Feature: HTTP request object In order to handle a request As a PHP developer I want a PHP object that represents the state of the incoming HTTP request Scenario: Have access to the request URI Given the request URI of "/something/otherthing" When I create a request object Then I should see a request URI of "/something/otherthing" Scenario: Query string is ignored Given the request URI of "/something/otherthing?foo=bar" When I create a request object Then I should see a request URI of "/something/otherthing" And I should see the request data "" Scenario: Have access to the HTTP request method Given the request method of "GET" When I create a request object Then I should see a request method of "GET" Scenario: Have access to the HTTP request method Given the request method of "post" And the request data of "some data" When I create a request object Then I should see a request method of "POST" And I should see the request data "some data" Scenario: Have access to the HTTP request data Given the request method of "PUT" And the request data of "some data" When I create a request object Then I should see a request method of "PUT" And I should see the request data "some data" Scenario: Have bare request URI content negotiated correctly Given the request URI of "/requesttest/one/two" When I create a request object Then I should see a request URI of "/requesttest/one/two" And I should see a negotiated URI of "/requesttest/one/two" And I should see a format negotiated URI of "/requesttest/one/two" And I should see a language negotiated URI of "/requesttest/one/two" Scenario: Have extension request URI content negotiated correctly Given the request URI of "/requesttest/one/two.html" When I create a request object Then I should see a request URI of "/requesttest/one/two" And I should see a negotiated URI of "/requesttest/one/two.html,/requesttest/one/two" And I should see a format negotiated URI of "/requesttest/one/two.html,/requesttest/one/two" And I should see a language negotiated URI of "/requesttest/one/two.html,/requesttest/one/two" Scenario: Have bare request URI with accept header content negotiated correctly Given the request URI of "/requesttest/one/two" And the accept header of "image/png;q=0.5,text/html" When I create a request object Then I should see a request URI of "/requesttest/one/two" And I should see a negotiated URI of "/requesttest/one/two.html,/requesttest/one/two.png,/requesttest/one/two" And I should see a format negotiated URI of "/requesttest/one/two.html,/requesttest/one/two.png,/requesttest/one/two" And I should see a language negotiated URI of "/requesttest/one/two" Scenario: Have extension request URI with accept header content negotiated correctly Given the request URI of "/requesttest/one/two.html" And the accept header of "image/png;q=0.5,text/html" When I create a request object Then I should see a request URI of "/requesttest/one/two" And I should see a negotiated URI of "/requesttest/one/two.html,/requesttest/one/two.png.html,/requesttest/one/two.png,/requesttest/one/two" And I should see a format negotiated URI of "/requesttest/one/two.html,/requesttest/one/two.png,/requesttest/one/two" And I should see a language negotiated URI of "/requesttest/one/two.html,/requesttest/one/two" Scenario: Have bare request URI with language accept header content negotiated correctly Given the request URI of "/requesttest/one/two" And the language accept header of "fr;q=0.5,en" When I create a request object Then I should see a request URI of "/requesttest/one/two" And I should see a negotiated URI of "/requesttest/one/two.en,/requesttest/one/two.fr,/requesttest/one/two" And I should see a format negotiated URI of "/requesttest/one/two" And I should see a language negotiated URI of "/requesttest/one/two.en,/requesttest/one/two.fr,/requesttest/one/two" Scenario: Have extension request URI with language accept header content negotiated correctly Given the request URI of "/requesttest/one/two.html" And the language accept header of "fr;q=0.5,en" When I create a request object Then I should see a request URI of "/requesttest/one/two" And I should see a negotiated URI of "/requesttest/one/two.html.en,/requesttest/one/two.html.fr,/requesttest/one/two.html,/requesttest/one/two.en,/requesttest/one/two.fr,/requesttest/one/two" And I should see a format negotiated URI of "/requesttest/one/two.html,/requesttest/one/two" And I should see a language negotiated URI of "/requesttest/one/two.html,/requesttest/one/two.en,/requesttest/one/two.fr,/requesttest/one/two" Scenario: Have bare request URI with accept and language header content negotiated correctly Given the request URI of "/requesttest/one/two" And the accept header of "image/png;q=0.5,text/html" And the language accept header of "fr;q=0.5,en" When I create a request object Then I should see a request URI of "/requesttest/one/two" And I should see a negotiated URI of "/requesttest/one/two.html.en,/requesttest/one/two.html.fr,/requesttest/one/two.html,/requesttest/one/two.png.en,/requesttest/one/two.png.fr,/requesttest/one/two.png,/requesttest/one/two.en,/requesttest/one/two.fr,/requesttest/one/two" And I should see a format negotiated URI of "/requesttest/one/two.html,/requesttest/one/two.png,/requesttest/one/two" And I should see a language negotiated URI of "/requesttest/one/two.en,/requesttest/one/two.fr,/requesttest/one/two" Scenario: Have extension request URI with accept and language header content negotiated correctly Given the request URI of "/requesttest/one/two.html" And the accept header of "image/png;q=0.5,text/html" And the language accept header of "fr;q=0.5,en" When I create a request object Then I should see a request URI of "/requesttest/one/two" And I should see a negotiated URI of "/requesttest/one/two.html.en,/requesttest/one/two.html.fr,/requesttest/one/two.html,/requesttest/one/two.png.html,/requesttest/one/two.png.en,/requesttest/one/two.png.fr,/requesttest/one/two.png,/requesttest/one/two.en,/requesttest/one/two.fr,/requesttest/one/two" And I should see a format negotiated URI of "/requesttest/one/two.html,/requesttest/one/two.png,/requesttest/one/two" And I should see a language negotiated URI of "/requesttest/one/two.html,/requesttest/one/two.en,/requesttest/one/two.fr,/requesttest/one/two" Scenario: Have if match header Given an if match header of '123123' When I create a request object Then I should see an if match header of "123123" And if match should match "123123" Scenario: Have if match header in quotes Given an if match header of '"123123"' When I create a request object Then I should see an if match header of "123123" And if match should match "123123" Scenario: Have multiple if match headers in quotes Given an if match header of '"123123","456456"' When I create a request object Then I should see an if match header of "123123,456456" And if match should match "123123" And if match should match "456456" Scenario: Have star if match header Given an if match header of '*' When I create a request object Then I should see an if match header of "*" And if match should match "123123" And if match should match "123456" Scenario: Have if none match header Given an if none match header of '123123' When I create a request object Then I should see an if none match header of "123123" And if none match should match "123123" Scenario: Have multiple if none match headers in quotes Given an if none match header of '"123123","456456"' When I create a request object Then I should see an if none match header of "123123,456456" And if none match should match "123123" And if none match should match "456456" Scenario: Have star if none match header Given an if none match header of '*' When I create a request object Then I should see an if none match header of "*" And if none match should not match "123123" And if none match should not match "123456" Scenario: Load a non-existent resource Given the request URI of "/three" When I create a request object Then I should fail to load the resource Scenario: Load a resource Given the request URI of "/requesttest/one" When I create a request object And I load the resource Then I should have a response of type "NewResource" Scenario: Load a child resource Given the request URI of "/requesttest/one/two" When I create a request object And I load the resource Then I should have a response of type "ChildResource" Scenario: Load a resource with a regex match URI Given the request URI of "/requesttest/three/something/four" When I create a request object And I load the resource Then I should have a response of type "NewResource" Scenario: Resource data loading Given the request URI of "/requesttest/one/two" When I create a request object Then I should see resource "namespace" metadata of "Tonic\Tests" And I should see resource "class" metadata of "ChildResource" And I should see resource "priority" metadata of "0" Scenario: Mounting in a namespace to a URI Given the request URI of "/foo/bar/requesttest/one" And a mounting of "Tonic\Tests" to "/foo/bar" When I create a request object And I load the resource Then I should have a response of type "NewResource"