Class PossibilityIterator

  extended by org.apache.solr.spelling.PossibilityIterator
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class PossibilityIterator
extends Object
implements Iterator<PossibilityIterator.RankedSpellPossibility>

Given a list of possible Spelling Corrections for multiple mis-spelled words in a query, This iterator returns Possible Correction combinations ordered by reasonable probability that such a combination will return actual hits if re-queried. This implementation simply ranks the Possible Combinations by the sum of their component ranks.

Nested Class Summary
 class PossibilityIterator.RankedSpellPossibility
Constructor Summary
PossibilityIterator(Map<Token,LinkedHashMap<String,Integer>> suggestions, int maximumRequiredSuggestions, int maxEvaluations, boolean overlap)
           We assume here that the passed-in inner LinkedHashMaps are already sorted in order of "Best Possible Correction".
Method Summary
 boolean hasNext()
 PossibilityIterator.RankedSpellPossibility next()
 void remove()
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public PossibilityIterator(Map<Token,LinkedHashMap<String,Integer>> suggestions,
                           int maximumRequiredSuggestions,
                           int maxEvaluations,
                           boolean overlap)

We assume here that the passed-in inner LinkedHashMaps are already sorted in order of "Best Possible Correction".

suggestions -
Method Detail


public boolean hasNext()
Specified by:
hasNext in interface Iterator<PossibilityIterator.RankedSpellPossibility>


public PossibilityIterator.RankedSpellPossibility next()
Specified by:
next in interface Iterator<PossibilityIterator.RankedSpellPossibility>


public void remove()
Specified by:
remove in interface Iterator<PossibilityIterator.RankedSpellPossibility>

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