Package org.apache.solr.schema

Interface Summary
ExchangeRateProvider Interface for providing pluggable exchange rate providers to @CurrencyField
PreAnalyzedField.PreAnalyzedParser Parse the input and return the stored part and the tokens with attributes.
SchemaAware An interface that can be extended to provide a callback mechanism for informing an IndexSchema instance of changes to it, dynamically performed at runtime.
SpatialQueryable Indicate that the implementing class is capable of generating a Query against spatial resources.

Class Summary
AbstractSubTypeFieldType An abstract base class for FieldTypes that delegate work to another FieldType.
ByteField A numeric field that can contain 8-bit signed two's complement integer values, encoded as simple Strings.
CollationField Field for collated sort keys.
CoordinateFieldType A CoordinateFieldType is the base class for FieldTypes that have semantics related to items in a coordinate system.
CopyField CopyField contains all the information of a valid copy fields in an index.
CurrencyField Field type for support of monetary values.
DateField FieldType that can represent any Date/Time with millisecond precision.
DoubleField A legacy numeric field type that encodes "Double" values as simple Strings.
ExternalFileField Get values from an external file instead of the index.
FieldType Base class for all field types used by an index schema.
FloatField A legacy numeric field type that encodes "Float" values as simple Strings.
GeoHashField This is a class that represents a Geohash field.
ICUCollationField Field for collated sort keys.
IndexSchema IndexSchema contains information about the valid fields in an index and the types of those fields.
IntField A legacy numeric field type that encodes "Integer" values as simple Strings.
LatLonType Represents a Latitude/Longitude as a 2 dimensional point.
LongField A legacy numeric field type that encodes "Long" values as simple Strings.
OpenExchangeRatesOrgProvider Exchange Rates Provider for CurrencyField implementing the freely available exchange rates from

Disclaimer: This data is collected from various providers and provided free of charge for informational purposes only, with no guarantee whatsoever of accuracy, validity, availability or fitness for any purpose; use at your own risk.

PointType A point type that indexes a point in an n-dimensional space as separate fields and supports range queries.
PreAnalyzedField Pre-analyzed field type provides a way to index a serialized token stream, optionally with an independent stored value of a field.
PreAnalyzedField.ParseResult This is a simple holder of a stored part and the collected states (tokens with attributes).
PrimitiveFieldType Abstract class defining shared behavior for primitive types Intended to be used as base class for non-analyzed fields like int, float, string, date etc, and set proper defaults for them
RandomSortField Utility Field used for random sorting.
SchemaField Encapsulates all information about a Field in a Solr Schema
ShortField A numeric field that can contain 16-bit signed two's complement integer values, encoded as simple Strings.
SimplePreAnalyzedParser Simple plain text format parser for PreAnalyzedField.
SortableDoubleField Deprecated. use DoubleField or TrieDoubleField - will be removed in 5.x
SortableFloatField Deprecated. use FloatField or TrieFloatField - will be removed in 5.x
SortableIntField Deprecated. use IntField or TrieIntField - will be removed in 5.x
SortableLongField Deprecated. use LongField or TrieLongField - will be removed in 5.x
TextField TextField is the basic type for configurable text analysis.
TrieDoubleField A numeric field that can contain double-precision 64-bit IEEE 754 floating point values.
TrieField Provides field types to support for Lucene's IntField, LongField, FloatField and DoubleField.
TrieFloatField A numeric field that can contain single-precision 32-bit IEEE 754 floating point values.
TrieIntField A numeric field that can contain 32-bit signed two's complement integer values.
TrieLongField A numeric field that can contain 64-bit signed two's complement integer values.
UUIDField This FieldType accepts UUID string values, as well as the special value of "NEW" which triggers generation of a new random UUID.

Enum Summary

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