{8} Minhas Primeiro (Ativas) (207 matches)

  • List all active tickets by priority.
  • Show all tickets owned by the logged in user in a group first.

Results (201 - 207 of 207)

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Active Tickets (7 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Version Milestone Type Owner Status Created
#1161 Modificar modelo atual de utilização do SVN API tarefa ninguem new 08/16/10
#1394 FUN03.2 - Adicionar Compromisso Calendar devel tarefa alexandrecorreia new 10/28/10
#1416 Disponibilizar módulos customizados pela CNTI - Venezuela Others contrib tarefa afernandes new 11/19/10
#1771 Automação de testes e integração continua API devel tarefa luiz-fernando new 04/18/11
#2173 Criar Ambiente de Integração Contínua Others devel tarefa felipe.kuhn new 07/28/11
#2174 Automatizar Módulo Agenda Others devel tarefa felipe.kuhn new 07/28/11
#560 Revisar a Documentação do Workflow Workflow Backlog do Produto tarefa viani new 06/22/09
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