Class FieldMutatingUpdateProcessorFactory

  extended by org.apache.solr.update.processor.UpdateRequestProcessorFactory
      extended by org.apache.solr.update.processor.FieldMutatingUpdateProcessorFactory
All Implemented Interfaces:
NamedListInitializedPlugin, SolrCoreAware
Direct Known Subclasses:
ConcatFieldUpdateProcessorFactory, FieldLengthUpdateProcessorFactory, FieldValueSubsetUpdateProcessorFactory, HTMLStripFieldUpdateProcessorFactory, IgnoreFieldUpdateProcessorFactory, RegexReplaceProcessorFactory, RemoveBlankFieldUpdateProcessorFactory, TrimFieldUpdateProcessorFactory, TruncateFieldUpdateProcessorFactory

public abstract class FieldMutatingUpdateProcessorFactory
extends UpdateRequestProcessorFactory
implements SolrCoreAware

Base class for implementing Factories for FieldMutatingUpdateProcessors and FieldValueMutatingUpdateProcessors.

This class provides all of the plumbing for configuring the FieldNameSelector using the following init params to specify selection criteria...

Each criteria can specified as either an <arr> of <str>, or multiple <str> with the same name. When multiple criteria of a single type exist, fields must match at least one to be selected. If more then one type of criteria exist, fields must match at least one of each to be selected.

One or more excludes <lst> params may also be specified, containing any of the above criteria, identifying fields to be excluded from seelction even if they match the selection criteria. As with the main selection critiera a field must match all of criteria in a single exclusion in order to be excluded, but multiple exclusions may be specified to get an OR behavior

In the ExampleFieldMutatingUpdateProcessorFactory configured below, fields will be mutated if the name starts with "foo" or "bar"; unless the field name contains the substring "SKIP" or the fieldType is (or subclasses) DateField. Meaning a field named "foo_SKIP" is gaurunteed not to be selected, but a field named "bar_smith" that uses StrField will be selected.

 <processor class="solr.ExampleFieldMutatingUpdateProcessorFactory">
   <str name="fieldRegex">foo.*</str>
   <str name="fieldRegex">bar.*</str>
   <!-- each set of exclusions is checked independently -->
   <lst name="exclude">
     <str name="fieldRegex">.*SKIP.*</str>
   <lst name="exclude">
     <str name="typeClass">solr.DateField</str>

Subclasses define the default selection behavior to be applied if no criteria is configured by the user. User configured "exclude" criteria will be applied to the subclass defined default selector.

See Also:
FieldMutatingUpdateProcessor, FieldValueMutatingUpdateProcessor, FieldMutatingUpdateProcessor.FieldNameSelector

Nested Class Summary
static class FieldMutatingUpdateProcessorFactory.SelectorParams
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
protected  FieldMutatingUpdateProcessor.FieldNameSelector getDefaultSelector(SolrCore core)
          Defines the default selection behavior when the user has not configured any specific criteria for selecting fields.
protected  FieldMutatingUpdateProcessor.FieldNameSelector getSelector()
 void inform(SolrCore core)
 void init(NamedList args)
          Handles common initialization related to source fields for constructoring the FieldNameSelector to be used.
static Collection<String> oneOrMany(NamedList args, String key)
          Removes all instance of the key from NamedList, returning the Set of Strings that key refered to.
static FieldMutatingUpdateProcessorFactory.SelectorParams parseSelectorParams(NamedList args)
Methods inherited from class org.apache.solr.update.processor.UpdateRequestProcessorFactory
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public FieldMutatingUpdateProcessorFactory()
Method Detail


protected final FieldMutatingUpdateProcessor.FieldNameSelector getSelector()


public static FieldMutatingUpdateProcessorFactory.SelectorParams parseSelectorParams(NamedList args)


public void init(NamedList args)
Handles common initialization related to source fields for constructoring the FieldNameSelector to be used. Will error if any unexpected init args are found, so subclasses should remove any subclass-specific init args before calling this method.

Specified by:
init in interface NamedListInitializedPlugin
init in class UpdateRequestProcessorFactory


public void inform(SolrCore core)
Specified by:
inform in interface SolrCoreAware


protected FieldMutatingUpdateProcessor.FieldNameSelector getDefaultSelector(SolrCore core)
Defines the default selection behavior when the user has not configured any specific criteria for selecting fields. The Default implementation matches all fields, and should be overridden by subclasses as needed.

See Also:


public static Collection<String> oneOrMany(NamedList args,
                                           String key)
Removes all instance of the key from NamedList, returning the Set of Strings that key refered to. Throws an error if the key didn't refer to one or more strings (or arrays of strings)

SolrException - invalid arr/str structure.

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