-------------------- JUpload - File Upload Applet - Applet translation (list of available translations) -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- This page contains the list of available translation, with the relevant contributors (thanks to them). Each line contains a link to the page which contains this translation. Each page contains both the applet translation (for this package), and a translation for the JUPload plugin for Coppermine. This second translation is not used, if you directly use the applet. But, as it is a free and open source project, it would be nice that translators also translate it... Please read all details in the {{{../howto-translate.html}howto-translate}} page. *--------------------*--------------------* || Language || Contributor | | {{{./lang.properties.html}English (default language file)}} | Core translation file (no contributor) | | {{{./lang_ar.properties.html}Arabic}} | "Abdulrhman Alkhodiry" | | {{{./lang_ar_SA.properties.html}Arabic}} | "Abdulrhman Alkhodiry" | | {{{./lang_bg.properties.html}Bulgarian}} | Илиан Христодоров (zulix@zulix.net) | | {{{./lang_cs.properties.html}Czech}} | Vladan Zajda | | {{{./lang_da.properties.html}Danish}} | Jeppe Bundsgaard | | {{{./lang_de.properties.html}German}} | Fritz Elfert | | {{{./lang_en.properties.html}English}} | No maintainer (same content as lang.properties) | | {{{./lang_eo.properties.html}Esperanto}} | Chuck Smith | | {{{./lang_es.properties.html}Spanish}} | Unknown | | {{{./lang_fr.properties.html}French}} | Etienne | | {{{./lang_he.properties.html}Hebrew}} | liorda@gmail.com | | {{{./lang_hr.properties.html}Croatian}} | Bruno Simic | | {{{./lang_hu.properties.html}Hungarian}} | Rézsó Gábor | | {{{./lang_it.properties.html}Italian}} | Manuele Grueff mgrueff@atipica.it | | {{{./lang_ja.properties.html}Japanese}} | Takashi Yukawa: takashi_922 at yahoo dot co dot jp | | {{{./lang_nl.properties.html}Dutch}} | Unknown | | {{{./lang_no.properties.html}Norwegian}} | Unkown | | {{{./lang_pl.properties.html}Polish}} | Unknown | | {{{./lang_pt.properties.html}Portugese}} | Filipe Teixeira | | {{{./lang_pt_BR.properties.html}Brasilian (Protugese)}} | Filipe Teixeira | | {{{./lang_ro.properties.html}Romanian (idem to Moldova)}} | Adrian (nickname: ady1503) (mail: gallery@butnarumd.com) | | {{{./lang_ru.properties.html}Russian}} | Unknown | | {{{./lang_sk.properties.html}Slovak}} | Unknown | | {{{./lang_sl.properties.html}Slovenian}} | Unknown | | {{{./lang_sv.properties.html}Swedish}} | Erik Lindahl erik@fisensmosse.se | | {{{./lang_tr.properties.html}Turkish}} | Unknown | | {{{./lang_zh.properties.html}Chinese simplified}} | bluesway (u93530054@ccu.edu.tw and bluesway@mail2000.com.tw) | | {{{./lang_zh_TW.properties.html}Chinese simplified}} | bluesway (u93530054@ccu.edu.tw and bluesway@mail2000.com.tw) | *--------------------*--------------------*