Package org.apache.solr.handler.dataimport

Interface Summary
DIHCache A cache that allows a DIH entity's data to persist locally prior being joined to other data and/or indexed.
EventListener Event listener for DataImportHandler This API is experimental and subject to change
XPathRecordReader.Handler Implement this interface to stream records as and when one is found.

Class Summary
BinContentStreamDataSource A data source implementation which can be used to read binary stream from content streams.
BinFileDataSource A DataSource which reads from local files
BinURLDataSource A data source implementation which can be used to read binary streams using HTTP.
CachedSqlEntityProcessor Deprecated. - Use SqlEntityProcessor with cacheImpl parameter.
ClobTransformer Transformer instance which converts a Clob to a String.
ContentStreamDataSource A DataSource implementation which reads from the ContentStream of a POST request

Refer to for more details.

Context This abstract class gives access to all available objects.
ContextImpl An implementation for the Context
DataImporter Stores all configuration information for pulling and indexing data.
DataImportHandler Solr Request Handler for data import from databases and REST data sources.
DataSource<T> Provides data from a source with a given query.
DateFormatTransformer Transformer instance which creates Date instances out of Strings.
DocBuilder DocBuilder is responsible for creating Solr documents out of the given configuration.
EntityProcessor An instance of entity processor serves an entity.
EntityProcessorBase Base class for all implementations of EntityProcessor
EntityProcessorWrapper A Wrapper over EntityProcessor instance which performs transforms and handles multi-row outputs correctly.
Evaluator Pluggable functions for resolving variables
EvaluatorBag Holds definitions for evaluators provided by DataImportHandler
FieldReaderDataSource This can be useful for users who have a DB field containing xml and wish to use a nested XPathEntityProcessor

The datasouce may be configured as follows

The enity which uses this datasource must keep the url value as the variable name url="field-name"

The fieldname must be resolvable from VariableResolver

This may be used with any EntityProcessor which uses a DataSource<Reader> eg: XPathEntityProcessor

Supports String, BLOB, CLOB data types and there is an extra field (in the entity) 'encoding' for BLOB types

FieldStreamDataSource This can be useful for users who have a DB field containing BLOBs which may be Rich documents

The datasouce may be configured as follows

<dataSource name="f1" type="FieldStreamDataSource" />

The entity which uses this datasource must keep and attribute dataField

The fieldname must be resolvable from VariableResolver

This may be used with any EntityProcessor which uses a DataSource<InputStream> eg: TikaEntityProcessor

FileDataSource A DataSource which reads from local files
FileListEntityProcessor An EntityProcessor instance which can stream file names found in a given base directory matching patterns and returning rows containing file information.
HTMLStripTransformer A Transformer implementation which strip off HTML tags using HTMLStripCharFilter This is useful in case you don't need this HTML anyway.
HttpDataSource Deprecated. use URLDataSource instead
JdbcDataSource A DataSource implementation which can fetch data using JDBC.
LineEntityProcessor An EntityProcessor instance which can stream lines of text read from a datasource.
LogTransformer A Transformer implementation which logs messages in a given template format.
MailEntityProcessor An EntityProcessor instance which can index emails along with their attachments from POP3 or IMAP sources.
MockDataSource A mock DataSource implementation which can be used for testing.
NumberFormatTransformer A Transformer instance which can extract numbers out of strings.
PlainTextEntityProcessor An implementation of EntityProcessor which reads data from a url/file and give out a row which contains one String value.
RegexTransformer A Transformer implementation which uses Regular Expressions to extract, split and replace data in fields.
ScriptTransformer A Transformer instance capable of executing functions written in scripting languages as a Transformer instance.
SolrEntityProcessor An implementation of EntityProcessor which fetches values from a separate Solr implementation using the SolrJ client library.
SolrWriter Writes documents to SOLR.
SqlEntityProcessor An EntityProcessor instance which provides support for reading from databases.
TemplateString Provides functionality for replacing variables in a templatized string.
TemplateTransformer A Transformer which can put values into a column by resolving an expression containing other columns
TikaEntityProcessor An implementation of EntityProcessor which reads data from rich docs using Apache Tika
Transformer Use this API to implement a custom transformer for any given entity
URLDataSource A data source implementation which can be used to read character files using HTTP.
VariableResolver This class is more or less like a Map.
VariableResolverImpl The default implementation of VariableResolver interface
XPathEntityProcessor An implementation of EntityProcessor which uses a streaming xpath parser to extract values out of XML documents.
XPathRecordReader A streaming xpath parser which uses StAX for XML parsing.

Enum Summary

Exception Summary
DataImportHandlerException Exception class for all DataImportHandler exceptions

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