
$.store is a simple, yet easily extensible, plugin to persistently store data on the client side of things. It uses window.localStore where available. Older Internet Explorers will use userData. If all fails $.store will save your data to window.name.

Note: The windowName will only do JSON serialization. windowName is not persistent in the sense of making it accross a closed browser window. If you need that ability you should check $.storage.driver.scope == "browser".


$.storage = new $.store();

// save a value
$.storage.set( key, value );

// read a value
$.storage.get( key );

// deletes a value
$.storage.del( key );

// delete all values

Adding Serializers

You can easily add your own serializers to the stack. Make sure to add them before initializing the $.store. Note: Serializers do not apply to the windowName storage driver.

$.store.serializers.yaddayadda = {
  ident: "$.store.serializers.yaddayadda",
  init: function( encoders, decoders )
    // register your serializer with en/decoder stack
    encoders.unshift( "yaddayadda" );
    decoders.push( "yaddayadda" );
  isYaddaYadda: function( value )
    // determine if value should be processed by this serializer
    return true;

  encode: function( value )
    // check if the value can be encoded
    if( !value || value._serialized || !this.isYaddaYadda( value ) )
      return value;

    // prepare serialized-data-wrapper
    var _value = { _serialized: this.ident, value: value };
    // work your magic
    _value.value = "serializedVersionOf data";
    return value;
  decode: function( value )
    // check if the value can be decoded
    if( !value || !value._serialized || value._serialized != this.ident )
      return value;

    // work your magic
    value.value = "unserializedVersionOf data";
    return this.isYaddaYadda( value.value ) ? value.value : undefined;