Interface ExtendedQuery

All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
ExtendedQueryBase, FunctionRangeQuery, SolrConstantScoreQuery, WrappedQuery

public interface ExtendedQuery

The ExtendedQuery interface provides extra metadata to a query. Implementations of ExtendedQuery must also extend Query.

Method Summary
 boolean getCache()
          Should this query be cached in the query cache or filter cache.
 boolean getCacheSep()
          If true, the clauses of this boolean query should be cached separately.
 int getCost()
          Returns the cost of this query, used to order checking of filters that are not cached.
 void setCache(boolean cache)
 void setCacheSep(boolean cacheSep)
 void setCost(int cost)

Method Detail


boolean getCache()
Should this query be cached in the query cache or filter cache.


void setCache(boolean cache)


int getCost()
Returns the cost of this query, used to order checking of filters that are not cached. If getCache()==false && getCost()>=100 && this instanceof PostFilter, then the PostFilter interface will be used for filtering.


void setCost(int cost)


boolean getCacheSep()
If true, the clauses of this boolean query should be cached separately. This is not yet implemented.


void setCacheSep(boolean cacheSep)

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