
Interface Summary
CacheRegenerator Implementations of CacheRegenerator are used in autowarming to populate a new cache based on an old cache.
DocIterator Simple Iterator of document Ids which may include score information.
DocList DocList represents the result of a query: an ordered list of document ids with optional score.
DocSet DocSet represents an unordered set of Lucene Document Ids.
ExtendedQuery The ExtendedQuery interface provides extra metadata to a query.
PostFilter The PostFilter interface provides a mechanism to further filter documents after they have already gone through the main query and other filters.
SolrCache<K,V> Primary API for dealing with Solr's internal caches.

Class Summary
BitDocSet BitDocSet represents an unordered set of Lucene Document Ids using a BitSet.
BoostQParserPlugin Create a boosted query from the input value.
CacheConfig Contains the knowledge of how cache config is stored in the solrconfig.xml file, and implements a factory to create caches.
DelegatingCollector A simple delegating collector where one can set the delegate after creation
DisMaxQParser Query parser for dismax queries

Note: This API is experimental and may change in non backward-compatible ways in the future

DisMaxQParserPlugin Create a dismax query from the input value.
DocListAndSet A struct whose only purpose is to hold both a DocList and a DocSet so that both may be returned from a single method.
DocSlice DocSlice implements DocList as an array of docids and optional scores.
ExtendedDismaxQParserPlugin An advanced multi-field query parser based on the DisMax parser.
FastLRUCache<K,V> SolrCache based on ConcurrentLRUCache implementation.
FieldParams A class to hold "phrase slop" and "boost" parameters for pf, pf2, pf3 parameters
FieldQParserPlugin Create a field query from the input value, applying text analysis and constructing a phrase query if appropriate.
FunctionQParserPlugin Create a function query from the input value.
FunctionRangeQParserPlugin Create a range query over a function.
Grouping Basic Solr Grouping infrastructure.
HashDocSet HashDocSet represents an unordered set of Lucene Document Ids using a primitive int hash table.
LFUCache<K,V> SolrCache based on ConcurrentLFUCache implementation.
LuceneQParserPlugin Parse Solr's variant on the Lucene QueryParser syntax.
NestedQParserPlugin Create a nested query, with the ability of that query to redefine it's type via local parameters.
OldLuceneQParserPlugin Parse Solr's variant of Lucene QueryParser syntax, including the deprecated sort specification after the query.
PrefixQParserPlugin Create a prefix query from the input value.
QParser Note: This API is experimental and may change in non backward-compatible ways in the future
QueryParsing Collection of static utilities useful for query parsing.
QueryParsing.StrParser Simple class to help with parsing a string Note: This API is experimental and may change in non backward-compatible ways in the future
QueryResultKey A hash key encapsulating a query, a list of filters, and a sort
RawQParserPlugin Create a term query from the input value without any text analysis or transformation whatsoever.
ReturnFields A class representing the return fields
SolrCacheBase Common base class of reusable functionality for SolrCaches
SolrCacheBase.AutoWarmCountRef Decides how many things to autowarm based on the size of another cache
SolrConstantScoreQuery A query that wraps a filter and simply returns a constant score equal to the query boost for every document in the filter.
SolrFieldCacheMBean A SolrInfoMBean that provides introspection of the Lucene FiledCache, this is NOT a cache that is manged by Solr.
SolrFilter A SolrFilter extends the Lucene Filter and adds extra semantics such as passing on weight context info for function queries.
SolrIndexSearcher SolrIndexSearcher adds schema awareness and caching functionality over the lucene IndexSearcher.
SolrIndexSearcher.QueryCommand A query request command to avoid having to change the method signatures if we want to pass additional information to the searcher.
SolrIndexSearcher.QueryResult The result of a search.
SolrQueryParser A variation on the Lucene QueryParser which knows about the field types and query time analyzers configured in Solr's schema.xml.
SortedIntDocSet SortedIntDocSet represents a sorted set of Lucene Document Ids.
Sorting Extra lucene sorting utilities & convenience methods
SortSpec SortSpec encapsulates a Lucene Sort and a count of the number of documents to return.
SpatialFilterQParserPlugin Creates a spatial Filter based on the type of spatial point used.
SurroundQParserPlugin Plugin for lucene/contrib Surround query parser, bringing SpanQuery support to Solr Examples of query syntax can be found in lucene/queryparser/docs/surround Note that the query string is not analyzed in any way
TermQParserPlugin Create a single term query from the input value equivalent to readableToIndexed().
ValueSourceParser A factory that parses user queries to generate ValueSource instances.
WrappedQuery A simple query that wraps another query and implements ExtendedQuery.

Enum Summary
SolrCache.State Enumeration of possible States for cache instances.
SolrQueryParser.MagicFieldName Identifies the list of all known "magic fields" that trigger special parsing behavior

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