. * * Consult LICENSE file for details ************************************************/ class ZPushAdmin { /** * //TODO resync of a foldertype for all users (e.g. Appointment) */ /** * List devices known to Z-Push. * If no user is given, all devices are listed * * @param string $user devices of that user, if false all devices of all users * * @return array * @access public */ static public function ListDevices($user = false) { return ZPush::GetStateMachine()->GetAllDevices($user); } /** * List users of a device known to Z-Push. * * @param string $devid users of that device * * @return array * @access public */ static public function ListUsers($devid) { try { $devState = ZPush::GetStateMachine()->GetState($devid, IStateMachine::DEVICEDATA); if ($devState instanceof StateObject && isset($devState->devices) && is_array($devState->devices)) return array_keys($devState->devices); else return array(); } catch (StateNotFoundException $stnf) { return array(); } } /** * Returns details of a device like synctimes, * policy and wipe status, synched folders etc * * @param string $devid device id * @param string $user user to be looked up * * @return ASDevice object * @access public */ static public function GetDeviceDetails($devid, $user) { try { $device = new ASDevice($devid, ASDevice::UNDEFINED, $user, ASDevice::UNDEFINED); $device->SetData(ZPush::GetStateMachine()->GetState($devid, IStateMachine::DEVICEDATA), false); $device->StripData(); try { $lastsync = SyncCollections::GetLastSyncTimeOfDevice($device); if ($lastsync) $device->SetLastSyncTime($lastsync); } catch (StateInvalidException $sive) { ZLog::Write(LOGLEVEL_WARN, sprintf("ZPushAdmin::GetDeviceDetails(): device '%s' of user '%s' has invalid states. Please sync to solve this issue.", $devid, $user)); $device->SetDeviceError("Invalid states. Please force synchronization!"); } return $device; } catch (StateNotFoundException $e) { ZLog::Write(LOGLEVEL_ERROR, sprintf("ZPushAdmin::GetDeviceDetails(): device '%s' of user '%s' can not be found", $devid, $user)); return false; } } /** * Wipes 'a' or all devices of a user. * If no user is set, the device is generally wiped. * If no device id is set, all devices of the user will be wiped. * Device id or user must be set! * * @param string $requestedBy user which requested this operation * @param string $user (opt)user of the device * @param string $devid (opt) device id which should be wiped * * @return boolean * @access public */ static public function WipeDevice($requestedBy, $user, $devid = false) { if ($user === false && $devid === false) return false; if ($devid === false) { $devicesIds = ZPush::GetStateMachine()->GetAllDevices($user); ZLog::Write(LOGLEVEL_DEBUG, sprintf("ZPushAdmin::WipeDevice(): all '%d' devices for user '%s' found to be wiped", count($devicesIds), $user)); foreach ($devicesIds as $deviceid) { if (!self::WipeDevice($requestedBy, $user, $deviceid)) { ZLog::Write(LOGLEVEL_ERROR, sprintf("ZPushAdmin::WipeDevice(): wipe devices failed for device '%s' of user '%s'. Aborting.", $deviceid, $user)); return false; } } } // wipe a device completely (for connected users to this device) else if ($devid !== false && $user === false) { $users = self::ListUsers($devid); ZLog::Write(LOGLEVEL_DEBUG, sprintf("ZPushAdmin::WipeDevice(): device '%d' is used by '%d' users and will be wiped", $devid, count($users))); if (count($users) == 0) ZLog::Write(LOGLEVEL_ERROR, sprintf("ZPushAdmin::WipeDevice(): no user found on device '%s'. Aborting.", $devid)); return self::WipeDevice($requestedBy, $users[0], $devid); } else { // load device data $device = new ASDevice($devid, ASDevice::UNDEFINED, $user, ASDevice::UNDEFINED); try { $device->SetData(ZPush::GetStateMachine()->GetState($devid, IStateMachine::DEVICEDATA), false); } catch (StateNotFoundException $e) { ZLog::Write(LOGLEVEL_ERROR, sprintf("ZPushAdmin::WipeDevice(): device '%s' of user '%s' can not be found", $devid, $user)); return false; } // set wipe status if ($device->GetWipeStatus() == SYNC_PROVISION_RWSTATUS_WIPED) ZLog::Write(LOGLEVEL_INFO, sprintf("ZPushAdmin::WipeDevice(): device '%s' of user '%s' was alread sucessfully remote wiped on %s", $devid , $user, strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M", $device->GetWipeActionOn()))); else $device->SetWipeStatus(SYNC_PROVISION_RWSTATUS_PENDING, $requestedBy); // save device data try { if ($device->IsNewDevice()) { ZLog::Write(LOGLEVEL_ERROR, sprintf("ZPushAdmin::WipeDevice(): data of user '%s' not synchronized on device '%s'. Aborting.", $user, $devid)); return false; } ZPush::GetStateMachine()->SetState($device->GetData(), $devid, IStateMachine::DEVICEDATA); ZLog::Write(LOGLEVEL_DEBUG, sprintf("ZPushAdmin::WipeDevice(): device '%s' of user '%s' marked to be wiped", $devid, $user)); } catch (StateNotFoundException $e) { ZLog::Write(LOGLEVEL_ERROR, sprintf("ZPushAdmin::WipeDevice(): state for device '%s' of user '%s' can not be saved", $devid, $user)); return false; } } return true; } /** * Removes device details from the z-push directory. * If device id is not set, all devices of a user are removed. * If the user is not set, the details of the device (independently if used by several users) is removed. * Device id or user must be set! * * @param string $user (opt) user of the device * @param string $devid (opt) device id which should be wiped * * @return boolean * @access public */ static public function RemoveDevice($user = false, $devid = false) { if ($user === false && $devid === false) return false; // remove all devices for user if ($devid === false && $user !== false) { $devicesIds = ZPush::GetStateMachine()->GetAllDevices($user); ZLog::Write(LOGLEVEL_DEBUG, sprintf("ZPushAdmin::RemoveDevice(): all '%d' devices for user '%s' found to be removed", count($devicesIds), $user)); foreach ($devicesIds as $deviceid) { if (!self::RemoveDevice($user, $deviceid)) { ZLog::Write(LOGLEVEL_ERROR, sprintf("ZPushAdmin::RemoveDevice(): removing devices failed for device '%s' of user '%s'. Aborting", $deviceid, $user)); return false; } } } // remove a device completely (for connected users to this device) else if ($devid !== false && $user === false) { $users = self::ListUsers($devid); ZLog::Write(LOGLEVEL_DEBUG, sprintf("ZPushAdmin::RemoveDevice(): device '%d' is used by '%d' users and will be removed", $devid, count($users))); foreach ($users as $aUser) { if (!self::RemoveDevice($aUser, $devid)) { ZLog::Write(LOGLEVEL_ERROR, sprintf("ZPushAdmin::RemoveDevice(): removing user '%s' from device '%s' failed. Aborting", $aUser, $devid)); return false; } } } // user and deviceid set else { // load device data $device = new ASDevice($devid, ASDevice::UNDEFINED, $user, ASDevice::UNDEFINED); $devices = array(); try { $devicedata = ZPush::GetStateMachine()->GetState($devid, IStateMachine::DEVICEDATA); $device->SetData($devicedata, false); $devices = $devicedata->devices; } catch (StateNotFoundException $e) { ZLog::Write(LOGLEVEL_ERROR, sprintf("ZPushAdmin::RemoveDevice(): device '%s' of user '%s' can not be found", $devid, $user)); return false; } // remove all related states foreach ($device->GetAllFolderIds() as $folderid) StateManager::UnLinkState($device, $folderid); // remove hierarchcache StateManager::UnLinkState($device, false); // remove backend storage permanent data ZPush::GetStateMachine()->CleanStates($device->GetDeviceId(), IStateMachine::BACKENDSTORAGE, false, 99999999999); // remove devicedata and unlink user from device unset($devices[$user]); if (isset($devicedata->devices)) $devicedata->devices = $devices; ZPush::GetStateMachine()->UnLinkUserDevice($user, $devid); // no more users linked for device - remove device data if (count($devices) == 0) ZPush::GetStateMachine()->CleanStates($devid, IStateMachine::DEVICEDATA, false); // save data if something left else ZPush::GetStateMachine()->SetState($devicedata, $devid, IStateMachine::DEVICEDATA); ZLog::Write(LOGLEVEL_DEBUG, sprintf("ZPushAdmin::RemoveDevice(): data of device '%s' of user '%s' removed", $devid, $user)); } return true; } /** * Marks a folder of a device of a user for re-synchronization * * @param string $user user of the device * @param string $devid device id which should be wiped * @param string $folderid if not set, hierarchy state is linked * * @return boolean * @access public */ static public function ResyncFolder($user, $devid, $folderid) { // load device data $device = new ASDevice($devid, ASDevice::UNDEFINED, $user, ASDevice::UNDEFINED); try { $device->SetData(ZPush::GetStateMachine()->GetState($devid, IStateMachine::DEVICEDATA), false); if ($device->IsNewDevice()) { ZLog::Write(LOGLEVEL_ERROR, sprintf("ZPushAdmin::ResyncFolder(): data of user '%s' not synchronized on device '%s'. Aborting.",$user, $devid)); return false; } // remove folder state StateManager::UnLinkState($device, $folderid); ZPush::GetStateMachine()->SetState($device->GetData(), $devid, IStateMachine::DEVICEDATA); ZLog::Write(LOGLEVEL_DEBUG, sprintf("ZPushAdmin::ResyncFolder(): folder '%s' on device '%s' of user '%s' marked to be re-synchronized.", $devid, $user)); } catch (StateNotFoundException $e) { ZLog::Write(LOGLEVEL_ERROR, sprintf("ZPushAdmin::ResyncFolder(): state for device '%s' of user '%s' can not be found or saved", $devid, $user)); return false; } } /** * Marks a all folders synchronized to a device for re-synchronization * If no user is set all user which are synchronized for a device are marked for re-synchronization. * If no device id is set all devices of that user are marked for re-synchronization. * If no user and no device are set then ALL DEVICES are marked for resynchronization (use with care!). * * @param string $user (opt) user of the device * @param string $devid (opt)device id which should be wiped * * @return boolean * @access public */ static public function ResyncDevice($user, $devid = false) { // search for target devices if ($devid === false) { $devicesIds = ZPush::GetStateMachine()->GetAllDevices($user); ZLog::Write(LOGLEVEL_DEBUG, sprintf("ZPushAdmin::ResyncDevice(): all '%d' devices for user '%s' found to be re-synchronized", count($devicesIds), $user)); foreach ($devicesIds as $deviceid) { if (!self::ResyncDevice($user, $deviceid)) { ZLog::Write(LOGLEVEL_ERROR, sprintf("ZPushAdmin::ResyncDevice(): wipe devices failed for device '%s' of user '%s'. Aborting", $deviceid, $user)); return false; } } } else { // get devicedata try { $devicedata = ZPush::GetStateMachine()->GetState($devid, IStateMachine::DEVICEDATA); } catch (StateNotFoundException $e) { ZLog::Write(LOGLEVEL_ERROR, sprintf("ZPushAdmin::ResyncDevice(): state for device '%s' can not be found", $devid)); return false; } // loop through all users which currently use this device if ($user === false && $devicedata instanceof StateObject && isset($devicedata->devices) && is_array($devicedata->devices) && count($devicedata->devices) > 1) { foreach (array_keys($devicedata) as $aUser) { if (!self::ResyncDevice($aUser, $devid)) { ZLog::Write(LOGLEVEL_ERROR, sprintf("ZPushAdmin::ResyncDevice(): re-synchronization failed for device '%s' of user '%s'. Aborting", $devid, $aUser)); return false; } } } // load device data $device = new ASDevice($devid, ASDevice::UNDEFINED, $user, ASDevice::UNDEFINED); try { $device->SetData($devicedata, false); if ($device->IsNewDevice()) { ZLog::Write(LOGLEVEL_ERROR, sprintf("ZPushAdmin::ResyncDevice(): data of user '%s' not synchronized on device '%s'. Aborting.",$user, $devid)); return false; } // delete all uuids foreach ($device->GetAllFolderIds() as $folderid) StateManager::UnLinkState($device, $folderid); // remove hierarchcache StateManager::UnLinkState($device, false); ZPush::GetStateMachine()->SetState($device->GetData(), $devid, IStateMachine::DEVICEDATA); ZLog::Write(LOGLEVEL_DEBUG, sprintf("ZPushAdmin::ResyncDevice(): all folders synchronized to device '%s' of user '%s' marked to be re-synchronized.", $devid, $user)); } catch (StateNotFoundException $e) { ZLog::Write(LOGLEVEL_ERROR, sprintf("ZPushAdmin::ResyncDevice(): state for device '%s' of user '%s' can not be found or saved", $devid, $user)); return false; } } return true; } /** * Clears loop detection data * * @param string $user (opt) user which data should be removed - user may not be specified without device id * @param string $devid (opt) device id which data to be removed * * @return boolean * @access public */ static public function ClearLoopDetectionData($user = false, $devid = false) { $loopdetection = new LoopDetection(); return $loopdetection->ClearData($user, $devid); } /** * Returns loop detection data of a user & device * * @param string $user * @param string $devid * * @return array/boolean returns false if data is not available * @access public */ static public function GetLoopDetectionData($user, $devid) { $loopdetection = new LoopDetection(); return $loopdetection->GetCachedData($user, $devid); } } ?>