Package org.apache.solr.util

Interface Summary

Class Summary
BoundedTreeSet<E> A TreeSet that ensures it never grows beyond a max size.
ConcurrentLFUCache<K,V> A LFU cache implementation based upon ConcurrentHashMap.
ConcurrentLRUCache<K,V> A LRU cache implementation based upon ConcurrentHashMap and other techniques to reduce contention and synchronization overhead to utilize multiple CPU cores more effectively.
DateMathParser A Simple Utility class for parsing "math" like strings relating to Dates.
FastWriter Single threaded BufferedWriter Internal Solr use only, subject to change.
LongPriorityQueue A native long priority queue.
PrimUtils Utilities for primitive Java data types.
RefCounted<Type> Keep track of a reference count on a resource and close it when the count hits zero.
RegexFileFilter Accepts any file whose name matches the pattern
RTimer A recursive timer.
SimplePostTool A simple utility class for posting raw updates to a Solr server, has a main method so it can be run on the command line.
SolrPluginUtils Utilities that may be of use to RequestHandlers.
SolrPluginUtils.DisjunctionMaxQueryParser A subclass of SolrQueryParser that supports aliasing fields for constructing DisjunctionMaxQueries.
SolrPluginUtils.DisjunctionMaxQueryParser.Alias A simple container for storing alias info
SolrPluginUtils.IdentityRegenerator A CacheRegenerator that can be used whenever the items in the cache are not dependant on the current searcher.
SuggestMissingFactories Given a list of Jar files, suggest missing analysis factories.
SystemIdResolver This is a helper class to support resolving of XIncludes or other hrefs inside XML files on top of a ResourceLoader.
TimeZoneUtils Simple utilities for working with TimeZones

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