Package org.apache.solr.update.processor

Interface Summary
DistributingUpdateProcessorFactory A marker interface for denoting that a factory is responsible for handling distributed communication of updates across a SolrCloud cluster.
FieldMutatingUpdateProcessor.FieldNameSelector Interface for idenfifying which fileds should be mutated

Class Summary
AbstractDefaultValueUpdateProcessorFactory Base class that can be extended by any UpdateRequestProcessorFactory designed to add a default value to the document in an AddUpdateCommand when that field is not already specified.
AbstractDefaultValueUpdateProcessorFactory.DefaultValueUpdateProcessor A simple processor that adds the results of AbstractDefaultValueUpdateProcessorFactory.DefaultValueUpdateProcessor.getDefaultValue() to any document which does not already have a value in fieldName
CloneFieldUpdateProcessorFactory Clones the values found in any matching source field into the configured dest field.
ConcatFieldUpdateProcessorFactory Concatenates multiple values for fields matching the specified conditions using a configurable delimiter which defaults to ", ".
DefaultValueUpdateProcessorFactory An update processor that adds a constant default value to any document being added that does not already have a value in the specified field.
DetectedLanguage Bean holding a language and a detection certainty
FieldLengthUpdateProcessorFactory Replaces any CharSequence values found in fields matching the specified conditions with the lengths of those CharSequences (as an Integer).
FieldMutatingUpdateProcessor Reusable base class for UpdateProcessors that will consider AddUpdateCommands and mutate the values associated with configured fields.
FieldMutatingUpdateProcessorFactory Base class for implementing Factories for FieldMutatingUpdateProcessors and FieldValueMutatingUpdateProcessors.
FieldValueMutatingUpdateProcessor Abstract subclass of FieldMutatingUpdateProcessor for implementing UpdateProcessors that will mutate all individual values of a selected field independently
FieldValueSubsetUpdateProcessorFactory Base class for processors that want to mutate selected fields to only keep a subset of the original values.
FirstFieldValueUpdateProcessorFactory Keeps only the first value of fields matching the specified conditions.
HTMLStripFieldUpdateProcessorFactory Strips all HTML Markup in any CharSequence values found in fields matching the specified conditions.
IgnoreFieldUpdateProcessorFactory Ignores & removes fields matching the specified conditions from any document being added to the index.
LangDetectLanguageIdentifierUpdateProcessor Identifies the language of a set of input fields using
LangDetectLanguageIdentifierUpdateProcessorFactory Identifies the language of a set of input fields using

The UpdateProcessorChain config entry can take a number of parameters which may also be passed as HTTP parameters on the update request and override the defaults.

LanguageIdentifierUpdateProcessor Identifies the language of a set of input fields.
LastFieldValueUpdateProcessorFactory Keeps only the last value of fields matching the specified conditions.
LogUpdateProcessorFactory A logging processor.
MaxFieldValueUpdateProcessorFactory An update processor that keeps only the the maximum value from any selected fields where multiple values are found.
MinFieldValueUpdateProcessorFactory An update processor that keeps only the the minimum value from any selected fields where multiple values are found.
NoOpDistributingUpdateProcessorFactory A No-Op implementation of DistributingUpdateProcessorFactory that allways returns null.
RegexReplaceProcessorFactory An updated processor that applies a configured regex to any CharSequence values found in the selected fields, and replaces any matches with the configured replacement string
RemoveBlankFieldUpdateProcessorFactory Removes any values found which are CharSequence with a length of 0.
RunUpdateProcessorFactory Pass the command to the UpdateHandler without any modifications
TextProfileSignature This implementation is copied from Apache Nutch.
TikaLanguageIdentifierUpdateProcessor Identifies the language of a set of input fields using Tika's LanguageIdentifier.
TikaLanguageIdentifierUpdateProcessorFactory Identifies the language of a set of input fields using Tika's LanguageIdentifier.
TimestampUpdateProcessorFactory An update processor that adds a newly generated Date value of "NOW" to any document being added that does not already have a value in the specified field.
TrimFieldUpdateProcessorFactory Trims leading and trailing whitespace from any CharSequence values found in fields matching the specified conditions and returns the resulting String.
TruncateFieldUpdateProcessorFactory Truncates any CharSequence values found in fields matching the specified conditions to a maximum character length.
UniqFieldsUpdateProcessorFactory A non-duplicate processor.
UpdateRequestProcessor This is a good place for subclassed update handlers to process the document before it is indexed.
UpdateRequestProcessorChain Manages a chain of UpdateRequestProcessorFactories.
UpdateRequestProcessorFactory A factory to generate an UpdateRequestProcessor for each request.
URLClassifyProcessor Update processor which examines a URL and outputs to various other fields characteristics of that URL, including length, number of path levels, whether it is a top level URL (levels==0), whether it looks like a landing/index page, a canonical representation of the URL (e.g.
URLClassifyProcessorFactory Creates URLClassifyProcessor
UUIDUpdateProcessorFactory An update processor that adds a newly generated UUID value to any document being added that does not already have a value in the specified field.

Enum Summary
DistributedUpdateProcessor.DistribPhase Values this processor supports for the DISTRIB_UPDATE_PARAM.

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