalMisconfigurationException */ static public function CheckConfig() { // check the php version if (version_compare(phpversion(),'5.1.0') < 0) throw new FatalException("The configured PHP version is too old. Please make sure at least PHP 5.1 is used."); // some basic checks if (!defined('BASE_PATH')) throw new FatalMisconfigurationException("The BASE_PATH is not configured. Check if the config.php file is in place."); if (substr(BASE_PATH, -1,1) != "/") throw new FatalMisconfigurationException("The BASE_PATH should terminate with a '/'"); if (!file_exists(BASE_PATH)) throw new FatalMisconfigurationException("The configured BASE_PATH does not exist or can not be accessed."); if (defined('BASE_PATH_CLI') && file_exists(BASE_PATH_CLI)) define('REAL_BASE_PATH', BASE_PATH_CLI); else define('REAL_BASE_PATH', BASE_PATH); if (!defined('LOGFILEDIR')) throw new FatalMisconfigurationException("The LOGFILEDIR is not configured. Check if the config.php file is in place."); if (substr(LOGFILEDIR, -1,1) != "/") throw new FatalMisconfigurationException("The LOGFILEDIR should terminate with a '/'"); if (!file_exists(LOGFILEDIR)) throw new FatalMisconfigurationException("The configured LOGFILEDIR does not exist or can not be accessed."); if (!touch(LOGFILE)) throw new FatalMisconfigurationException("The configured LOGFILE can not be modified."); if (!touch(LOGERRORFILE)) throw new FatalMisconfigurationException("The configured LOGERRORFILE can not be modified."); // set time zone // code contributed by Robert Scheck (rsc) - more information: https://developer.berlios.de/mantis/view.php?id=479 if(function_exists("date_default_timezone_set")) { if(defined('TIMEZONE') ? constant('TIMEZONE') : false) { if (! @date_default_timezone_set(TIMEZONE)) throw new FatalMisconfigurationException(sprintf("The configured TIMEZONE '%s' is not valid. Please check supported timezones at http://www.php.net/manual/en/timezones.php", constant('TIMEZONE'))); } else if(!ini_get('date.timezone')) { date_default_timezone_set('Europe/Amsterdam'); } } return true; } /** * Verifies Timezone, StateMachine and Backend configuration * * @access public * @return boolean * @trows FatalMisconfigurationException */ static public function CheckAdvancedConfig() { global $specialLogUsers, $additionalFolders; if (!is_array($specialLogUsers)) throw new FatalMisconfigurationException("The WBXML log users is not an array."); if (!defined('SINK_FORCERECHECK')) { define('SINK_FORCERECHECK', 300); } else if (SINK_FORCERECHECK !== false && (!is_int(SINK_FORCERECHECK) || SINK_FORCERECHECK < 1)) throw new FatalMisconfigurationException("The SINK_FORCERECHECK value must be 'false' or a number higher than 0."); // the check on additional folders will not throw hard errors, as this is probably changed on live systems if (isset($additionalFolders) && !is_array($additionalFolders)) ZLog::Write(LOGLEVEL_ERROR, "ZPush::CheckConfig() : The additional folders synchronization not available as array."); else { self::$addSyncFolders = array(); // process configured data foreach ($additionalFolders as $af) { if (!is_array($af) || !isset($af['store']) || !isset($af['folderid']) || !isset($af['name']) || !isset($af['type'])) { ZLog::Write(LOGLEVEL_ERROR, "ZPush::CheckConfig() : the additional folder synchronization is not configured correctly. Missing parameters. Entry will be ignored."); continue; } if ($af['store'] == "" || $af['folderid'] == "" || $af['name'] == "" || $af['type'] == "") { ZLog::Write(LOGLEVEL_WARN, "ZPush::CheckConfig() : the additional folder synchronization is not configured correctly. Empty parameters. Entry will be ignored."); continue; } if (!in_array($af['type'], array(SYNC_FOLDER_TYPE_USER_CONTACT, SYNC_FOLDER_TYPE_USER_APPOINTMENT, SYNC_FOLDER_TYPE_USER_TASK, SYNC_FOLDER_TYPE_USER_MAIL))) { ZLog::Write(LOGLEVEL_ERROR, sprintf("ZPush::CheckConfig() : the type of the additional synchronization folder '%s is not permitted.", $af['name'])); continue; } $folder = new SyncFolder(); $folder->serverid = $af['folderid']; $folder->parentid = 0; // only top folders are supported $folder->displayname = $af['name']; $folder->type = $af['type']; // save store as custom property which is not streamed directly to the device $folder->NoBackendFolder = true; $folder->Store = $af['store']; self::$addSyncFolders[$folder->serverid] = $folder; } } ZLog::Write(LOGLEVEL_DEBUG, sprintf("Used timezone '%s'", date_default_timezone_get())); // get the statemachine, which will also try to load the backend.. This could throw errors self::GetStateMachine(); } /** * Returns the StateMachine object * which has to be an IStateMachine implementation * * @access public * @return object implementation of IStateMachine * @throws FatalNotImplementedException */ static public function GetStateMachine() { if (!isset(ZPush::$stateMachine)) { // the backend could also return an own IStateMachine implementation $backendStateMachine = self::GetBackend()->GetStateMachine(); // if false is returned, use the default StateMachine if ($backendStateMachine !== false) { ZLog::Write(LOGLEVEL_DEBUG, "Backend implementation of IStateMachine: ".get_class($backendStateMachine)); if (in_array('IStateMachine', class_implements($backendStateMachine))) ZPush::$stateMachine = $backendStateMachine; else throw new FatalNotImplementedException("State machine returned by the backend does not implement the IStateMachine interface!"); } else { // Initialize the default StateMachine include_once('lib/default/filestatemachine.php'); ZPush::$stateMachine = new FileStateMachine(); } } return ZPush::$stateMachine; } /** * Returns the DeviceManager object * * @param boolean $initialize (opt) default true: initializes the DeviceManager if not already done * * @access public * @return object DeviceManager */ static public function GetDeviceManager($initialize = true) { if (!isset(ZPush::$deviceManager) && $initialize) ZPush::$deviceManager = new DeviceManager(); return ZPush::$deviceManager; } /** * Returns the Top data collector object * * @access public * @return object TopCollector */ static public function GetTopCollector() { if (!isset(ZPush::$topCollector)) ZPush::$topCollector = new TopCollector(); return ZPush::$topCollector; } /** * Loads a backend file * * @param string $backendname * @access public * @throws FatalNotImplementedException * @return boolean */ static public function IncludeBackend($backendname) { if ($backendname == false) return false; $backendname = strtolower($backendname); if (substr($backendname, 0, 7) !== 'backend') throw new FatalNotImplementedException(sprintf("Backend '%s' is not allowed",$backendname)); $rbn = substr($backendname, 7); $subdirbackend = REAL_BASE_PATH . "backend/" . $rbn . "/" . $rbn . ".php"; $stdbackend = REAL_BASE_PATH . "backend/" . $rbn . ".php"; if (is_file($subdirbackend)) $toLoad = $subdirbackend; else if (is_file($stdbackend)) $toLoad = $stdbackend; else return false; ZLog::Write(LOGLEVEL_DEBUG, sprintf("Including backend file: '%s'", $toLoad)); include_once($toLoad); return true; } /** * Returns the SearchProvider object * which has to be an ISearchProvider implementation * * @access public * @return object implementation of ISearchProvider * @throws FatalMisconfigurationException, FatalNotImplementedException */ static public function GetSearchProvider() { if (!isset(ZPush::$searchProvider)) { // is a global searchprovider configured ? It will outrank the backend if (defined('SEARCH_PROVIDER') && @constant('SEARCH_PROVIDER') != "") { $searchClass = @constant('SEARCH_PROVIDER'); if (! class_exists($searchClass)) self::IncludeBackend($searchClass); if (class_exists($searchClass)) $aSearchProvider = new $searchClass(); else throw new FatalMisconfigurationException(sprintf("Search provider '%s' can not be loaded. Check configuration!", $searchClass)); } // get the searchprovider from the backend else $aSearchProvider = self::GetBackend()->GetSearchProvider(); if (in_array('ISearchProvider', class_implements($aSearchProvider))) ZPush::$searchProvider = $aSearchProvider; else throw new FatalNotImplementedException("Instantiated SearchProvider does not implement the ISearchProvider interface!"); } return ZPush::$searchProvider; } /** * Returns the Backend for this request * the backend has to be an IBackend implementation * * @access public * @return object IBackend implementation */ static public function GetBackend() { // if the backend is not yet loaded, load backend drivers and instantiate it if (!isset(ZPush::$backend)) { // Initialize our backend $ourBackend = @constant('BACKEND_PROVIDER'); self::IncludeBackend($ourBackend); if (class_exists($ourBackend)) ZPush::$backend = new $ourBackend(); else throw new FatalMisconfigurationException(sprintf("Backend provider '%s' can not be loaded. Check configuration!", $ourBackend)); } return ZPush::$backend; } /** * Returns additional folder objects which should be synchronized to the device * * @access public * @return array */ static public function GetAdditionalSyncFolders() { // TODO if there are any user based folders which should be synchronized, they have to be returned here as well!! return self::$addSyncFolders; } /** * Returns additional folder objects which should be synchronized to the device * * @param string $folderid * @param boolean $noDebug (opt) by default, debug message is shown * * @access public * @return string */ static public function GetAdditionalSyncFolderStore($folderid, $noDebug = false) { $val = (isset(self::$addSyncFolders[$folderid]->Store))? self::$addSyncFolders[$folderid]->Store : false; if (!$noDebug) ZLog::Write(LOGLEVEL_DEBUG, sprintf("ZPush::GetAdditionalSyncFolderStore('%s'): '%s'", $folderid, Utils::PrintAsString($val))); return $val; } /** * Returns a SyncObject class name for a folder class * * @param string $folderclass * * @access public * @return string * @throws FatalNotImplementedException */ static public function getSyncObjectFromFolderClass($folderclass) { if (!isset(self::$classes[$folderclass])) throw new FatalNotImplementedException("Class '$folderclass' is not supported"); $class = self::$classes[$folderclass][self::CLASS_NAME]; if (self::$classes[$folderclass][self::CLASS_REQUIRESPROTOCOLVERSION]) return new $class(Request::GetProtocolVersion()); else return new $class(); } /** * Returns the default foldertype for a folder class * * @param string $folderclass folderclass sent by the mobile * * @access public * @return string */ static public function getDefaultFolderTypeFromFolderClass($folderclass) { ZLog::Write(LOGLEVEL_DEBUG, sprintf("ZPush::getDefaultFolderTypeFromFolderClass('%s'): '%d'", $folderclass, self::$classes[$folderclass][self::CLASS_DEFAULTTYPE])); return self::$classes[$folderclass][self::CLASS_DEFAULTTYPE]; } /** * Returns the folder class for a foldertype * * @param string $foldertype * * @access public * @return string/false false if no class for this type is available */ static public function GetFolderClassFromFolderType($foldertype) { $class = false; foreach (self::$classes as $aClass => $cprops) { if ($cprops[self::CLASS_DEFAULTTYPE] == $foldertype || in_array($foldertype, $cprops[self::CLASS_OTHERTYPES])) { $class = $aClass; break; } } ZLog::Write(LOGLEVEL_DEBUG, sprintf("ZPush::GetFolderClassFromFolderType('%s'): %s", $foldertype, Utils::PrintAsString($class))); return $class; } /** * Prints the Z-Push legal header to STDOUT * Using this breaks ActiveSync synchronization if wbxml is expected * * @param string $message (opt) message to be displayed * @param string $additionalMessage (opt) additional message to be displayed * @access public * @return * */ static public function PrintZPushLegal($message = "", $additionalMessage = "") { ZLog::Write(LOGLEVEL_DEBUG,"ZPush::PrintZPushLegal()"); $zpush_version = @constant('ZPUSH_VERSION'); if ($message) $message = "

". $message . "

"; if ($additionalMessage) $additionalMessage .= "
"; header("Content-type: text/html"); print <<
Z-Push ActiveSync

Z-Push - Open Source ActiveSync

Version $zpush_version
$message $additionalMessage

More information about Z-Push can be found at:
Z-Push homepage
Z-Push download page at BerliOS
Z-Push Bugtracker and Roadmap

All modifications to this sourcecode must be published and returned to the community.
Please see AGPLv3 License for details.
END; } /** * Indicates the latest AS version supported by Z-Push * * @access public * @return string */ static public function GetLatestSupportedASVersion() { return end(self::$supportedASVersions); } /** * Indicates which is the highest AS version supported by the backend * * @access public * @return string * @throws FatalNotImplementedException if the backend returns an invalid version */ static public function GetSupportedASVersion() { $version = self::GetBackend()->GetSupportedASVersion(); if (!in_array($version, self::$supportedASVersions)) throw new FatalNotImplementedException(sprintf("AS version '%s' reported by the backend is not supported", $version)); return $version; } /** * Returns AS server header * * @access public * @return string */ static public function GetServerHeader() { if (self::GetSupportedASVersion() == self::ASV_25) return "MS-Server-ActiveSync: 6.5.7638.1"; else return "MS-Server-ActiveSync: ". self::GetSupportedASVersion(); } /** * Returns AS protocol versions which are supported * * @param boolean $valueOnly (opt) default: false (also returns the header name) * * @access public * @return string */ static public function GetSupportedProtocolVersions($valueOnly = false) { $versions = implode(',', array_slice(self::$supportedASVersions, 0, (array_search(self::GetSupportedASVersion(), self::$supportedASVersions)+1))); ZLog::Write(LOGLEVEL_DEBUG, "ZPush::GetSupportedProtocolVersions(): " . $versions); if ($valueOnly === true) return $versions; return "MS-ASProtocolVersions: " . $versions; } /** * Returns AS commands which are supported * * @access public * @return string */ static public function GetSupportedCommands() { $asCommands = array(); // filter all non-activesync commands foreach (self::$supportedCommands as $c=>$v) if (!self::checkCommandOptions($c, self::NOACTIVESYNCCOMMAND) && self::checkCommandOptions($c, self::GetSupportedASVersion())) $asCommands[] = Utils::GetCommandFromCode($c); $commands = implode(',', $asCommands); ZLog::Write(LOGLEVEL_DEBUG, "ZPush::GetSupportedCommands(): " . $commands); return "MS-ASProtocolCommands: " . $commands; } /** * Loads and instantiates a request processor for a command * * @param int $commandCode * * @access public * @return RequestProcessor sub-class */ static public function GetRequestHandlerForCommand($commandCode) { if (!array_key_exists($commandCode, self::$supportedCommands) || !array_key_exists(self::REQUESTHANDLER, self::$supportedCommands[$commandCode]) ) throw new FatalNotImplementedException(sprintf("Command '%s' has no request handler or class", Utils::GetCommandFromCode($commandCode))); $class = self::$supportedCommands[$commandCode][self::REQUESTHANDLER]; if ($class == "Webservice") $handlerclass = REAL_BASE_PATH . "lib/webservice/webservice.php"; else $handlerclass = REAL_BASE_PATH . "lib/request/" . strtolower($class) . ".php"; if (is_file($handlerclass)) include($handlerclass); if (class_exists($class)) return new $class(); else throw new FatalNotImplementedException(sprintf("Request handler '%s' can not be loaded", $class)); } /** * Indicates if a commands requires authentication or not * * @param int $commandCode * * @access public * @return boolean */ static public function CommandNeedsAuthentication($commandCode) { $stat = ! self::checkCommandOptions($commandCode, self::UNAUTHENTICATED); ZLog::Write(LOGLEVEL_DEBUG, sprintf("ZPush::CommandNeedsAuthentication(%d): %s", $commandCode, Utils::PrintAsString($stat))); return $stat; } /** * Indicates if the Provisioning check has to be forced on these commands * * @param string $commandCode * @access public * @return boolean */ static public function CommandNeedsProvisioning($commandCode) { $stat = ! self::checkCommandOptions($commandCode, self::UNPROVISIONED); ZLog::Write(LOGLEVEL_DEBUG, sprintf("ZPush::CommandNeedsProvisioning(%s): %s", $commandCode, Utils::PrintAsString($stat))); return $stat; } /** * Indicates if these commands expect plain text input instead of wbxml * * @param string $commandCode * * @access public * @return boolean */ static public function CommandNeedsPlainInput($commandCode) { $stat = self::checkCommandOptions($commandCode, self::PLAININPUT); ZLog::Write(LOGLEVEL_DEBUG, sprintf("ZPush::CommandNeedsPlainInput(%d): %s", $commandCode, Utils::PrintAsString($stat))); return $stat; } /** * Indicates if the comand to be executed operates on the hierarchy * * @param int $commandCode * @access public * @return boolean */ static public function HierarchyCommand($commandCode) { $stat = self::checkCommandOptions($commandCode, self::HIERARCHYCOMMAND); ZLog::Write(LOGLEVEL_DEBUG, sprintf("ZPush::HierarchyCommand(%d): %s", $commandCode, Utils::PrintAsString($stat))); return $stat; } /** * Checks access types of a command * * @param string $commandCode a commandCode * @param string $option e.g. self::UNAUTHENTICATED * @access private * @throws FatalNotImplementedException * @return object StateMachine */ static private function checkCommandOptions($commandCode, $option) { if ($commandCode === false) return false; if (!array_key_exists($commandCode, self::$supportedCommands)) throw new FatalNotImplementedException(sprintf("Command '%s' is not supported", Utils::GetCommandFromCode($commandCode))); $capa = self::$supportedCommands[$commandCode]; $defcapa = in_array($option, $capa, true); // if not looking for a default capability, check if the command is supported since a previous AS version if (!$defcapa) { $verkey = array_search($option, self::$supportedASVersions, true); if ($verkey !== false && ($verkey >= array_search($capa[0], self::$supportedASVersions))) { $defcapa = true; } } return $defcapa; } } ?>