Class SolrPluginUtils

  extended by org.apache.solr.util.SolrPluginUtils

public class SolrPluginUtils
extends Object

Utilities that may be of use to RequestHandlers.

Many of these functions have code that was stolen/mutated from StandardRequestHandler.

:TODO: refactor StandardRequestHandler to use these utilities

:TODO: Many "standard" functionality methods are not cognisant of default parameter settings.

Nested Class Summary
static class SolrPluginUtils.DisjunctionMaxQueryParser
          A subclass of SolrQueryParser that supports aliasing fields for constructing DisjunctionMaxQueries.
static class SolrPluginUtils.IdentityRegenerator
          A CacheRegenerator that can be used whenever the items in the cache are not dependant on the current searcher.
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
static SolrDocumentList docListToSolrDocumentList(DocList docs, SolrIndexSearcher searcher, Set<String> fields, Map<SolrDocument,Integer> ids)
          Convert a DocList to a SolrDocumentList The optional param "ids" is populated with the lucene document id for each SolrDocument.
static DocList doSimpleQuery(String sreq, SolrQueryRequest req, int start, int limit)
          Executes a basic query
static NamedList doStandardDebug(SolrQueryRequest req, String userQuery, Query query, DocList results, boolean dbgQuery, boolean dbgResults)
           Returns a NamedList containing many "standard" pieces of debugging information.
static NamedList<NamedList<Object>> explanationsToNamedLists(NamedList<Explanation> explanations)
static NamedList<Object> explanationToNamedList(Explanation e)
static void flattenBooleanQuery(BooleanQuery to, BooleanQuery from)
          Recursively walks the "from" query pulling out sub-queries and adding them to the "to" query.
static Set<String> getDebugInterests(String[] params, ResponseBuilder rb)
static NamedList<Explanation> getExplanations(Query query, DocList docs, SolrIndexSearcher searcher, IndexSchema schema)
          Generates an NamedList of Explanations for each item in a list of docs.
static Sort getSort(SolrQueryRequest req)
          Determines the correct Sort based on the request parameter "sort"
static void invokeSetters(Object bean, NamedList initArgs)
static int numDocs(SolrIndexSearcher s, Query q, Query f)
          SolrIndexSearch.numDocs(Query,Query) freaks out if the filtering query is null, so we use this workarround.
static void optimizePreFetchDocs(ResponseBuilder rb, DocList docs, Query query, SolrQueryRequest req, SolrQueryResponse res)
          Pre-fetch documents into the index searcher's document cache.
static Map<String,Float> parseFieldBoosts(String in)
          Given a string containing fieldNames and boost info, converts it to a Map from field name to boost info.
static Map<String,Float> parseFieldBoosts(String[] fieldLists)
          Like parseFieldBoosts(String), but parses all the strings in the provided array (which may be null).
static List<FieldParams> parseFieldBoostsAndSlop(String[] fieldLists, int wordGrams, int defaultSlop)
          /** Like parseFieldBoosts(java.lang.String), but allows for an optional slop value prefixed by "~".
static List<Query> parseQueryStrings(SolrQueryRequest req, String[] queries)
          Turns an array of query strings into a List of Query objects.
static CharSequence partialEscape(CharSequence s)
          Escapes all special characters except '"', '-', and '+'
static NamedList removeNulls(NamedList nl)
static void setDefaults(SolrQueryRequest req, SolrParams defaults, SolrParams appends, SolrParams invariants)
          Set default-ish params on a SolrQueryRequest.
static void setMinShouldMatch(BooleanQuery q, String spec)
          Checks the number of optional clauses in the query, and compares it with the specification string to determine the proper value to use.
static String[] split(String value)
          Split a value that may contain a comma, space of bar separated list.
static CharSequence stripIllegalOperators(CharSequence s)
          Strips operators that are used illegally, otherwise reuturns it's input.
static CharSequence stripUnbalancedQuotes(CharSequence s)
          Returns it's input if there is an even (ie: balanced) number of '"' characters -- otherwise returns a String in which all '"' characters are striped out.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public SolrPluginUtils()
Method Detail


public static void setDefaults(SolrQueryRequest req,
                               SolrParams defaults,
                               SolrParams appends,
                               SolrParams invariants)
Set default-ish params on a SolrQueryRequest. RequestHandlers can use this method to ensure their defaults and overrides are visible to other components such as the response writer

req - The request whose params we are interested i
defaults - values to be used if no values are specified in the request params
appends - values to be appended to those from the request (or defaults) when dealing with multi-val params, or treated as another layer of defaults for singl-val params.
invariants - values which will be used instead of any request, or default values, regardless of context.


public static int numDocs(SolrIndexSearcher s,
                          Query q,
                          Query f)
                   throws IOException
SolrIndexSearch.numDocs(Query,Query) freaks out if the filtering query is null, so we use this workarround.



public static String[] split(String value)
Split a value that may contain a comma, space of bar separated list.


public static void optimizePreFetchDocs(ResponseBuilder rb,
                                        DocList docs,
                                        Query query,
                                        SolrQueryRequest req,
                                        SolrQueryResponse res)
                                 throws IOException
Pre-fetch documents into the index searcher's document cache. This is an entirely optional step which you might want to perform for the following reasons: If lazy field loading is disabled, this method does nothing.



public static Set<String> getDebugInterests(String[] params,
                                            ResponseBuilder rb)


public static NamedList doStandardDebug(SolrQueryRequest req,
                                        String userQuery,
                                        Query query,
                                        DocList results,
                                        boolean dbgQuery,
                                        boolean dbgResults)
                                 throws IOException

Returns a NamedList containing many "standard" pieces of debugging information.

req - the request we are dealing with
userQuery - the users query as a string, after any basic preprocessing has been done
query - the query built from the userQuery (and perhaps other clauses) that identifies the main result set of the response.
results - the main result set of the response
The debug info
IOException - if there was an IO error


public static NamedList<Object> explanationToNamedList(Explanation e)


public static NamedList<NamedList<Object>> explanationsToNamedLists(NamedList<Explanation> explanations)


public static NamedList<Explanation> getExplanations(Query query,
                                                     DocList docs,
                                                     SolrIndexSearcher searcher,
                                                     IndexSchema schema)
                                              throws IOException
Generates an NamedList of Explanations for each item in a list of docs.

query - The Query you want explanations in the context of
docs - The Documents you want explained relative that query


public static DocList doSimpleQuery(String sreq,
                                    SolrQueryRequest req,
                                    int start,
                                    int limit)
                             throws IOException
Executes a basic query



public static Map<String,Float> parseFieldBoosts(String in)
Given a string containing fieldNames and boost info, converts it to a Map from field name to boost info.

Doesn't care if boost info is negative, you're on your own.

Doesn't care if boost info is missing, again: you're on your own.

in - a String like "fieldOne^2.3 fieldTwo fieldThree^-0.4"
Map of fieldOne => 2.3, fieldTwo => null, fieldThree => -0.4


public static Map<String,Float> parseFieldBoosts(String[] fieldLists)
Like parseFieldBoosts(String), but parses all the strings in the provided array (which may be null).

fieldLists - an array of Strings eg. {"fieldOne^2.3", "fieldTwo", fieldThree^-0.4}
Map of fieldOne => 2.3, fieldTwo => null, fieldThree => -0.4


public static List<FieldParams> parseFieldBoostsAndSlop(String[] fieldLists,
                                                        int wordGrams,
                                                        int defaultSlop)
/** Like parseFieldBoosts(java.lang.String), but allows for an optional slop value prefixed by "~".

fieldLists - - an array of Strings eg. {"fieldOne^2.3", "fieldTwo", fieldThree~5^-0.4}
wordGrams - - (0=all words, 2,3 = shingle size)
defaultSlop - - the default slop for this param
- FieldParams containing the fieldname,boost,slop,and shingle size


public static void setMinShouldMatch(BooleanQuery q,
                                     String spec)
Checks the number of optional clauses in the query, and compares it with the specification string to determine the proper value to use.

Details about the specification format can be found here

A few important notes...

:TODO: should optimize the case where number is same as clauses to just make them all "required"


public static void flattenBooleanQuery(BooleanQuery to,
                                       BooleanQuery from)
Recursively walks the "from" query pulling out sub-queries and adding them to the "to" query.

Boosts are multiplied as needed. Sub-BooleanQueryies which are not optional will not be flattened. From will be mangled durring the walk, so do not attempt to reuse it.


public static CharSequence partialEscape(CharSequence s)
Escapes all special characters except '"', '-', and '+'

See Also:


public static CharSequence stripIllegalOperators(CharSequence s)
Strips operators that are used illegally, otherwise reuturns it's input. Some examples of illegal user queries are: "chocolate +- chip", "chocolate - - chip", and "chocolate chip -".


public static CharSequence stripUnbalancedQuotes(CharSequence s)
Returns it's input if there is an even (ie: balanced) number of '"' characters -- otherwise returns a String in which all '"' characters are striped out.


public static NamedList removeNulls(NamedList nl)


public static Sort getSort(SolrQueryRequest req)
Determines the correct Sort based on the request parameter "sort"

null if no sort is specified.


public static List<Query> parseQueryStrings(SolrQueryRequest req,
                                            String[] queries)
                                     throws ParseException
Turns an array of query strings into a List of Query objects.

null if no queries are generated


public static SolrDocumentList docListToSolrDocumentList(DocList docs,
                                                         SolrIndexSearcher searcher,
                                                         Set<String> fields,
                                                         Map<SolrDocument,Integer> ids)
                                                  throws IOException
Convert a DocList to a SolrDocumentList The optional param "ids" is populated with the lucene document id for each SolrDocument.

docs - The DocList to convert
searcher - The SolrIndexSearcher to use to load the docs from the Lucene index
fields - The names of the Fields to load
ids - A map to store the ids of the docs
The new SolrDocumentList containing all the loaded docs
IOException - if there was a problem loading the docs
solr 1.4


public static void invokeSetters(Object bean,
                                 NamedList initArgs)

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