Class FieldAnalysisResponse.Analysis

  extended by org.apache.solr.client.solrj.response.FieldAnalysisResponse.Analysis
Enclosing class:

public static class FieldAnalysisResponse.Analysis
extends Object

The analysis of a field. Holds a list of all the query time analysis phases (if a query analysis was requested) as well as index time phases.

Method Summary
 Iterable<AnalysisResponseBase.AnalysisPhase> getIndexPhases()
          Returns the index time analysis phases for this analysis.
 int getIndexPhasesCount()
          Returns the index time analysis phases for this analysis.
 Iterable<AnalysisResponseBase.AnalysisPhase> getQueryPhases()
          Returns the query time analysis phases for this analysis or null if query time analysis doesn't exist.
 int getQueryPhasesCount()
          Returns the number of query time analysis phases in this analysis or -1 if query time analysis doesn't exist.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public int getQueryPhasesCount()
Returns the number of query time analysis phases in this analysis or -1 if query time analysis doesn't exist.

Returns the number of query time analysis phases in this analysis or -1 if query time analysis doesn't exist.


public Iterable<AnalysisResponseBase.AnalysisPhase> getQueryPhases()
Returns the query time analysis phases for this analysis or null if query time analysis doesn't exist.

The query time analysis phases for this analysis or null if query time analysis doesn't exist.


public int getIndexPhasesCount()
Returns the index time analysis phases for this analysis.

The index time analysis phases for this analysis.


public Iterable<AnalysisResponseBase.AnalysisPhase> getIndexPhases()
Returns the index time analysis phases for this analysis.

The index time analysis phases for this analysis.

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