Uses of Interface

Packages that use NamedListInitializedPlugin

Uses of NamedListInitializedPlugin in org.apache.solr.core

Subinterfaces of NamedListInitializedPlugin in org.apache.solr.core
 interface SolrEventListener

Classes in org.apache.solr.core that implement NamedListInitializedPlugin
 class AbstractSolrEventListener
 class CachingDirectoryFactory
          A DirectoryFactory impl base class for caching Directory instances per path.
 class CodecFactory
          Factory for plugging in a custom Codec
 class DefaultCodecFactory
          Default CodecFactory implementation, extends Lucene's and returns postings format implementations according to the schema configuration.
 class DirectoryFactory
          Provides access to a Directory implementation.
 class IndexReaderFactory
          Factory used to build a new IndexReader instance.
 class MMapDirectoryFactory
          Directly provide MMapDirectory instead of relying on Can set the following parameters: unmap -- See MMapDirectory.setUseUnmap(boolean) maxChunkSize -- The Max chunk size.
 class NIOFSDirectoryFactory
          Factory to instantiate NIOFSDirectory
 class NRTCachingDirectoryFactory
          Factory to instantiate NRTCachingDirectory
 class QuerySenderListener
 class RAMDirectoryFactory
          Factory to instantiate RAMDirectory
 class SimpleFSDirectoryFactory
          Factory to instantiate SimpleFSDirectory
 class SolrCore.LazyQueryResponseWriterWrapper
 class SolrDeletionPolicy
          Standard Solr deletion policy that allows reserving index commit points for certain amounts of time to support features such as index replication or snapshooting directly out of a live index directory.
 class StandardDirectoryFactory
          Directory provider which mimics original Solr FSDirectory based behavior.
 class StandardIndexReaderFactory
          Default IndexReaderFactory implementation.

Uses of NamedListInitializedPlugin in org.apache.solr.handler.clustering

Classes in org.apache.solr.handler.clustering that implement NamedListInitializedPlugin
 class ClusteringComponent
          Provide a plugin for clustering results.

Uses of NamedListInitializedPlugin in org.apache.solr.handler.component

Classes in org.apache.solr.handler.component that implement NamedListInitializedPlugin
 class DebugComponent
          Adds debugging information to a request.
 class FacetComponent
 class HighlightComponent
 class MoreLikeThisComponent
 class QueryComponent
 class QueryElevationComponent
          A component to elevate some documents to the top of the result set.
 class RealTimeGetComponent
 class SearchComponent
 class SpellCheckComponent
          A SearchComponent implementation which provides support for spell checking and suggestions using the Lucene contributed SpellChecker.
 class StatsComponent
          Stats component calculates simple statistics on numeric field values
 class TermsComponent
          Return TermEnum information, useful for things like auto suggest.
 class TermVectorComponent
          Return term vectors for the documents in a query result set.

Uses of NamedListInitializedPlugin in org.apache.solr.highlight

Subinterfaces of NamedListInitializedPlugin in org.apache.solr.highlight
 interface SolrEncoder
 interface SolrFormatter
 interface SolrFragListBuilder
 interface SolrFragmenter

Classes in org.apache.solr.highlight that implement NamedListInitializedPlugin
 class BreakIteratorBoundaryScanner
 class DefaultEncoder
          Use the DefaultEncoder
 class GapFragmenter
 class HtmlEncoder
          Use the SimpleHTMLEncoder
 class HtmlFormatter
          Use the SimpleHTMLFormatter
 class RegexFragmenter
          Fragmenter that tries to produce snippets that "look" like a regular expression.
 class ScoreOrderFragmentsBuilder
 class SimpleBoundaryScanner
 class SimpleFragListBuilder
 class SimpleFragmentsBuilder
 class SingleFragListBuilder
 class SolrBoundaryScanner
 class SolrFragmentsBuilder
 class WeightedFragListBuilder

Uses of NamedListInitializedPlugin in org.apache.solr.response

Subinterfaces of NamedListInitializedPlugin in org.apache.solr.response
 interface BinaryQueryResponseWriter
          Implementations of BinaryQueryResponseWriter are used to write response in binary format Functionality is exactly same as its parent class QueryResponseWriter But it may not implement the write(Writer writer, SolrQueryRequest request, SolrQueryResponse response) method
 interface QueryResponseWriter
          Implementations of QueryResponseWriter are used to format responses to query requests.

Classes in org.apache.solr.response that implement NamedListInitializedPlugin
 class BinaryResponseWriter
 class CSVResponseWriter
 class JSONResponseWriter
 class PHPResponseWriter
 class PHPSerializedResponseWriter
          A description of the PHP serialization format can be found here:
 class PythonResponseWriter
 class RawResponseWriter
          Writes a ContentStream directly to the output.
 class RubyResponseWriter
 class XMLResponseWriter
 class XSLTResponseWriter
          QueryResponseWriter which captures the output of the XMLWriter (in memory for now, not optimal performancewise), and applies an XSLT transform to it.

Uses of NamedListInitializedPlugin in org.apache.solr.response.transform

Classes in org.apache.solr.response.transform that implement NamedListInitializedPlugin
 class DocIdAugmenterFactory
 class ElevatedMarkerFactory
          Used to mark whether a document has been elevated or not
 class ExcludedMarkerFactory
 class ExplainAugmenterFactory
 class ShardAugmenterFactory
 class TransformerFactory
          New instance for each request
 class ValueAugmenterFactory

Uses of NamedListInitializedPlugin in

Classes in that implement NamedListInitializedPlugin
 class BoostQParserPlugin
          Create a boosted query from the input value.
 class DisMaxQParserPlugin
          Create a dismax query from the input value.
 class ExtendedDismaxQParserPlugin
          An advanced multi-field query parser based on the DisMax parser.
 class FieldQParserPlugin
          Create a field query from the input value, applying text analysis and constructing a phrase query if appropriate.
 class FunctionQParserPlugin
          Create a function query from the input value.
 class FunctionRangeQParserPlugin
          Create a range query over a function.
 class JoinQParserPlugin
 class LuceneQParserPlugin
          Parse Solr's variant on the Lucene QueryParser syntax.
 class NestedQParserPlugin
          Create a nested query, with the ability of that query to redefine it's type via local parameters.
 class OldLuceneQParserPlugin
          Parse Solr's variant of Lucene QueryParser syntax, including the deprecated sort specification after the query.
 class PrefixQParserPlugin
          Create a prefix query from the input value.
 class QParserPlugin
 class RawQParserPlugin
          Create a term query from the input value without any text analysis or transformation whatsoever.
 class SpatialBoxQParserPlugin
 class SpatialFilterQParserPlugin
          Creates a spatial Filter based on the type of spatial point used.
 class SurroundQParserPlugin
          Plugin for lucene/contrib Surround query parser, bringing SpanQuery support to Solr Examples of query syntax can be found in lucene/queryparser/docs/surround Note that the query string is not analyzed in any way
 class TermQParserPlugin
          Create a single term query from the input value equivalent to readableToIndexed().
 class ValueSourceParser
          A factory that parses user queries to generate ValueSource instances.

Uses of NamedListInitializedPlugin in org.apache.solr.spelling

Classes in org.apache.solr.spelling that implement NamedListInitializedPlugin
 class QueryConverter
           The QueryConverter is an abstract base class defining a method for converting input "raw" queries into a set of tokens for spell checking.
 class SpellingQueryConverter
          Converts the query string to a Collection of Lucene tokens using a regular expression.
 class SuggestQueryConverter
          Passes the entire query string to the configured analyzer as-is.

Uses of NamedListInitializedPlugin in org.apache.solr.uima.processor

Classes in org.apache.solr.uima.processor that implement NamedListInitializedPlugin
 class UIMAUpdateRequestProcessorFactory
          Factory for UIMAUpdateRequestProcessor

Uses of NamedListInitializedPlugin in org.apache.solr.update.processor

Classes in org.apache.solr.update.processor that implement NamedListInitializedPlugin
 class AbstractDefaultValueUpdateProcessorFactory
           Base class that can be extended by any UpdateRequestProcessorFactory designed to add a default value to the document in an AddUpdateCommand when that field is not already specified.
 class CloneFieldUpdateProcessorFactory
          Clones the values found in any matching source field into the configured dest field.
 class ConcatFieldUpdateProcessorFactory
          Concatenates multiple values for fields matching the specified conditions using a configurable delimiter which defaults to ", ".
 class DefaultValueUpdateProcessorFactory
           An update processor that adds a constant default value to any document being added that does not already have a value in the specified field.
 class DistributedUpdateProcessorFactory
 class FieldLengthUpdateProcessorFactory
          Replaces any CharSequence values found in fields matching the specified conditions with the lengths of those CharSequences (as an Integer).
 class FieldMutatingUpdateProcessorFactory
          Base class for implementing Factories for FieldMutatingUpdateProcessors and FieldValueMutatingUpdateProcessors.
 class FieldValueSubsetUpdateProcessorFactory
          Base class for processors that want to mutate selected fields to only keep a subset of the original values.
 class FirstFieldValueUpdateProcessorFactory
          Keeps only the first value of fields matching the specified conditions.
 class HTMLStripFieldUpdateProcessorFactory
          Strips all HTML Markup in any CharSequence values found in fields matching the specified conditions.
 class IgnoreFieldUpdateProcessorFactory
          Ignores & removes fields matching the specified conditions from any document being added to the index.
 class LangDetectLanguageIdentifierUpdateProcessorFactory
          Identifies the language of a set of input fields using

The UpdateProcessorChain config entry can take a number of parameters which may also be passed as HTTP parameters on the update request and override the defaults.

 class LastFieldValueUpdateProcessorFactory
          Keeps only the last value of fields matching the specified conditions.
 class LogUpdateProcessorFactory
          A logging processor.
 class MaxFieldValueUpdateProcessorFactory
          An update processor that keeps only the the maximum value from any selected fields where multiple values are found.
 class MinFieldValueUpdateProcessorFactory
          An update processor that keeps only the the minimum value from any selected fields where multiple values are found.
 class NoOpDistributingUpdateProcessorFactory
          A No-Op implementation of DistributingUpdateProcessorFactory that allways returns null.
 class RegexReplaceProcessorFactory
          An updated processor that applies a configured regex to any CharSequence values found in the selected fields, and replaces any matches with the configured replacement string
 class RemoveBlankFieldUpdateProcessorFactory
          Removes any values found which are CharSequence with a length of 0.
 class RunUpdateProcessorFactory
          Pass the command to the UpdateHandler without any modifications
 class SignatureUpdateProcessorFactory
 class TikaLanguageIdentifierUpdateProcessorFactory
          Identifies the language of a set of input fields using Tika's LanguageIdentifier.
 class TimestampUpdateProcessorFactory
           An update processor that adds a newly generated Date value of "NOW" to any document being added that does not already have a value in the specified field.
 class TrimFieldUpdateProcessorFactory
          Trims leading and trailing whitespace from any CharSequence values found in fields matching the specified conditions and returns the resulting String.
 class TruncateFieldUpdateProcessorFactory
          Truncates any CharSequence values found in fields matching the specified conditions to a maximum character length.
 class UniqFieldsUpdateProcessorFactory
          A non-duplicate processor.
 class UpdateRequestProcessorFactory
          A factory to generate an UpdateRequestProcessor for each request.
 class URLClassifyProcessorFactory
          Creates URLClassifyProcessor
 class UUIDUpdateProcessorFactory
           An update processor that adds a newly generated UUID value to any document being added that does not already have a value in the specified field.

Uses of NamedListInitializedPlugin in org.apache.solr.util.plugin

Classes in org.apache.solr.util.plugin with type parameters of type NamedListInitializedPlugin
 class NamedListPluginLoader<T extends NamedListInitializedPlugin>

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