1 Day expressoMail1_2 en 1 Day 2 Days expressoMail1_2 en 2 Days 3 Days expressoMail1_2 en 3 Days 4 Days expressoMail1_2 en 4 Days 5 Day expressoMail1_2 en 5 Day 5 Days expressoMail1_2 en 5 Days Access right expressoMail1_2 en Access rights Action expressoMail1_2 en Action Add BCC expressoMail1_2 en Add BCC Add CC expressoMail1_2 en Add CC Add Contact expressoMail1_2 en Add Contact Add user into my IM expressoMail1_2 en Add user into my IM Note: This sharing will take action on all of your folders and messages. expressoMail1_2 en Note: This sharing will take action on all your folders and messages. all expressoMail1_2 en all Allowed domains for sieve forwarding admin en Allowed domains for sieve forwarding Also check message against next rule expressoMail1_2 en Also check message against next rule Always sign message digitally? expressoMail1_2 en Always sign message digitally? Always cipher message digitally? expressoMail1_2 en Always cipher message digitally? and expressoMail1_2 en and and save in expressoMail1_2 en and save in Answered expressoMail1_2 en Answered Answered/Forwarded expressoMail1_2 en Answered/Forwarded l_answered expressoMail1_2 en Answered Answer messages from: %1 - Status: %2 - message: %3 expressoMail1_2 en Answer messages from: %1 - Status: %2 - message: %3 A read confirmation was sent. expressoMail1_2 en A read notification was sent. At %1, %2 hours, %3 wrote: expressoMail1_2 en At %1, %2 hours, %3 wrote: Auto save draft expressoMail1_2 en Auto save draft authentic expressoMail1_2 en authentic Back expressoMail1_2 en Back BCC expressoMail1_2 en BCC Before Date expressoMail1_2 en Before Date Big expressoMail1_2 en Big Bold expressoMail1_2 en Bold Border expressoMail1_2 en Border Block Sender expressoMail1_2 en Block Sender Tip: For faster save, click over the image with right button. expressoMail1_2 en Tip: For faster save, click over the image with right button. Call to Comercial Number expressoMail1_2 en Call to Comercial Number Call to Mobile Number expressoMail1_2 en Call to Mobile Number cancel expressoMail1_2 en cancel CC expressoMail1_2 en CC CCo expressoMail1_2 en CCo REVOKED Certificate. expressoMail1_2 en REVOKED Certificate. Certificate Authority: expressoMail1_2 en Certificate Authority: Certificate email: expressoMail1_2 en Certificate email: certificate has expired expressoMail1_2 en certificate has expired Change folder expressoMail1_2 en Change folder Choose a name expressoMail1_2 en Choose a name Chose the text you want transform in link before. expressoMail1_2 en Select the text which will be transformed in link Clean expressoMail1_2 en Clear Click here do view (+) expressoMail1_2 en Click here do view (+) Click here to add into the fields expressoMail1_2 en Click here to add into the fields Close expressoMail1_2 en Close Coincident expressoMail1_2 en Coincident Comma separated admin en Comma separated Command for spam admin en Command for spam Command for unmark spam admin en Command for unmark spam Config for ExpressoMail expressoMail1_2 en Config for ExpressoMail Couldn't verify if certificate was revoked.(CD-01) expressoMail1_2 en Couldn't verify if certificate was revoked.(CD-01) Couldn't verify if certificate was revoked.(CD-02) expressoMail1_2 en Couldn't verify if certificate was revoked.(CD-02) Couldn't verify if certificate was revoked.(CD-03) expressoMail1_2 en Couldn't verify if certificate was revoked.(CD-03) Crypted message expressoMail1_2 en Crypted message Cyrus IMAP Server expressoMail1_2 en Cyrus IMAP Server attachment expressoMail1_2 en attachment Attachments: add+ expressoMail1_2 en Attachments: add+ Attachments: expressoMail1_2 en Attachments: Attachments expressoMail1_2 en Attachments Date: expressoMail1_2 en Date: Date expressoMail1_2 en Date day(s) expressoMail1_2 en day(s) Define some criterion to the fields From, To and Subject with more than 3 characters! expressoMail1_2 en Define some criterion to the fields From, To and Subject with more than 3 characters! Define some search parameters! expressoMail1_2 en Define some search parameters! Delete expressoMail1_2 en Delete Delete trash messages after how many days? expressoMail1_2 en Delete trash messages after how many days? Delete your sub-folders first expressoMail1_2 en Delete your sub-folders first DISABLED expressoMail1_2 en DISABLED Disable expressoMail1_2 en Disable Details expressoMail1_2 pt-br Details Digitally sign message? expressoMail1_2 en Digitally sign message? Digitally crypt message? expressoMail1_2 en Digitally crypt message? Download all atachments expressoMail1_2 en Download all atachments Download manual expressoMail1_2 en Download manual Do you really want to empty your trash folder? expressoMail1_2 en Do you really want to empty your trash folder? Do you wanna receive an alert for new messages? expressoMail1_2 en Do you wanna receive an alert for new messages? Do you want to block this e-mail? expressoMail1_2 en Do you want to block this e-mail? Do you want to log the sent messages? admin en Do you want to log the sent messages? Do you want to show common name instead of UID? expressoMail1_2 en Do you want to show common name instead of UID? Do you want to use the spam filter? admin en Do you want to use the spam filter? Do you wish to exclude the folder expressoMail1_2 en Do you wish to exclude the folder Draft expressoMail1_2 en Draft Drafts expressoMail1_2 en Drafts During expressoMail1_2 en During Drafts Folder name admin en Drafts Folder name Edit expressoMail1_2 en Edit Edit filters expressoMail1_2 en Edit filters Edit folders expressoMail1_2 en Edit folders E-mail rule expressoMail1_2 en E-mail rule Emails of the account expressoMail1_2 en Emails of the account Empty Trash expressoMail1_2 en Empty Trash ENABLED expressoMail1_2 en ENABLED Enable expressoMail1_2 en Enable Enable digitally sign/cipher the message? expressoMail1_2 en Enable digitally sign/cipher the message? Enable Quick Reply expressoMail1_2 en Enable Quick Reply Enter a name for the box expressoMail1_2 en Enter a name for the box Enter the name of the new folder: expressoMail1_2 en Enter the name of the new folder: Enter with link URL: expressoMail1_2 en Enter with link URL: Delete folder expressoMail1_2 en Delete folder Erase the message expressoMail1_2 en Erase the message Error compressing messages (ZIP). Contact the administrator. expressoMail1_2 en Error compressing messages (ZIP). Contact the administrator. Error in SMTP sending read confirmation. expressoMail1_2 en Error in SMTP sending read confirmation. Error moving message. expressoMail1_2 en Error moving message. Enable digitally sign/cipher the message? expressoMail1_2 en Enable digitally sign/cipher the message? #error:21075075:PKCS7 routines:PKCS7_verify:certificate verify error expressoMail1_2 en #error:21075075:PKCS7 routines:PKCS7_verify:certificate verify error error:21075069:PKCS7 routines:PKCS7_verify:signature failure expressoMail1_2 en error:21075069:PKCS7 routines:PKCS7_verify:signature failure error:21071065:PKCS7 routines:PKCS7_signatureVerify:digest failure expressoMail1_2 en error:21071065:PKCS7 routines:PKCS7_signatureVerify:digest failure error:21071065:PKCS7 routines:func(113):reason(101) expressoMail1_2 en error:21071065:PKCS7 routines:func(113):reason(101) error:21075069:PKCS7 routines:func(117):reason(105) expressoMail1_2 en error:21075069:PKCS7 routines:func(117):reason(105) Exclusion expressoMail1_2 en Exclusion Export expressoMail1_2 en Export Export messages expressoMail1_2 en Export messages ExpressoMail Configuration expressoMail1_2 en ExpressoMail Configuration expressoMail1_2 common en Expresso Mail ExpressoMail settings admin en ExpressoMail settings File extension forbidden expressoMail1_2 en File extension forbidden files expressoMail1_2 en files Filters expressoMail1_2 en Filters Filters maintenance expressoMail1_2 en Filters maintenance Filters management expressoMail1_2 en Filters management First expressoMail1_2 en First First Name expressoMail1_2 en First Name Flagged expressoMail1_2 en Flagged Flags expressoMail1_2 en Flags Folder expressoMail1_2 en Folder Folder Management expressoMail1_2 en Folder Management Folders expressoMail1_2 en Folders Font expressoMail1_2 en Font forecolor expressoMail1_2 en forecolor Forwarded expressoMail1_2 en Forwarded Forwarded message expressoMail1_2 en Forwarded message Forward expressoMail1_2 en Forward Forward to the address expressoMail1_2 en Forward to the address From: expressoMail1_2 en From: From expressoMail1_2 en From Global Catalog expressoMail1_2 en Global Catalog Go back expressoMail1_2 en Go back greater than expressoMail1_2 en greater than Groups expressoMail1_2 en Groups Hide menu folders? expressoMail1_2 en Hide menu folders? Hide options expressoMail1_2 en Hide options Hide Search expressoMail1_2 en Hide Search hlp_msg_addcreate_acl expressoMail1_2 en hlp_msg_addcreate_acl hlp_msg_delmov_acl expressoMail1_2 en hlp_msg_delmov_acl hlp_msg_read_acl expressoMail1_2 en hlp_msg_read_acl hlp_msg_sendlike_acl expressoMail1_2 en hlp_msg_sendlike_acl Image expressoMail1_2 en Image Imap Folders Properties admin en Imap Folders Properties Important expressoMail1_2 en Important l_important expressoMail1_2 en Important In all the folders expressoMail1_2 en In all folders Inbox expressoMail1_2 en Inbox Include expressoMail1_2 en Include indent expressoMail1_2 en indent Inform a forwarding e-mail! expressoMail1_2 en Inform a forwarding e-mail! Inform a message expressoMail1_2 en Inform a message Inform a text for rejection! expressoMail1_2 en Inform a text for rejection! Inform a valid e-mail! expressoMail1_2 en Inform a valid e-mail! Inform between 1 and 31! expressoMail1_2 en Inform between 1 and 31! Inform the days! expressoMail1_2 en Inform the days! Inform the forwarding e-mail(s) expressoMail1_2 en Inform the forwarding e-mail(s) Inform your search in the text fields expressoMail1_2 en Inform your search in the text fields insertorderedlist expressoMail1_2 en Insert ordered list Insert Table expressoMail1_2 en Insert table Insert signature expressoMail1_2 en Insert signature Insert signature automatically in new messages? expressoMail1_2 en Insert signature automatically in new messages? insertunorderedlist expressoMail1_2 en Insert unordered list Invalid signature expressoMail1_2 en Invalid signature in this message expressoMail1_2 en in this message italic expressoMail1_2 en italic Its %1 folder is not created. It is necessary to create so that it functions correctly. expressoMail1_2 en Its %1 folder is not created. It is necessary to create so that it functions correctly. It's not possible create inside: expressoMail1_2 en It's not possible to create inside: It's not possible delete the folder: expressoMail1_2 en It's not possible to delete the folder: It's not possible rename the folder: expressoMail1_2 en It's not possible to rename the folder: It's not possible rename this folder! expressoMail1_2 en It's not possible to rename this folder! It's not possible rename this folder, because it is being used in the moment! expressoMail1_2 en It's not possible to rename this folder, because it's being used in the moment! justifycenter expressoMail1_2 en justify center justifyfull expressoMail1_2 en justify full justifyleft expressoMail1_2 en justify left justifyright expressoMail1_2 en justify right Keep a copy of the message at your Inbox expressoMail1_2 en Keep a copy of the message at your Inbox Last expressoMail1_2 en Last Last Name expressoMail1_2 en Last Name Less expressoMail1_2 en Less Less than expressoMail1_2 en Less than Link expressoMail1_2 en Link List All expressoMail1_2 en List All List Catalog expressoMail1_2 en List Catalog List expressoMail1_2 en List list of the filters expressoMail1_2 en list of the filters Loading expressoMail1_2 en Loading Mailbox Sharing expressoMail1_2 en Mailbox Sharing Mail from: expressoMail1_2 pt-br Mail from: Manager your folders and export messages expressoMail1_2 en Manager your folders and export messages Mark as expressoMail1_2 en Mark as Mark as Spam expressoMail1_2 en Mark as Spam Max size expressoMail1_2 en Max size Medium expressoMail1_2 en Medium Message body expressoMail1_2 en Message body Message date: expressoMail1_2 pt-br Message date: message expressoMail1_2 en message minute ago expressoMail1_2 en minute ago minutes ago expressoMail1_2 en minutes ago hours ago expressoMail1_2 en hours ago Message Font expressoMail1_2 en Message Font Message Header expressoMail1_2 en Message Header Message marked as expressoMail1_2 en Message marked as Message signed by: expressoMail1_2 en Message signed by: Message untouched expressoMail1_2 en Message untouched Message untouched and authentic expressoMail1_2 en Message untouched and authentic Message untouched with signer different from sender expressoMail1_2 en Message untouched with signer different from sender message(s) deleted from your trash folder. expressoMail1_2 en message(s) deleted from your trash folder. messages expressoMail1_2 en messages messages found in folder: expressoMail1_2 en messages found in folder: Messages saved in %1 folder. expressoMail1_2 en Messages saved in %1 folder. #MSG010- Erro verificando Expiracao/CAs do certificado. expressoMail1_2 en #MSG010- Erro verificando Expiracao/CAs do certificado. #MSG011- Ocorreu erro validando o certificado. expressoMail1_2 en #MSG011- Ocorreu erro validando o certificado. More actions expressoMail1_2 en More actions More expressoMail1_2 en More More options expressoMail1_2 en More options More than %1 results. Please, try to refine your search. expressoMail1_2 en More than %1 results. Please, try to refine your search. More than %1 results were found expressoMail1_2 en More than %1 results were found Move expressoMail1_2 en Move Move to expressoMail1_2 en Move to My Folders expressoMail1_2 en My Folders New expressoMail1_2 en New New folder expressoMail1_2 en New folder New Message expressoMail1_2 en New Message New rule expressoMail1_2 en New rule Next expressoMail1_2 en Next Nickname expressoMail1_2 en Nickname No data to search expressoMail1_2 en No data to search None expressoMail1_2 en None None result was found. expressoMail1_2 en None result was found. No option marked! expressoMail1_2 en No option marked! normal expressoMail1_2 en normal now expressoMail1_2 en now No selected message. expressoMail1_2 en No selected message. No Subject expressoMail1_2 en No Subject Not Spam expressoMail1_2 en Not Spam Old expressoMail1_2 en Old On Date expressoMail1_2 en On Date Open chat window expressoMail1_2 en Open chat window Open in New Window expressoMail1_2 en Open in New Window Open search window... expressoMail1_2 en Open search window... Options expressoMail1_2 en Options Organization expressoMail1_2 en Organization Original Attachments: add expressoMail1_2 en Original Attachments: add Original Attachments: remove expressoMail1_2 en Original Attachments: remove outdent expressoMail1_2 en outdent out office expressoMail1_2 en out office Over quota expressoMail1_2 en Over quota Personal Catalog expressoMail1_2 en Personal Catalog Postfix with LDAP expressoMail1_2 en Postfix with LDAP People expressoMail1_2 en People Preferences expressoMail1_2 en Preferences Previous expressoMail1_2 en Previous Print expressoMail1_2 en Print Public Lists expressoMail1_2 en Public Lists Read expressoMail1_2 en Read Recent expressoMail1_2 en Recent Redo expressoMail1_2 en Redo Refresh expressoMail1_2 en Refresh Remove expressoMail1_2 en Remove Rename folder expressoMail1_2 en Rename folder Reply expressoMail1_2 en Reply Reply sent messages to expressoMail1_2 en Reply sent messages to Reply to all expressoMail1_2 en Reply to all Reply to all with history expressoMail1_2 en Reply to all with history Reply to all without history expressoMail1_2 en Reply to all without history Reply to expressoMail1_2 en Reply to Reply to sender expressoMail1_2 en Reply to sender Reply with history expressoMail1_2 en Reply with history Reply without history expressoMail1_2 en Reply without history Result of the search expressoMail1_2 en Result of the search Return receipt expressoMail1_2 en Return receipt Rich Text expressoMail1_2 en Rich Text Rule expressoMail1_2 en Rule Save as Draft expressoMail1_2 en Save as Draft Save deleted messages in trash folder? expressoMail1_2 en Save deleted messages in trash folder? Save sent messages in folder expressoMail1_2 en Save sent messages in folder Save Draft expressoMail1_2 en Save Draft Save expressoMail1_2 en Save Save in folder expressoMail1_2 en Save in folder Save sent messages in folder? expressoMail1_2 en Save sent messages in folder? Search expressoMail1_2 en Search Search for Organization expressoMail1_2 en Search for Organization Search in Catalog expressoMail1_2 en Search in Catalog Search in the Global Catalog expressoMail1_2 en Search in the Global Catalog Search Results expressoMail1_2 en Search Results search results expressoMail1_2 en search results Search the messages in these folders expressoMail1_2 en Search the messages in these folders Search user... expressoMail1_2 en Search user... Search user expressoMail1_2 en Search user Sector expressoMail1_2 en Sector Seen expressoMail1_2 en Seen l_seen expressoMail1_2 en Seen Select a folder: expressoMail1_2 en Select a folder: Select a folder! expressoMail1_2 en Select a folder! Select all messages. expressoMail1_2 en Select all messages. Select a name expressoMail1_2 en Select a name Select an organization and click on button Search expressoMail1_2 en Select an organization and click on button Search Select on send expressoMail1_2 en Select on send Select the desired image file expressoMail1_2 en Select the desired image file Select the table size expressoMail1_2 en Select the table size Select the type of contact that you want to view expressoMail1_2 en Select the type of contact that you want to view Select the user expressoMail1_2 en Select the user Send and file expressoMail1_2 en Send and file Send a rejection message expressoMail1_2 en Send a rejection message Sender's Information expressoMail1_2 en Sender's Information Send expressoMail1_2 en Send Send this message without a subject? expressoMail1_2 en Send this message without a subject? Send (without save) expressoMail1_2 en Send (without save) Sent by expressoMail1_2 en Sent by Sent expressoMail1_2 en Sent Sent Folder name admin en Sent Folder name Service unavailable expressoMail1_2 en Service unavailable Shared folders expressoMail1_2 en Shared folders Shared options saved with success expressoMail1_2 en Shared options saved with success Share mailbox expressoMail1_2 en Share mailbox Show default view on main screen? expressoMail1_2 en Show default view on main screen? Showing only the results found in your organization expressoMail1_2 en Showing only the results found in your organization Show previous message, after delete actual message? expressoMail1_2 en Show previous message, after delete actual message? Signature expressoMail1_2 en Signature Signature Configuration expressoMail1_2 en Signature Configuration Signature Type expressoMail1_2 en Signature Type Signed message expressoMail1_2 en Signed message Simple Text expressoMail1_2 en Simple Text Since Date expressoMail1_2 en Since Date Size expressoMail1_2 en Size Small expressoMail1_2 en Small Spam expressoMail1_2 en Spam Spam Folder name admin en Spam Folder name standard IMAP server expressoMail1_2 en standard IMAP server standard POP3 server expressoMail1_2 en standard POP3 server standard SMTP-Server expressoMail1_2 en standard SMTP-Server Status expressoMail1_2 en Status Store at expressoMail1_2 en Store at Subject expressoMail1_2 en Subject Table expressoMail1_2 en Table The Anti Pop-Up is enabled. Allow this site (%1) for print. expressoMail1_2 en The Anti Pop-Up is enabled. Allow this site (%1) for print. The field \"%1\" of the message it contains expressoMail1_2 en The field \"%1\" of the message it contains The folder %1 was successfully removed expressoMail1_2 en The folder %1 was successfully removed The folder was not deleted! expressoMail1_2 en The folder was not deleted! The list has no participant. expressoMail1_2 en The list has no participant. The messages were deleted. expressoMail1_2 en The messages were deleted. The messages were moved to folder expressoMail1_2 en The messages were moved to folder The message was deleted. expressoMail1_2 en The message was deleted. The message was moved to folder expressoMail1_2 en The message was moved to folder The origin folder and the destination folder are the same. expressoMail1_2 en The origin folder and the destination folder are the same. The preference "%1" isn't enabled. expressoMail1_2 en The preference "%1" isn't enabled. There's an action processing. Do you want abort it? expressoMail1_2 en There's an action processing. Do you want abort it? The results were found in the Global Catalog expressoMail1_2 en The results were found in the Global Catalog The size of the message is expressoMail1_2 en The size of the message is The size of this message has exceeded the limit (%1B). expressoMail1_2 en The size of this message has exceeded the limit (%1B). This mail box is empty expressoMail1_2 en This mail box is empty. This message is already opened! expressoMail1_2 en This message is already opened! This message is already selected! expressoMail1_2 en This message is already selected! This message is signed, and you can trust. expressoMail1_2 en This message is signed, and you can trust. This message is signed, but it is invalid. You should not trust on it. expressoMail1_2 en This message is signed, but it is invalid. You should not trust on it. To: expressoMail1_2 en To: TO expressoMail1_2 en TO Tools expressoMail1_2 en Tools Trash expressoMail1_2 en Trash Trash Folder name admin en Trash Folder name Type without spaces, dots or special characters! expressoMail1_2 en Type without spaces, dots or special characters! Unanswered/Unforwarded expressoMail1_2 en Unanswered/Unforwarded underlined expressoMail1_2 en underlined underline expressoMail1_2 en underline Undo expressoMail1_2 en Undo Unflagged expressoMail1_2 en Unflagged Unseen expressoMail1_2 en Unseen l_unseen expressoMail1_2 en Unseen Upload file expressoMail1_2 en Upload file Use F9 Key as shortcut. expressoMail1_2 en Use F9 Key as shortcut. Use shortcuts? expressoMail1_2 en Use shortcuts? User connected instant_messenger en User connected User didn't accepted you yet instant_messenger en User didn't accepted you yet Use dynamic contacts? expressoMail1_2 en Use dynamic contacts? User not connected instant_messenger en User not connected User not registered instant_messenger en User not registered Users expressoMail1_2 en Users Validity of certificate: expressoMail1_2 en Validity of certificate: View HTML source expressoMail1_2 en View HTML source View tips expressoMail1_2 en View tips Voided message expressoMail1_2 en Voided message Warning: Your Mailbox is almost full! expressoMail1_2 en Warning: Your Mailbox is almost full! was succefully removed expressoMail1_2 en was succefully removed What is the height of the lines in the list of messages? expressoMail1_2 en What is the height of the lines in the list of messages? What is the maximum number of messages per page? expressoMail1_2 en What is the maximum number of messages per page? What is the maximum number of results in an e-mail search? expressoMail1_2 en What is the maximum number of results in an e-mail search? What is the minimum number of characters in searching contacts? expressoMail1_2 en What is the minimum number of characters in searching contacts? Who expressoMail1_2 en Who With all expressoMail1_2 en With all with signer different from sender expressoMail1_2 en with signer different from sender Without Quota expressoMail1_2 en Without Quota without save expressoMail1_2 en without save with some expressoMail1_2 en with some With the following message expressoMail1_2 en With the following message Write expressoMail1_2 en Write Write message expressoMail1_2 en Write message wrote expressoMail1_2 en wrote You can't forward e-mails to this domain: %1 admin en You can't forward e-mails to this domain: %1 You didn't accepted yet instant_messenger en You didn't accepted yet You have %1 new expressoMail1_2 en You have %1 new You must wait while the messages will be exported... expressoMail1_2 en You must wait while the messages will be exported... Your Mailbox is 100% full! You must free more space or will not receive messages. expressoMail1_2 en Your Mailbox is 100% full! You must free more space or will not receive messages. Your mailbox is shared with expressoMail1_2 en Your mailbox is shared with Your message has not been sent and will be discarted. expressoMail1_2 en Your message has not been sent and will be discarted. Your message has not been sent. Discard your message? expressoMail1_2 en Your message has not been sent. Discard your message? Your message was save as draft in folder %1. expressoMail1_2 en Your message was save as draft in folder %1. Your message was sent and save. expressoMail1_2 en Your message was sent and save. Your message was sent. expressoMail1_2 en Your message was sent. Your search argument must be longer than %1 characters. expressoMail1_2 en Your search argument must be longer than %1 characters. your session could not be verified. expressoMail1_2 en your session could not be verified. Your Trash folder was empty. expressoMail1_2 en Your Trash folder was empty. Reached maximum tab limit expressoMail1_2 en Reached maximum tab limit Page Not Found! expressoMail1_2 en Page Not Found! This list has no participants expressoMail1_2 en This list has no participants Rows expressoMail1_2 en Rows Cols expressoMail1_2 en Cols Certificate Owner expressoMail1_2 en Certificate Owner Common Name (CN) expressoMail1_2 en Common Name (CN) Organization (O) expressoMail1_2 en Organization (O) Organizational Unit (OU) expressoMail1_2 en Organizational Unit (OU) Personal Data expressoMail1_2 en Personal Data Birthday expressoMail1_2 en Birthday Fiscal Id expressoMail1_2 en Fiscal Id Identification expressoMail1_2 en Identification Certificate Issuer expressoMail1_2 en Certificate Issuer Validity expressoMail1_2 en Validity Valid From expressoMail1_2 en Valid From Valid Until expressoMail1_2 en Valid Until Serial Number expressoMail1_2 en Serial Number