Ticket #2560 (closed defeito: fixed)

Opened 12 years ago

Last modified 12 years ago

Erro ao compartilhar sua agenda

Reported by: guilherme.silva Owned by: lavoisier.vieira
Priority: normal Milestone: Expresso 2.3.0
Component: ExpressoCalendar Version: branch 2.3
Severity: média Keywords: SERPRO, TAG2.3.14
Cc: WorkGroup:


Ao tentar compartilhar sua agenda, o usuário, recebe a seguinte tela de erro:

Database error: Invalid SQL: DELETE FROM phpgw_acl WHERE acl_account=881732751 pgsql Error: -1 (ERRO: relação "*phpgw_cc_contac*" não existe CONTEXT: comando SQL "delete from *phpgw_cc_contac t_rels* where id_contact= $1 ::bigint and id_related= $2 and id_typeof_contact_relation=1" PL/pgSQL function "share_catalog_delete" line 1 at SQL statement)

File: /var/www/expressov2-mp/phpgwapi/inc/class.acl.inc.php Line: 237 Function: db::delete / acl::save_repository / uiaclprefs::index / ExecMethod? Expresso Messenger

Session halted.

Reparem que existe um espaço no nome da tabela separando phpgw_cc_contac de t_rels na função share_catalog_delete() disparado por uma trigger. O nome correto dessa tabela é phpgw_cc_contact_rels.

Verifiquei no banco de dados do EXPRESSO SERPRO e o nome correto da tabela aparece: select proname,prosrc from pg_proc where proname ~ 'share_catalog_delete'; share_catalog_delete | begin if old.acl_appname = 'contactcenter' and old.acl_location!='run' then delete from phpgw_cc_contact_rels where id_contact=old.acl_location::bigint and id_related=old.acl_account and id_typeof_contact_relation=1; end if; return new; end;

share_catalog_delete | begin if old.acl_appname = 'contactcenter' and old.acl_location!='run' then delete from phpgw_cc_contact_rels where id_contact=old.acl_location::bigint and id_related=old.acl_account and id_typeof_contact_relation=1; end if; return new; end;

Change History

comment:1 Changed 12 years ago by guilherme.silva

  • Status changed from new to closed
  • Resolution set to fixed
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