Uses of Class

Packages that use DataSource

Uses of DataSource in org.apache.solr.handler.dataimport

Subclasses of DataSource in org.apache.solr.handler.dataimport
 class BinContentStreamDataSource
           A data source implementation which can be used to read binary stream from content streams.
 class BinFileDataSource
           A DataSource which reads from local files
 class BinURLDataSource
           A data source implementation which can be used to read binary streams using HTTP.
 class ContentStreamDataSource
          A DataSource implementation which reads from the ContentStream of a POST request

Refer to for more details.

 class FieldReaderDataSource
          This can be useful for users who have a DB field containing xml and wish to use a nested XPathEntityProcessor

The datasouce may be configured as follows

The enity which uses this datasource must keep the url value as the variable name url="field-name"

The fieldname must be resolvable from VariableResolver

This may be used with any EntityProcessor which uses a DataSource<Reader> eg: XPathEntityProcessor

Supports String, BLOB, CLOB data types and there is an extra field (in the entity) 'encoding' for BLOB types

 class FieldStreamDataSource
          This can be useful for users who have a DB field containing BLOBs which may be Rich documents

The datasouce may be configured as follows

<dataSource name="f1" type="FieldStreamDataSource" />

The entity which uses this datasource must keep and attribute dataField

The fieldname must be resolvable from VariableResolver

This may be used with any EntityProcessor which uses a DataSource<InputStream> eg: TikaEntityProcessor

 class FileDataSource
           A DataSource which reads from local files
 class HttpDataSource
          Deprecated. use URLDataSource instead
 class JdbcDataSource
           A DataSource implementation which can fetch data using JDBC.
 class MockDataSource
           A mock DataSource implementation which can be used for testing.
 class URLDataSource
           A data source implementation which can be used to read character files using HTTP.

Fields in org.apache.solr.handler.dataimport declared as DataSource
protected  DataSource<Iterator<Map<String,Object>>> SqlEntityProcessor.dataSource
protected  DataSource<Reader> XPathEntityProcessor.dataSource

Methods in org.apache.solr.handler.dataimport that return DataSource
 DataSource EntityProcessorWrapper.getDatasource()
 DataSource ContextImpl.getDataSource()
abstract  DataSource Context.getDataSource()
          Gets the datasource instance defined for this entity.
 DataSource ContextImpl.getDataSource(String name)
abstract  DataSource Context.getDataSource(String name)
          Gets a new DataSource instance with a name.

Methods in org.apache.solr.handler.dataimport with parameters of type DataSource
 void EntityProcessorWrapper.setDatasource(DataSource datasource)

Constructors in org.apache.solr.handler.dataimport with parameters of type DataSource
ContextImpl(EntityProcessorWrapper epw, VariableResolverImpl resolver, DataSource ds, String currProcess, Map<String,Object> global, ContextImpl parentContext, DocBuilder docBuilder)

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